2 May 2014

Weekend reading

A real toasted sandwich - homemade grain bread with home-grown tomato, homemade cheese and chilli jam and a gifted avocado.

It's May already! No matter what you're doing this weekend, I hope you enjoy yourself and have the chance to relax. No one is going to walk up to you and whisper: "make yourself a cup of tea and sit down for a while", so I'll remind you to do it, a few times, over the weekend.

No matter where you are in the world, I hope you'll vote for me in the People's Choice best blog awards. Thank you. :- ) The voting ends Monday at 5pm.

Thanks for your visits here during the week. As ever, I enjoy reading your comments and knowing that so many of you are walking this path along with us.

34 grandmothers and what they cook
How to live in a sustainable home
1 million women
The 2014 list of the USA's fruit and vegetables with the most and the least amount of pesticides
My friend Ben Hewitt has written a great post about an old ice box and how they use it as a refrigerator for six months of the year. This is good old common sense and certainly worth your time to read it - One of these days.
The perfect cup of tea, with no tea bags


  1. That sandwich looks simply divine. My mouth is watering. Have a great weekend!

  2. My husband lying next to me in bed just saw your toasted sandwiches and said that's lunch tomorrow no debate! Stunned by the 34 grannies meals, thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for these. I tried a cupful of normal wholemeal plain flour in my bread and it was delicious. Was surprised by the texture. Will gradually increase the quantity.

  4. Do you have to be from Australia to vote? I just wanted to tell you that I am so enjoying Down to Earth I can hardly put it down! Everything I need in one place. I have got to get a hard copy. Finding things on the Kindle version would be maddening! That grilled sandwich looks so yummy!
    And I think I will fix me a tea and relax this evening. Even though it is only Thursday evening here! :)
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Anyone who reads blogs can vote. :- ) I'm pleased you're enjoying Down to Earth. I put my heart and soul into that book.

  5. Yes that toasted sandwich looks yum, Rhonda. We hope to have a cheese making workshop at our upcoming Simple Living Group soon. I have been intending to make cheese for some time now. Have a great weekend. The rain has finally arrived here on the Darling Downs and I hear the cold front will follow. Brrr!

  6. What an interesting article about the grandmothers! I would take the twice cooked pork and veggies, over some of the more adventurous meals lol... I was shocked that they said Alaska is in the USA though!

  7. Of course I'm sitting at my desk in the gallery with absolutely no hope of getting a delicious toasted sandwich like that! What a tease for a poor pregnant woman ;) Well I know what I'll be having when I get home tonight. Isn't it amazing how so much of our lives revolve around food- growing it, buying it, cooking it, celebrating over it. Looking forward to browsing through those links when I have a chance. Happy Friday!

  8. Your sandwich looks amazing. I am attending a cheese making workshop in Brisbane in early June, a gift from my wonderful son, which I am excited about, and plan to start making bread again soon. You have a lovely weekend as well. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Now I have voted and now I have fixed a Google account. Hope you win Rhonda, you really deserve it.
    After this, I am off out into the garden. We have a beautiful sunny day here though so far the temperature has only crept up to 9C.
    Yesterday we woke to find the garden covered with snow. The 30th April is when the whole of Sweden celebrates the coming of spring with bonfires and songs. The weather often makes a mockery of the tradition but it soon changes. Luckily even our plants have the fighting Viking spirit.. I planted lettuce plug plants yesterday. Peeked under the fleece covering this morning and although the fleece was stiff with frost, the wee plants were OK.

    Warmest regards from Uppsala/Sweden

  10. I would like the recipe for your grain bread.Is it in your book? Looks delicious!

    1. There is a bread recipe in the book, you just change the flour and with grain bread you may have to add slightly more water - maybe one tablespoon more.

  11. There were some really great links in this list. The grandmother's and their dinners were really interesting. And the tea, too. I've never really been sure how much loose leaf to use and so just wing it. Sometimes the tea is too weak as a result. Now I have a rule of thumb to go by. Have a great weekend.

  12. Amazing ! Love the Toasted sandwich and I have voted for you .Good Luck


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