29 March 2013

Weekend reading

The loss of you lingers - Letters of Note

Baby shoes at Tipnut

How to survive hard time - grandpappy info

Documentary films to watch online - some good documentaries for Easter viewing

What could be better than a story of birth at Easter - watch Petal's baby stand up for the first time. This is unbelievably cute and life-affirming. This will make you smile.


Now the Easter weekend is here, I hope you have a chance to relax and spend some time with your family and friends. We're going to Kerry and Sunny's home today to celebrate Jamie's second birthday and we're really looking forward to it. In Australia, a lot of people go away camping over Easter. It's the last chance for a little break away while it's still fairly warm. I hope you enjoy whatever you do. Don't forget to share the chocolate rabbits and eggs with the children.  ; - )

For those of you waiting to get back into the forum, I hope to have it up and running again sometime over Easter.  We have to move to another server to accommodate our increase in membership and that takes some time to organise and transfer.

See you all next week.


  1. Happy birthday to little Jamie and have a wonderful Easter weekend! Kirsten x

  2. Happy Easter, frohe Ostern to you and the family. Hope you'll have a wonderful Easter weekend! Thank you for including me in your weekend reading list. :-)

  3. happy birthday to jamie!
    hope you enjoy the day & have a great easter weekend

    stay safe & well

    selina from kilkivan qld

  4. Rhonda, have a wonderful day with your family. It is great that you are able to be there for little Jamie's birthday. The little ones bring so much joy. I hope that your foot is healing quickly and that you and Hanno have a happy Easter.

  5. It's ffffffreezing down here in Ararat this morning.
    No camping for me!!
    Imagine in some countries - people go camping in the snow!!

  6. Happy 2nd Birthday, Jamie. Have a safe and happy Easter, Rhonda, Hanno and family. LOVE that little cardigan!

  7. Happy Easter to you and your family Rhonda, and a big thank you for mentioning me in your weekend reading :) (I think the link may not be quite right, but there is always google!)

  8. Happy Birthday to Jamie!
    Enjoy your Easter weekend Rhonda. :)

  9. Happy Birthday to Jamie, what a lovely age to be and doesn't time fly.
    Really enjoyed reading how to survive a hard time, thank you for posting your weekend reading.


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