11 March 2013

The best

I'm taking a bit of time away from the blog. I've been having a problem with an infection in my foot and the doctor advised me that if I want to keep it attached to my leg, I need to rest it. He wanted me to cancel the workshops, go to hospital and be treated there, but we arrived at a compromise and now I'm at home sitting down with my leg up as much as I can. Hanno has taken over the home chores and is treating me like a queen on her throne. I'll still be doing the workshops but then I have to come straight home and rest again. So I thought that I'd offer you a few old posts that you may have missed. I'll be back with new posts as soon as I can manage it. :- )

The post below was written on 21 December 2008.

When I gave up work and returned to my home I promised myself that all the days of multitasking, doing too much in a half-hearted way, and second best were in my past. I decided that I wanted to live deliberately, that the decisions I made would be carried out with care, and from then on, I would do my best, no matter what the task was.

It took a while to get used to that change. I had to slow down and concentrate on what I was doing. I had to focus on one thing at a time and do it to the best of my ability. The pace of my work slowed down and, after a while, so did I. My mind stopped racing and I adopted a slow and mindful approach to everything I did. The strange thing to me was that even though I slowed everything down, I still got my house work done, and I came out the other end of it much more relaxed and pleased with what I achieved. I realised then that putting housework off, or not doing it at all, added to the stress of it. Doing it slowing, one task at a time, gave a rhythm to the day that helped the work flow.

But it wasn't only the housework that I applied this new philosophy to. It was also my relationships with people. I found that when I slowed down and concentrated on the person I was with, it made a difference. When I stopped thinking about what I would do later in the day, or tomorrow, and gave my thoughts as well as my time to the person I was with, I gave more and got a lot more in return. When I gave my best, they gave their best too.

When I started writing this blog I wanted it to be the best. Not the best blog, but the best that I could do. Some days I struggle with what I should write, mainly because I think it's too mundane to be a subject. Some days I use my blog to work out things in my own head - like thinking aloud. Some days the words flow like honey from a honey pot and I have to stop myself for fear of overwhelming you. It's been up and down, but I think I can say that every day I've written here has been the best I could give on that particular day; I have not written half-heartedly.

That has paid off handsomely. I gave my best and got your best in return. Sure, there have been a couple of hiccoughs, but over the year the comments have become a genuine and substantial part of this blog. You give a lot when you comment, it's like a payment for the writing, it not essential but when it happens it rewards me because I know my words are finding you and not just floating out there. That is true of everyone's blog, not just mine.

I am looking forward to Christmas because all my boys will be here, one with his special girl. We are having a family dinner on Christmas Eve with seven of us sitting down to eat, the first time we've all been together for a long, long time. On Christmas morning, we'll all help cook and serve at the free Christmas breakfast I have been organising at work this past month. Last year we served 450 breakfasts, I wonder how many there will be this year. I hope this year will be our best.

This is the last post I'll write for a while because I need to have a break. I'll be enjoying my family, working on my book, watching the cricket, knitting, relaxing and generally getting ready for another good year. A special thank you to Sharon who has been such a help to me throughout the year, both here and at the co-op blog. Thank you for your visits and comments during the year, you have made this blog writing thing a real joy for me. Have a merry Christmas, stay safe and enjoy your holidays. I send you and your family my best.



  1. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

  2. Thinking of you Rhonda and hoping you'll soon be well again. Do take care of yourself and whilst I'm sure we'll all miss you, all the better to have you back hale and well. Plenty of time for knitting now! :-)

  3. Dear Rhonda, I hope you feel better soon. With warm friendship from our corner of the world, Mrs. T

  4. Take care of yourself, Rhonda!

  5. Hi Rhonda, I'm so sorry to hear you are not well. I hope you will heal soon.
    Please take good care of yourself.
    Hugs and lots of healing thoughts from The Netherlands ; )

  6. Dear Rhonda - I was pleased to read how sensible you are at looking after your health. I pray for a speedy recovery for you
    Karen - NZ

  7. Best wishes for a speedy recovery x

  8. Delurking.....

    Look after yourself and see you back hear when you are fit and healthy.


