20 December 2013

Weekend reading

Take care of yourself over the holidays and stay safe. I want to see you back here next year. Merry Christmas everyone. I'll see you soon.  

Bella is a magazine for teenage girls. Here is a free sample of the online magazine. I think you'll agree that the images and ideas presented there are age-appropriate, endearing and very different to the sadly sexualised photographs and topics often in magazines for young girls. A subscription or one Bella mag would make an excellent Christmas gift for the young girls in your life. It's available in a print and online version so international readers can take advantage of the message and images of ordinary girls doing wonderful things. I'll be writing in Bella from the next edition.
Craftfoxes - I wanted to show you the little free fox hat pattern but there are so many gorgeous projects here I hope you check out the entire site.
This baby fox needs help, quickly. Watch what happens. - short video
Homemade honey and citrus syrups for colds and sore throats - thanks Evelyn
Vermiponics - YouTube

From comments here during the week
Our little piece of heaven - check out Anke's fantastic chicken feed bag projects


  1. How interesting about the hand-washing!

  2. Have a wonderful Christmas too, Rhonda & see you next year!

  3. Oh wow, thank you for featuring my little blog. :-) Merry Christmas to you and Frohe Weihnachten!

  4. Lots of good reading there, Rhonda. Thanks and have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Hi Rhonda, there may be an issue with the link for the Chicken coops, it seems to link to the hand washing article... or maybe it's just me :)
    Have a wonderful Christmas

  6. Wonderful film about the fox; they are my favourite animals. One of the links brings us a warning though. Don't go there!

  7. I've tried a couple times to access the "eight awesome chicken coops" link and it keeps taking me to the same page as the hand-washing in cold water link. Would it be possible for you to re-post that link.

  8. Have a peaceful vacation with your family! I look forward to reading here again, soon.

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  10. What a wonderful set of links this week Rhonda, thank you! Bella magazine looks awesome, I'll go back when I have a bit more time, it's wonderful to see the magazine showing lovely natural normal weight young girls and covering the topics they will enjoy.

  11. Happy Holidays to you Rhonda, Hanno and your families. I am looking forward to reading your blog again in 2014.

  12. Merry Christmas Rhonda, and every blessing in 2014! xxx

  13. Have a wonderful Christmas break Rhonda and Hanno and thank you both for all the inspiration you have given me.

  14. This is very effective information to all people. I really glad to read the information from this blog.Clipping Path


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