13 March 2013


Hello everyone.


While I'm resting with my feet up I thought I'd create a private list of your email addresses so I can send out the occasional newsletter. It's been something I've been thinking about for a while. If you'd like to receive emails from me every so often, when I'm releasing a new ebook or doing something new, I'll need your address.

If I have your email I can tell you about what's happening, when a book will be released, where you can buy it and how much it will be. I will also send information about my workshops; I'm thinking of doing one in the Blue Mountains in June. Of course, I won't give your email address to anyone else. It's for my personal use, just so I can keep in touch with you.

UPDATE: Don't send me your address right now. I've decided to download a program that I can install on my side bar and you can enter your own email addresses into the box provided. It will save me cutting and pasting hundreds of addresses over manually. To everyone who has already sent their address, I'll get you to enter in the new program when it is up. It will be there in the next day or so and I'll remind you all when it's ready for use.

Thanks everyone.



  1. great idea! Hope your foot is healing

  2. What a great idea! Will add my email when the tool is installed on your blog. I hope you are feeling better & that your foot is healing well! Kirsten x

  3. Hi Rhonda and Hanno,
    I would like to thank you for this creative and wonderful blog. While I am a long way from retirement (15 yrs), I am inspired to start with home-made products and hope to be well on the way to the simple life long before I retire. Last September I made my first (and only) batch of laundry liquid. Why only one batch you may ask? Because I have only used about 1/2 of that 10L! No-one has noticed the difference in cleanliness, including myself.
    I regularly look for advice on the forum and like the variety of solutions for common every-day problems in the household. I have tried quite a few; some I have given up on, some are fantastic finds.
    Thanks for your time and inspiration, hope you return to us soon.
    Cheers to the simple life!

  4. Hi Rhonda,

    Glad to hear you're following doctor's orders and resting your foot. What a great idea about the newsletters. I'll watch for the place to enter my address.

    Spring has sprung in my neck of the woods and the birds are trying to outchirp one another. Can't wait to dig in the dirt!

    Love to you and Hanno from Diane in North Carolina

  5. Thanks, Rhonda. Sounds like a great idea. Hope you and Hanno are doing well these days. Jo-Anne in Canada

  6. Brilliant idea! Hope all`s well and your foot is getting better.

  7. That sounds great, a workshop in the blue mountains would be excellent! Aren't you meant to be resting???
    Michelle, blue mountains

  8. Very excited to read you are coming our way in June. Can't wait to me you.


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