17 January 2014

Weekend reading

If you have a little time up your sleeve I hope you'll have a look at my DIL's facebook page, Bluebell Alexander. When we visited them after Christmas, Sarndra was having a little break from sewing but I saw her work room all set up nicely, ready to spring back into action. That time has come. Sarndra works from home and also at the local fabric shop. She's got a good eye for design and is a very good seamstress. If you're looking for well made clothes for boys or girls, from baby size to older, Bluebell Alexander is for you. If you're not looking for clothes, I would love it if you would help me get her to 1000 likes on Facebook. She's at 611 now, will you help? I wonder if we can do it. :- ) 

How much for a slice of toast?
The burbs
Six traits that help children succeed
Meadow Orchard
Toilet Roll seed starter
Ten great lentil recipes
Just a few of the many articles about why we're sweltering or freezing right now:
Australian heatwaves hotter and longer
Canada's carbon emissions projected to soar by 2030
Climate change likely to turn UK's weather more extreme
USA hotter, drier and more disaster-prone
Polar vortex across US puts millions at risk
Typhoon Haiyan and climate change
Ock Du Spock
Davids Cottage Down the Hill
B'more Bungalow



  1. I am positive we can get her there if we all work together ! Liked :o)

  2. Morning Rhonda - I have "liked" your DIL's Facebook page. I wish her every success with her business, she is going to do very well, I love the little pants and vests, so cute. She will get to 1000 before she knows it.


  3. She's got some lovely kids clothes, but just letting you know the photo you posted isn't one of her creations- it's someone elses that she linked to. You may want to swap the pic.

  4. Your DIL makes some lovely clothes for kiddies, Rhonda. I am sure she will get 1000 likes before too long. I have never joined Facebook so can't give her a 'like' unfortunately. Have a relaxing weekend. It is still lovely and cool here in SE Qld this morning and I hope it starts to cool down for our southern neighbours soon.

  5. What lovely clothes she makes! It seems there are a lot of people clever with their hands in your family :)

    I also want to say thank you so much for linking to my blog Rhonda. You are a very generous person in everything you do.
    Virginia x

  6. Thankyou so much Rhonda and a big thankyou to all of you for visiting and liking my page. And thankyou for your lovely comments. Its amazing to have such nice people supporting me. Thanks everyone xxx

    1. You're welcome, Sarndra. I hope there are many more to come yet.

  7. Thank-you for sharing..I love the "Week-end Reading" column! There are some very interesting and helpful articles here. When I have more free time I'll read more of them. Your blog is my favorite! Oh, and after seeing how much a slice of toast can sell for, I think I'll go into the toast business! Ha! Ha!

  8. Such cute clothes in your photograph, the fabric takes me right back to my childhood! Sarndra is doing a great job.

  9. I went to her facebook page and did the 'like' as you asked. Hope she makes the 1000
    Here sewing is just wonderful. So very cute. I wish I had littles again so I could dress them in such cute clothes. Thanks for the 'show' as I love to look at other's sewing projects. So very nice.

  10. Thanks again to everyone who visited my page. I really appreciate the support! Cannot believe I am up to 800 likers. Xx Sarndra


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