4 January 2014

My home is like a small business

Vivian at Eco Yarns is having a sale. She says: "To welcome the year, we have a discount code valid till 15th January 2014. Use code NY14 for 14% off all orders."  I have been using Vivian's yarns for the past two years and recommend them to you. Click here to check out the great range of eco-friendly cottons, wool, linen, fleece, needles and much more.

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Written in 2011

When I was working, and particularly when I was in my 40s and early 50s, I was very ambitious. I wanted to be happy, successful and have a thriving business. I ran my own company, producing a town newspaper for one of our big mining companies, was well as reports and training manuals. I loved taking control of this little business, producing products that people needed and knowing that I was making a success of something that I wasn't supposed to know much about - writing about mining. Times have changed now, but back then women were supposed to be in the office, not writing about how to operate dump trucks, underground workshops and control rooms.

I got to a stage though when I couldn't continue in that field. I stopped enjoying the trips to the mines, I didn't like working in a mostly male environment and I hated the travel. I retired early and wondered what I could possibly do that would replace the feeling of strength and satisfaction I once felt working for myself.

Enter homemaking and being a stay at home wife.

Soon after I made my change I tried to make sense of housework. I had never enjoyed it and felt it was an annoyance that interrupted me going out and enjoying myself. But when I came home to stay and realised that I probably wouldn't work for a living anymore, I knew deep down I had to somehow find at least some satisfaction in my work at home. Little did I know the mother lode of happiness was waiting to be unearthed.

In the beginning, I wondered how on earth I would be able to fill the day, and not just one day but every day that was to come. I was reading all the time, thinking about how I wanted to live and one thing was clear, I didn't want to work again. So, if I knew that, the oppositie was also true, I would be spending a lot of time in my home. I started a few experiments in cleaning and rearranging things and it didn't feel that bad at all. I was lucky in that I enjoyed my own company so I went from there to wondering if I would get to a point of enjoying being at home. I'd always loved cooking so I started cooking, then I baked bread and tried to perfect my plain ordinary lunch time loaf. That worked! I made very good bread. I started making the bed every morning, worked on making some natural cleaners, then soap, and before I knew it, I was happily occupied all day.

After a couple of months at home I got to the stage of going to bed happy, content with what I'd achieved and making plans for the following day. I was thankful for each new day and the opportunity to discover new ways of doing my work. New thoughts were beginning to emerge and I was smiling a lot more. We have always lived with elements of simple life - we had been keeping chickens and gardening for many years, so I decided to expand on that. I started planting more vegetables, then tried to grow everything we would usually buy. That lead to more new recipes, a homemakers journal to keep all the information in and gently, from one day to the next, real change started happening.

I came to realise that homemaking is very much like running your own business, and just like a small business, you get out of it what you put in. I had to work to a budget, there were performance indicators to guide me and the amount of work I did reflected on the entire enterprise - I could make it or break it. My business meetings were replaced by family gatherings, making a presentation in front of a group became cooking a meal for a celebration and while I was not paid by cheque or direct debit, I was certainly paid in love and appreciation from others, and that wonderful feeling of satisfaction. When I looked back on my short history at home, I was amazed that I was happy and interested in what would happen every day. But the thing that surprised me the most was the feeling of strength, enrichment and fulfilment homemaking gave me.

I know now that there are many ways to be a strong woman. Running your own company and being successful is one way but you also demonstrate strength and significance as a mother, matriarch and homemaker. You are keeping your family functional, happy and focused. You are the person who makes it possible for many others to do what they do. You are the one who makes a safe, comfortable haven for the family. Your cooking nourishes, your cleaning keeps them safe, your organisation keeps them on track. Your wisdom helps lead your family. Your decisions mean something.

I still think the work I do in my home is like running a small business. I have different departments, a have to stay in the black with my budget, there are quite a few people I try to keep happy; but there is also a huge point of difference. Never once in all my time working for a living, even when I had my own business, did I feel really in control and free to do whatever I wanted to do, as long as it didn't sink the ship. I feel that every day now. There is an extraordinary feeling of freedom working at home. There are no rules except those I make for myself, I can do whatever work I feel like doing most days and there is no one looking over my shoulder. I know many of you feel the same about your own homes, whether you work there full or part-time. I doubt I would be as happy in any other place now.



  1. Thank you for re-posting these affirming words today <3

  2. I really liked this post. A quote I have used before to people is "I gave up work but I didn't stop working". This is how I feel being at home so when people think you do nothing because you are not in full time employment I always come back to this quote. Your loaf of bread looks incredible and it looks like a light loaf. I'm still keen to find a daily loaf for school sandwiches that I can easily make. Happy New Year to you and your family. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

  3. I like this way of thinking, Rhonda - thanks.

  4. I can see that your success and contentment lies in your attitude Rhonda! I think in this day and age it's easy to get caught up in thinking that we're at home with our children until we choose to do something "bigger or better" or that we're not achieving unless we're a career person earning a great income.
    I will have 3 boys at school this year, with 1 still at home. I have often times found myself thinking that I better find a way to fill up my time as it starts to free up a little and keep "busy". I find people often look at you strangely if you don't want that hustle and bustle in your life! Maybe we get so caught up in being busy that we don't know how not to be? We start to feel unsettled when there is no pressure or rushing?
    I grew up seeing my parents attitudes that life was hard and stressful. There was never contentment even though they had more than most. I find myself moving away from that, but it can be hard to overcome at times. Thank you for your example!

  5. I've done this the other way around. I loved being a stay at home mom/wife for 24 years and then was forced into the working world by economics. You mentioned the freedom of being able to do what you want each day. I loved that about being home, so when I started working I really felt like a caged bird. I still have to work outside the home, but I'm trying to learn to enjoy my home time as much as possible. You are blessed!

  6. Perfectly said Rhonda, thank you. Happy New Year!

  7. This is so lovely, what a joy to discover that working at home is so satisfying.

  8. I always feel so proud to be a home-maker after reading your proclamations. Very inspiring words, " You are the one who makes a safe, comfortable haven for the family. Your cooking nourishes, your cleaning keeps them safe, your organisation keeps them on track. Your wisdom helps lead your family. Your decisions mean something."

  9. Awesome, heartfelt post Rhonda Jean. You inspire me.

  10. Very good thank you, and hope you have a very happy New Year.

  11. My grandmother was a wonderful homemaker and the matriach of our family. Her wisdom still leads me, so it is quite an achievement and legacy for your family being a happy and fulfilled homemaker.

  12. Rhonda, I love your drapes. Is there a chance I could buy them in the US? It looks like you also have a white lining under them that looks just right. Would you give me a tip about how I could go about getting these? Thank you! Rita teach4life1@gmail.com

  13. Hi Rita. I don't buy anything I can make myself. I bought the red and white check at Ikea and my sister made the curtains for me on one of her visits. The white linings are from my old curtains and were recycled. I don't know if you can buy curtains like these in the US. Surely someone would have them.

  14. Rhonda, Thank you for commenting. I'll check Ikea and also see if I think I can make them myself. Thanks again for letting me know. Also, what a wonderful sister!


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