31 January 2014

Weekend reading

The kids have gone back to school, the weather is cooling a little and time is marching on. 

I finished the final reading of my book yesterday so that's been sent back to Penguin; hopefully it will be published in late March.

I took the opportunity last week to make more lemon cordial and gave these two bottles to Cathy and Sunny. Hope you have a  wonderful weekend. Thank you for visiting over the past few days.

Chinese tinned peached - lead
Growing food can help you meet the neighbours
Is it possible to make a living on a small farm?
Regrow your herbs and vegetables
Cleaner hall of shame
Live to work or work to live? Nickie asks this important question at Meadow Orchard
Crafts calculator - work out how to price your hand-made goodies
Nest curtains - more than just curtains
Wooden dolls a visitor from the woods @ Fairie Moon
Just when you start to worry about where we are headed, this comes along.

Miranda at Her Resolution
Meredith at Simple Living in the Loo
Jenny @ Half Grown Somethings


  1. Have a wonderful weekend too! I have some catching up to do on your wonderful blog over the weekend - can't wait! Kirsten x

  2. Rhonda, you must be very pleased that you have done the final reading of your book. March is only a short time away, it's very exciting.

    Have a great weekend.


  3. Enjoy the weekend Rhonda! Looking forward to your next book. Yes, school starts soon. Not sure if I should be relieved to have the house to myself for a few hours each day, or to brace myself for a lot of harrassed mornings to come.

  4. I am also looking forward to reading your book, Rhonda. It is much cooler here too with temps in the mid twenties which I cope with better than those in the high thirties. I hope you and Hanno have a relaxing weekend.

  5. Look forward to your new book Rhonda.
    I wish I could say the weather is cooler but another 41 deg today.
    Have a lovely weekend both of you, I can't say much will be done here apart from the essentials.

  6. Glad you are having cooler temps, Rhonda.. I expect it is very exciting to have a new book finished ..
    Your cordial looks delicious.. Have a great weekend.. xo

  7. Congratulations on getting to the final reading of your new book...

  8. Congratulations on the final reading of your new book! I hope you have had a lovely weekend... and perhaps that you have seen some cooler weather (we're sweltering where we are. agh!).

  9. Thank you - again! - for linking to my blog. I am very pleased and proud you seem to be enjoying my blogging. Very exciting about the new book!!

  10. I'm still working my way through your first book, Rhonda (borrowed from our library and renewed once already), so I'll be looking forward to your second book!
    I know you are very busy, but could you take a few minutes to read a post on a blog written by a lady in Scotland - it is right down your alley, as she has written what her home means to her, and it sounds just like you! Here is the link: http://in-this.blogspot.com.au/2014/01/home.html

    1. Thanks Gina. Yes, it was a lovely post on the importance of home.

  11. Thank you so much for featuring a link to my blog in your post. I am getting all kinds of visitors via your link. I had to look pretty hard to find it, but find it I did. I am glad you enjoyed the visitor from the woods. I have a whole blog dedicated to doll stories if you are interested: http://www.fairiemoon.typepad.com/weathertop


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