24 January 2014

Weekend reading - UPDATED

The long summer school holiday in Australia ends next week and everything will be back to "normal" again. It's been a hot summer here, especially in the west and down south and I think most of us are looking forward to autumn. I hope all my friends in colder climates are staying warm and safe. Enjoy your weekend, and to all my Australian readers - Happy Australia Day for Sunday. We'll be having a BBQ at Jens and Cathy's with the family. They're cooking roast lamb on the barby. Good times!

My book is on sale at Bookworld with free delivery in Australia. Click here.

Lazy Daisy's mum - will you help?

What are we afraid to be alone?
Lunchbox sandwich tips
Raising backyard chickens - YouTube
The private life of chickens - You Tube
Collecting a wild honey bee swarm - You Tube
Outsourcing our carbon emissions to China
Time travel kitchen blog - great photos of old kitchens and plenty of old recipes
Off grid Oregon farm - You Tube
Hugh Fernly Whittingstall's TED talk about sustainable food

little green village
Shelley's House 


  1. dear Rhonda
    we read about your hot summer.
    here we have a very wet and stormy winter on the coast, but not as cold as last year.
    I spend my evenings with knitting and cross stitch with the open fire
    I really enjoy reading your posts.
    with love Manon

  2. Thank you for the backyard chickens video, Rhonda. We're in the process of gathering information about chicken-keeping and that video is really informative.

  3. I've been away from your blog for about six months, Rhonda. No big reason - just busy with other online things and trying to cram everything else into the day! I love that clicking the link is like starting a catchup with an old friend. xxJennifer

  4. Happy Australia Day to you and Hanno too, Rhonda. It looks like it will be a sunny day after these storms we have been having. The rain has been most welcome although we didn't get as much as some other places but it was still refreshing. The cooler temperatures are much appreciated too. Enjoy the weekend with your family.

  5. I still cant believe you are in the sunshine and we are not! Bread looks divine...checking out your book right now...!
    Thank you so so much for sharing the feature on my Mum....I can see the difference in page views already!
    Much appreciated Thank you again and again!
    bestest to you and yours today
    Daisy jones xx

  6. Enjoy the weekend, Rhonda. Glad you are back to blogging more regularly. I hope my comment goes through this time -- in the past I always had the comment contents erased after logging into google.

  7. Hi Rhonda. I have a strange request. I would like to make a pot plant hanger..I have looked around a bit and found some macrame ideas but I wondered if you had ever made one? Do you have a tried and trusted pattern or approach?? Happy Australia Day for Sunday...roast lamb on the bbq...about as Aussie as it gets really! Enjoy.

  8. Thanks for sharing where you book is on sale, Rhonda! I've been wanting it for a while, and this brings it into the realm of something we can afford. :D

  9. Rhonda - I was so surprised when I saw my blog named in your post! Sure enough my page views are way up. Not sure anyone wanted to read about how bad a day I had last week, but at least it motivated me to post something else and move on. When I started, I posted five days a week almost without fail, but then dropped back to three and then last summer adopted the 'Blogging without Obligation' stance. It has let me get on with a few other things, but I have to admit that a lot of the time it freed was just spent reading other blogs - some more worthwhile than others. I'm coming around to think that 'obligation' is not all negative, that blogging regularly has some real benefits for me, though I've not quite put my finger on what, besides the community feeling. How do you weigh up the benefits of blogging? Thanks again for the link!

    1. Shelly, I try not to over think it. I blog because I want to share what we do here and because I enjoy it.

  10. Rhonda - I am loving your blog sooooo much and have searched high and low in the U.S. for your book, but with no success! How can I get a copy??? - Miranda

    1. Thank you Miranda. It looks like there is one cope in the US http://www.abebooks.com/products/isbn/9780670075928?clickid=yqHwzQwSH0oIWjw3d9yTLyHOUkT3M5Rx5V79zQ0&cm_mmc=aff-_-ir-_-64682-_-77798&afn_sr=impact

      and I discovered this morning there is also a seller on ebay selling for $15. Check the postage, it may be cost effective. http://www.ebay.com.au/ctg/Down-Earth-Guide-Simple-Living-Rhonda-Hetzel-Hardback-2012-/112022994

      Book Depository in the UK usually have it and post free, but they're out of stock.

  11. Glad to see you mention Australia Day here, Rhonda, and I hope your celebrations were as happy as ours down here! I've had an Australia Day party on the 26th January for about 25 years, long before it became the 'thing to do', but I'm very happy that so many Australians now recognise what a wonderful place we live in, despite fire and floods. We have up to a dozen friends at our home for lunch. I make up a trivia quiz, and we sing "Advance Australia Fair" along with a CD of the music. Today I got all sentimental and in proposing a toast to Oz, I read out a list of why we are the best place in the world to live. We aren't freezing, we aren't at war, civil or otherwise, we don't have out of control gun problems, and we have fresh food grown here by our hard working farmers. Lots of other reasons, but that's enough to go on with :-)


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