19 April 2013

Weekend reading

Jen at Decisive Cravings is a food blogger who wrote a wonderful critique on my book during the week. When I read it, I discovered a wonderful blog full of Melbourne restaurant and cafe reviews and photos of food. A must-read if you live in Melbourne. 

Real food shopping at modern alternative mama

Three bloggers nominated with me in the kidspot.com.au 100 top Bloggers

Three bloggers who commented here during the week

Robyn at Essex Hebridean

The end of another busy week. If you don't know already, the forum is back up and although we still have some issues to address, that feeling of community and friendship is still thriving there. I hope you enjoy the weekend and spend it with those you love.  


  1. Hi Rhonda...hope that you are feeling good again. I have read some of the suggested week-end reading and enjoyed that. Finally, after trying for a long time, I am now registered at the forum (memories of home). I stayed up late last night reading many of the post and just loved it. Blessings, Carolyn from Florida

  2. Hi Rhonda. I read the article about the Zapped tomatoes in the paper and was horrified. What else can they do to the humble veg??? Alas that day I had also bought a bag of tomatoes - but told DH when I got home no more bought tomatoes. From now on we eat them in season or not at all. The article also added extra fuel to the desire to grow all we can eat. I want to know what's on our food - not what the "bigwigs" tell us. After all that I went out and weeded my carrots - they are doing extra well and had lots of loving words spoken over them....vbg.

    Hope you and Hano have a lovely weekend. Prepping a new veg bed is my main goal and weeding the others.

  3. Hi There,
    Just wanted to stop by and extend my congratulations on the Kidspot nomination and my thanks for mentioning my little blog above :). Enjoy your weekend x Tina

  4. Thanks Rhonda, don't believe I've commented before. I often read your blog and expecially look on Friday for these links, which I enjoy. Thanks again, Penny

  5. Thanks Rhonda - have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Zapped Tomatoes and capsicums?

    There goes any any thought of buying store brought tomatoes and such.
    Time to expand the garden beds.

  7. Thank you for the links as usual, Rhonda. I wish I had time to join your forum, but my own blog and blog reading is all I can squeeze in to my day at the moment. Still, your efforts to grow the at-home community are appreciated. Blessings to you! :)


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