20 November 2012

Family photos

I have a few photos I've been wanting to show for a little while, so here they all are today. It's not often I can show you 15 recent photos and everyone in the photos is part of my family.

Hanno in Sydney two weeks ago.

Martina and Sasha - Martina is my neice, the daughter of Hanno's sister, and Sasha is Martina's cousin. They're visiting from Hamburg, Germany with Martina's husband, Michael, and son Jona.

 Hanno and Martina.

Jona, Martina and Michael's son.

Jona at the Golden Guitar in Tamworth on the way back from Sydney.

In the Blue Mountains, near Sydney, (from left) my nephew David (Tricia's son), my sister Tricia, Michael holding Jona and Martina.
Hanno and Tricia in the mountains.

Michael, Martina, Jona, Sasha and Hanno overlooking the Three Sisters at Katoomba in the Blue Mountains.
 Back home again, Jona with the beautiful Jamie.
Everyone starting to sit down for lunch last Thursday. That's Jens my step-son with DIL Cathy his wife, my son Kerry, his son Jamie at the end of the table and Sunny, my DIL. Lunch was chicken casserole, with vegetables our drinks were water, homemade raspberry cordial and elderflower cordial. Jamie and Jona had juice.

After lunch, we all came inside for coffee and cake - chocolate and coffee cake.

I love this photo - my son Kerry with his son Jamie.

 My grandson Jamie helping to pick parsley.

 Jona with Sunny, picking vegetables before travelling back home.

And this is is yesterday's foggy morning when I went out to feed the chooks. It's rare to get fog here so I had to take a photo of it.


  1. Thanks for the pics! Nothing like family (and friends), is there?

  2. Hello Rhonda,
    Lovely pics, your sister looks so much like you.
    best wishes,
    Angela (south England) UK

  3. thanks so much for sharing such lovely photos,

  4. What a beautiful family! Love your garden as well.


  5. What a beautiful family :) I love morning fog too. At our family farm we all love to sit on the verandah and watch it roll up the valley over a steaming hot cup of tea.

  6. Beautiful family snaps, looking so happy in the garden there.

  7. You have a lovely family Rhonda....

    We recently got to spend time with both of my husbands' sisters and their families and it was special.


  8. What wonderful family photographs and how good for Hanno to have some family visit and for them all to travel together and see the country. He's looking rather well, for all he's been through! Those two little boys are sweet...

  9. Beautiful photographs of your beautiful family Rhonda.

  10. I love these family pictures...... they're so ........... inspiring!!!!

  11. Lovely photos I always take heaps. A good idea is to make a photo book year by year, much better coffee table book than anything else.
    I read your blog everyday and love it. I realised this morning, what a garden nerd I am. I was so excited to see carrots and potato plants come up, after being planted 10 days ago. I told my daughter 10 and she said so. I was also excited when the new chook fence went up last night. I know there is alot of us out there, just not in my household. I know you will appreciate my happiness in new plants coming up Di

    1. Hello Di! Great work. I think tomatoes, potatoes and peas are the best of the backyard veg. You can never buy the taste of that freshness. It's great your daughter is joining in too.

  12. Wonderful photos! So good to get to spend time with your family!

  13. so special, Martina looks like Hanno methinks and it was lovely for the little boys to meet up,

  14. These are wonderful pictures of your family! Thank you so much for sharing these. Amy :)

  15. I'm loving the picture of all the family sitting down to lunch. My mother was one of seven children and when I was little I remember lunches just like this. Unfortunately, as the aunts and uncles spread themsevled out across the globe, the only time we get together now are for funerals. Life goes on, I guess. Sitting as a family to eat at a table set with homemade cloths and laden with home-made and home-grown food has got to be the best thing in the world.....

  16. LOl, we wouldn't call that fog here in the UK. Just a light mist ;-)

  17. Thank you for posting those lovely photos. I agree, your sister looks very much like you. I also have an aunty Trisha.

    Rhonda, have you done a post regarding buying quality items? I sometimes have difficulties with spending more money on good items that last. They won't wear out as quickly as a cheaper item and I'll probably only have to buy that item once, instead of two or three times over (things such as good pots and pans, or even shoes and clothing) but cost a lot of money initially.

    I've been reading your blog for a while. You remind me very much of my own mother. Thank you.

  18. wonderful pictures! thank you for sharing!

  19. Those snaps made me so happy' they are of family and friends and good times. The children are beautiful!

  20. Great pictures Rhonda, beautiful family, but you need to get in one or two!

  21. What lovely photos and Wow! doesn't your sister look like you. Congratulations on such a lovely family. Thank you for sharing with us.

  22. Wonderful times with family! Thanks for sharing, Rhonda! (I'm going to have to go look up this giant golden guitar, too...must know more!)


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