26 April 2013

Weekend reading

Growing Old in the New Normal - Countryside mag - thanks for the link, Sander.

The Baby Boomers at 65 - The Age

Carcinogens found in some baby bath products 1  - 2012
Carcinogens found in some baby bath products 2 - 2009

Sourdough Bread Variations - Countryside mag

Low cost raised bed garden - Backwoods Home mag

Baby shoes and bootees and how to make them - I think Julia sent me this link. Thanks Julia.

Four Green Acres

Other bloggers nominated with me in the Kidspot Creative and Home category
The Daily Smudge

74 Lime Lane

At Home with Ali

From the comments here this week
Charlotte at The Old Milk Can

Frances at City Views, Country Dreams

Jennifer at Beyond the Trolley

The weather continues to cool here and we've made more progress with our vegetable garden. I'm going to spend some time over the weekend finishing off some knitting and selecting a new project. I hope your weekend is restful and you spend time with those you love.  See you next week. :- )   


  1. Love the Friday reading list! You save me lots of 'search' time every weekend. Especially enjoyed the raised bed article - I have raised beds of permastone, which is pretty expensive, but it works really well, and lasts a long time (13 years and counting).

  2. Hi There, Lovely reads, is there a baby coming soon??!! Hope you have a perfect weekens too!!!

  3. I just discovered another Australian blog that I really like--http://wholelarderlove.com. The writing is very nice.

    1. Whole Larder Love is a great blog. I think I've already featured it here. He's got a book out too.

  4. Thanks Rhonda,
    I enjoy your Friday reads. Interestingly I read the article about the baby bath products(2012) & I tried to like it on Facebook so other mummy friends could read it & it came with an error saying the user has blocked it for this platform !!! I guess that don't really want too many people to read about it!!
    I make your soap at home but also use a great Auustralian product called Natures Organics. They make lovely shampoos & kids washes as well as baby products under the name purity, I think. They contain no sls's or other nasties such as petroleum based products & their bottle are made from plants so they are very safe too. They are available at Woolies & are under $4 so very affordable also. I think they could be available in other supermarkets but you would need to check. My husband says their dandruff shampoo is the best as the other brands burn. Anyway thanks again for all the good info you post.
    Amie, NSW

  5. Thank you for including us in your weekend reading and congratulations on your nomination. You have such a lovely and inspiring blog. Have a fabulous weekend. Ali

    1. Thanks Ali. I love your blog too. It's such an inspiration for young mums and grandmas.

  6. Thank you for including me - I just got back today to internet connectedness and it gave me a lovely smile on a tiring day (lots of driving!). I've also seen from another post later on that you did not have such a wonderful weekend and I am so sorry. Sending you both the best of wishes and blessings. TC Charlotte


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