11 January 2013

Weekend reading

Letters of Note - Fiona Apple and her best friend

Early winter on the farm

Some good recipes and a lovely blog - Eighth of an Acre Bounty

Research into the awareness of time passing

A great online magazine about sustainable living and growing

I'd love to visit this town - Asheville

The aunties army


Paulines is blogging in Canberra, our capital

The chooks have just started laying at Winter Tells

A delightful creative blog Handmade Romance. Scroll down the page to see Evie's fabulous boy dolls.

The year has begun in earnest and my daily patterns are starting to feel familiar again. I hope yours are too. It's good to be back with you; I'm looking forward to our year together.  See you next week.


  1. Good Morning Rhonda,I'm getting back into the swing of things here also after the Christmas/New Year rush.I must say I'm really finding the DTE journal fantastic and writting the daily routine is helping alot.I'm looking forward to another year of reading your wonderful blog. All the best to you and your family.

  2. I hope you and Hanno have a lovely weekend! :)
    - Kristin

  3. I'll be showing the Fiona Apple letter to my youngest. He just loves her.

  4. Asheville is one of our favorite vacation places. A walkable little city with excellent restaurants, interesting people, a HUGE farmer's market, a great botanical garden and a must see are the Blue Ridge Mountains and a ride on the Parkway which is just magnificent.

    1. I live three hours east of Asheville in the Blue Ridge Mountains with the Blue Ridge Parkway at my backdoor....this is truly a beautiful spot on Earth.

  5. hello Rhonda,
    I must say I'm geared up for it too.

    Always so interesting.

    Love Angela (south England) UK

  6. Oh me too Rhonda! My daughter has been home with me the past three weeks which has been great, but now I need some time to get the house in order and catch up on your blog! I will be so sad when step away from it, although I can completely understand that all good (nay, wonderful) things must end.

    I do hope Hanno gets some answers soon. Thinking of you both. And happy new year!


  7. Oh my daughter just enjoyed a road trip with her friend and they stopped in to Asheville. they found a bookshop that served coffee and wine... it looks as though there is lots more to enjoy there. Thanks for all these little snippets you share each week.

  8. Goodness, thank you for sharing Letters of Note. I haven't made it any farther than that, but it's been added to my blogroll.

  9. Oh, I loved this week's Weekend Reading. I was so touched by Fiona's letter as my 13 year old "pup" also has Addison's ~ her letter is so full of love and emotion. I never had an opinion about Fiona one way or the other but I sure do now. I immediately forwarded the letter to all of my dog-loving friends. I was also smitten by the longest acres blog and signed myself up as a follower! You're right about Asheville ~ it's a wonderful place ~ I live two hours away....would love to meet you if you ever make it all the way here! Lovely weekend to you and Hanno!!!!

  10. Im looking forward to some routines again and new ones with my youngest starting kindy...life is full of routines, but also full of changes...it will be a different kind of year for me....for all of us.
    Time is being taken up at the moment with keeping kids cool in the blow up pool, and keeping my garden shaded and moist while the heat is so bad..........Ive got back yard pics up at my blog at the moment if you wanted a peak, I know I love looking into others vegie gardens...enjoy your weekend...x Suzanne, Enchanted Moments...

  11. Hi Rhonda,
    I have been following your blog for a year now & I got your book for Christmas, it's lovely! In the last 12 months I have been making slow changes. I am a stay at home Mum of two young childen. I started my journey by making cleaning products & soap, mostly as my son has eczema & I was looking of easy ways to cut out chemicals. Not only has it been easy & just as good as any products I can buy, the eczema flair-ups have reduced from at least one evey fortnight to a few in the last 12 months which also eliminates the amount of creams I have to use to bring it under control. Your calendula balm has been a god send for his skin & everyone elses!
    So 2013 is the year for us to really adapt our family life to a more natural & simple existance. I am looking forward to reading your blog & making more changes along the way.
    Thanks so much!
    Amie, rural NSW