  9. This is what I've been finding - sometimes I'm forced, for one reason or another, to slow down; but rather than my getting bogged down with my housework I find that things go quite smoothly and there's more time than I expected! Normally my mind is racing and I'm always ahead of myself.

    I hope and pray your foot will soon respond to the rest it's getting!

  10. I truly hope you are feeling better very soon, Francesca


  11. The workshop sounds so very helpful and the turnout should tell you that you've really hit on a "hot topic" ('course, didn't many of us know how wonderful the blogging experience is?)!

    I am so sorry to hear about your foot and pray that as you follow Dr.'s order you soon return to health.

    Honestly, it sounded like your schedule was getting a little crowded...maybe this is God's way of helping you sort it all out and take time to evaluate how to best use your time. (Now isn't that a judgmental statement from someone who doesn't actually "know" you????)

    Hats off to your Hanno. Hope you're up and about really soon. Sincerely, I do.

  12. Hi Rhonda,

    Be sure to put your "best" foot forward on the floor and your sore foot on the ottoman! We readers will do the "best" we can while reading your "best" earlier posts.

    ...couldn't resist the play on words...it's the "best" I could do.

    Seriously, don't take any chances with your foot. Here's hoping the rest and treatment will have you feeling much better in no time!

    Diane in North Carolina

  13. Rhonda I very much hope that you're taking the advice and resting as much as you need. Look forward to seeing you back just as soon as you are fit and well. xx

  14. Oh, sorry to hear that, Rhonda! Rest up, and I hope you're all healed very soon.
    Take Care,

  15. All the best, Rhonda; I hope you have a speedy recovery.

  16. Take care Rhonda- thinking of you!

  17. Wishing you a speedy recovery Rhonda. I've been told to take 'time-out' by my doctor too and have been neglecting my own blog as a result. Sometimes something just has to give :) Reading some of your older posts is a lovely way to get insight into just how far you've come on this down-to-earth journey, I'm looking forward to it!

  18. Dear Rhonda ~ You are in my thoughts and prayers that this infection will go away and you'll be up and about once again, taking care of your home and working with Hanno.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  19. Sorry to hear about your leg problems. Sending all my love and hopes for a speedy recovery. Your Hanno deserves a medal. There are not many husbands in this world that are so dedicated to their wifes. Those type of men are rare to find nowadays. Best wishes to you both!!

  20. Take care dear Rhonda. Sometimes the body has a way of reminding us to slow down and take the weight off!

  21. Us women folk are notoriously bad at resting, so make sure you do. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  22. Rest and get better! I'm looking forward to the new book. I really appreciate you blogging and teaching. I learn so many things that I wasn't taught just by reading your blog. I enjoy and look forward to reading about your "everyday life". Yours is my favorite blog! Lori

  23. Feel better soon....praying for a safe and quick revovery!

  24. Dear Rhonda, I hope your foot gets better soon. You don't realize how important your legs and feet are until they hurt! I hope you have some industrial strength drugs to speed the process along, as well as rest. How are you going to rest with the workshops?? Keep well. I am thinking of you.

  25. Bad news Rhonda, sending thoughts your way for a speedy recovery, take care....

  26. Oh Rhonda please do take care of yourself there is nothing more important in this world than our own health. You have to remember you are important and enjoy being the Queen for awhile while you heal. I do hope it heals quickly. B

  27. Good morning Rhonda,

    Wishing you a speedy recovery and hoping that you are literally back on your feet soon.

    Kind regards,

  28. Excellent post, Rhonda - thank you.

    Glad to hear that you are taking it a little easier so you can get well. Will be thinking about you.

  29. Dear Rhonda,
    You have become a dear friend even though we live a world apart and have never spoken. I am wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery. I am so glad you and Hanno have each other to care. Enjoy being queen for a while.


  30. I am saddened to hear about your foot. Please do take care. I used to work in geriatrics and advise you most strongly to let Hanno nurse you and I hope you will bounce back quickly.

