27 April 2014

Odgers and McClelland Exchange Stores

Don't forget Mother's Day is coming up on May 11. 

When I look at the stock at Odgers and McClelland Exchange Store I think I could have a use for all of it. Maybe your mum would too. You still have time to order from their online shop. If you're not sure, have a look at the Falconware teapots. I have one, I love it and I use it every day. Click here to see the latest in store.



  1. We just recently returned from a holiday in Victoria and we made a point of coming home to Brisbane through Bathurst so we could call into Nundle and Odgers and McClellenad exchange store. It was fantastic to visit there and I couldn't resist getting the enamel pie dish set, one for myself and one each for my daughter. Such a lovely store with great service and we spent ages looking at all the items. Will definitely be going back to visit again one day but in the meantime I will be ordering from them online!

    1. I envy you your visit, Andrea. I hope you said hello to Megan and Duncan. They're such a friendly couple and it pleases me no end to read that you enjoyed the store and the service. xx


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