    1. Wow awesome weekend reading I got teary reading about Fiona's dog as I have a little doggy myself and reminded me we all on borrowed time and then the article about time wow

    2. Amie, I am so pleased the cleaning products and soap have helped you and your son. Eczema is such a trial for young children. One of my sons has very sensitive skin too and he loves my soap. All my best to you as you continue with your changes. Stay in touch and let me know how they go. xx

  12. I am an hour and fifteen minutes south of Asheville! If you ever decide to cross the wide ocean and come to Asheville you are welcome to one of our many empty bedrooms! Asheville is a very friendly place and there are endless things to do and see in the NC mountains. We live so close that we often forget that it is all just a short drive away.

  13. Lana, thank you for your offer of hospitality. I'm not sure we could ever afford to go to the US but if we do, I'll remember your kindness. xx

  14. I don't know how you manage to find so many good weekend reads. I look forward to them. I bookmark LOADS! lol

    This week, Fiona Apple's letter caught my heart. I so understand. I had never heard of her before.

    One of my old ladies (16 year old cat) is not well. She is such a lovely, kind and loyal soul and has morphed from a normal cat into a 'little old lady' cat, if you understand what I mean. She is semi-feral and it has taken 15 years for her to come to me when called. I have eleven cats and a dog and she gets on with all of them and they with her. She trills away at them...talking away..probably giving orders! lol Breaks your heart when you lose such good companions.

  15. Scott and I ADORE Ashville. We've been several times and we always go to Iannucci's

  16. Hi Rhonda,
    Thanks so much for the weekend reads. All the best to Hanno too. I've had two angiograms so I do understand the feelings this brings. I saved the recipe for quark ages ago and I've made my first batch this morning and posted pictures on my blog with credit to you for the recipe. take care, debbie

  17. I live on the outskirts of Asheville. And yes, it is one of the most wonderful places on earth. Twenty minutes north and you are in one of the best sustainable communities. Let me know if you decide to come through. I would love to meet you in person!

  18. Hi Rhonda,

    So glad you included the information about Asheville. We live about 2 1/2 hours from Asheville at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains yet I was not aware of some of the places mentioned in the article. We usually walk around down town in the older section and absolutely love the energy that we find there. I agree with Miss Fifi about the farmer's market...it is wonderful. So now my husband and I will need to plan a trip soon to visit some of the other places in Asheville. Weaverville is also not far away and there are a couple of great herb gardens/shops near there selling plants.

    I heartily agree that if ever you come to North Carolina, it would be so exciting to meet up with you and some of these other folks for a day trip around our mountains. What fun we'd have!

    Diane in North Carolina

  19. Fiona Apple's letter brought me to tears as I am currently going through a similar experience with my beloved 12 year old Weimeraner. She became suddenly seriously ill last week and I have had to explain to some family who wanted to visit for a week that now is not a good time as she can't be exposed to any stress at all and they have 3 energetic and kind of noisy kids. I know that they feel offended and can't understand why it matters when it is likely that my dog will not survive in any case.

    It was nice to see that I am not the only one out there who would put things on hold for a little while so that they can be there at the end of their pet's life.

  20. Oh Rhonda!!! I've just spent a chunk of my weekend reading Letters of Note...what an amazing site...thanks so much for the link, hoping the angiogram goes ok. My husband has genetic high cholesterol and heart disease in the family line so we are being very careful as a few red flags have gone up lately in his tests and he is only 32, so thinking of you also as you go through all this with Hanno.

    PS got your book in the mail today (bought it with my christmas money...i can't wait to read it!)
    LH xox

  21. When you are quiet, Rhonda, I worry for you & Hanno. So, please be assured, I am praying all is well.... Lynne in central NY

    1. Lynne, we are fine. I'm just writing about it now on the blog. Thanks for your prayers. xx


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