  31. I wish you a prompt recovery Rhonda. I will read your older post with great pleasure as I didn't know your blog at that time and I'm sure they will give me food for thought.

  32. So sorry you're not well Rhonda, but do take the docs advise, it's important.
    We shall miss you, but I look forward to catching up on some posts I've missed. BTW, tried to join your forum without success, I must be doing something wrong.

    Do take special care, look forward to seeing you back soon.

    love Angela (south England) UK

  33. I am so sorry to hear about your infected foot and I hope it will be healed soon. If you are anything at all like me you hate sitting around and being waited on!

  34. Rhonda,

    Sorry to hear about your infirmity. Rest and take care of yourself----you're important to a lot of people you know.

    Good to hear that Hanno is taking up the slack for you. Nothing like a good husband to back you up when you need a helping hand.


  35. Rhonda, wishing you a speedy recovery! You will be greatly missed! I plan on reading through the archives once again. :)

  36. Sorry to hear about your foot...please take care and I find your blog is written from the heart. I have to say I enjoy blogging sure there plenty of opps in my blog.

    Coffee is on.

  37. I would think that seeing all these lovely comments regarding your wellbeing would be more medicine than any doctor could provide. Rest well.

  38. Oh do be careful Rhonda, and listen to the doctor, this is nothing to take lightly.

  39. Hi Rhonda - I am very sorry to read about your leg. I hope that you rest, continue to let Hanno treat you like a queen on her throne (I like that). Get better soon. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  40. I'm sorry to hear about your poor foot - best wishes for a speedy recovery! It struck me that while Hanno is taking great care of you, it wasn't long ago that you were looking after him. A fine example of true partnership. xx

  41. The warm fireplaceMarch 11, 2013 9:37 am

    Do rest and take things easy, and hope that your foot improves soon, but you must do as the doctor orders :) Dont let Hanno overdo things either, love and prayers.

  42. Take care of yourself, Rhonda xx

  43. Dear Rhonda and Hanno, take care, listen to the doctor's instructions even if it means a rest in hospital. I wish you both all the best and I hope you recover soon. Ann

  44. Do take care of yourself Rhonda and feel better soon.

  45. I hope you have a quick recovery. I'll enjoy reading through the republished posts until then.

  46. Bummer.
    Now (with pointed finger) don't forget to get some regular sunshine onto the wound.
    Golden Staph and any other nasty bacterias hate the sunshine.
    I know whereof I speak - I had to keep my husbands op wounds (head and chest)
    healing when he had no immune system coz of chemo and a stem cell transplant.
    Which I believe is in short supply at the moment up in QLD.
    My family in Tmba are getting around like drowned rats.
    So when the sun comes out, make a mad dash for the door and stick your foot out it!
    Feel better soon.

  47. hi rhonda! i hope you are feeling better soon... i too have been battling an infection in my arm (caused by a burn) for the past few weeks... i've been on different creams and antibiotics, but finally tried some high ULF manuka honey on the wound (recommended by my obstetrician) and after a week of having the honey constantly on it and it is SO much better... the honey cost me a small fortune and it hurt the budget, but it was totally worth it and can't believe i hadn't heard of it earlier!

  48. I really really like the way you and Hanno take care of one another. What more could we want in life to be taken care of and having someone to take care of you.

  49. I'm sorry to hear that, I hope your foot gets better soon! Hope you are enjoying lots of cups of tea and knitting while you rest and recover.

  50. take care, Rhonda, and get better soon!

  51. g'day
    hope you have a speedy recovery rhonda & please hanno don't over do it either, as others have said rest easy & at least you can catch up on some knitting!
    vit D is very important as one reader has just said
    do take care

    selina from kilkivan qld

  52. Hi Rhonda, please take care and look after yourself! It's fun to read back through past posts, so thank you for doing that
    Cheers Judy xx

  53. Best wishes for a quick recovery from me too, Rhonda. I know you will be sensible and rest up as much as possible but I must admit I got tired just reading about all the workshops you will be doing. I hope you don't find it too exhausting.

    The shoe is on the other foot now with Hanno looking after you and you are both very fortunate to have each other.

  54. Sorry to hear about your poorly foot, sending speedy get well wishes to you. Plenty of knitting, reading and TV then, not all bad ;-)
    Jak x

  55. Hi Rhonda! I am so sorry you are unwell and hope your foot gets better quickly! A very good decision to have a bit of a rest! We'll all be thinking of you! Kirsten x

  56. Oh, pls do take much rest, to help recover your foot, the bloggingthings can wait!!!
    Get well soon!!!

  57. Wishing you a speedy & full recovery x x

  58. Dear Rhonda,
    Just to say I hope your foot heals quickly for you. (My mum has just had a knee replacement so she's resting too).
    Blessings ~

  59. Poor Rhonda...nothing is worse than being laid up when there's so much to do! I hope the infection sorts itself out soon and that you're back to your workshops, blogging, and everything else before long. Hugs xx

  60. Sending you prayers for a speedy recovery. Hanno will take good care of you for sure. Enjoy your downtime with much knitting and catching up on reading.

  61. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a good rest:)

    Your old post is so typical of your writing Rhonda, inspiring! Loved the line about not the best blog, but the best that I could do. Beautiful. Your blog is the one that I just keep coming back to xx

  62. Please Rhonda, take care of yourself. There is plenty for us to read, we will wait fot you.

    Love from Holland

  63. Hi Rhonda! Get better soon and rest, rest , rest, Will miss you, but rather wait and have you with your foot still attached. Glad you found a compromise with your doctor, hospitals are not nice places to spend any length of time in my experience. Johanna X

  64. Rhonda, Don't be a hero. Rest up and be well. We are all eager to hear more from you, and for a long time!

  65. Take care of yourself first, we'll still be here ;)
    Happy healing!

  66. Sending healing wishes form Austin, TX...rest and recover well.

  67. Dear Rhonda,
    so sorry to hear that you're unwell. Please do take care and don't take chances! Give your body the rest it needs. You've been doing an awful lot recently. Writing long articles on your blog every weekday, working on an new book, preparing your workshops, keeping your house and garden in order. Perhaps this is the way of your body to tell you to slow down a bit, take it easier. Wish you a speedy recovery!
    Heike from the South of Germany

  68. wishing you all the best! get well soon!

  69. Dear Rhonda, We'll miss you but your health comes first. Rest up and let dear Hanno take care of you. Mary Ellen in Pennsylvania

  70. Sincere wishes for a speedy recovery! Jane

  71. Dear Rhonda,

    Sorry to hear about your foot! Sending warm thoughts for a speedy recovery. You are the best!


  72. Wow Rhonda I am so sorry to hear you are not well. take as much time as you need and we will all be here when you get back.Look what happens when I don't check in for a couple of days! Hopefully a little something to pass the time while you have your feet up should land in your P O Box soon :)
    Love Julia in Bowen xxx

  73. Feel better Rhonda! Take care of that foot of yours :)

    Thinking of you,

  74. Rhonda,
    Adding my wishes and prayers for your speedy recovery.
    Cate Estes

  75. Dear Rhonda,
    Thoughts and prayers to you and Hanno, get well soon.
    Log Cabin Lady in Pennsylvania

  76. Rhonda,
    Sorry to read about your foot.
    Your health comes first, so rest up or whatever it takes to get well again.
    Enjoy being looked after.
    Ruth (UK)

  77. So sorry to hear you are having this problem! You are such a wonderful inspiration for me, a young-ish wife and mother with small-ish children. Even though you don't know me at all, I always feel like I've been to visit a wise and caring friend when I visit you blog (which I know you work very, very hard on). I am praying for your quick recovery and am so glad you are taking some time to ensure that you heal well.

    Kristin (NE Oregon State, US)

  78. Hope you feel better soon Rhonda. Take care of yourself.

    Trinidad & Tobago

  79. I will miss your voice? But you health is more important, keep well and remember the important things come first, health love and family

  80. Try to get some rest Rhonda and get well soon. Thinking of you xo


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