12 October 2012

Weekend reading

Living and loving hand-made - Mollymakes

Shawl collar Cowl @ Purlbee

How to make a tyre ottoman @ Recycle, reuse, renew Mother Earth Projects

The UN warns of rising food prices

Nigel Slater's vegetarian winter recipes

My Tiny Plot


Visit Sarah @ Gladys in the Garden 

Diann at Diann's Domaine is a busy grandmother and a talented craftswoman.

If you love tartan, you'll love this - Ali @ 40k in 4 years

Paul the Kind Little Blogger

Thank you for visiting me this week. I'm looking forward to a visit from Sarndra and Alex today. They're staying overnight before driving up to their new home in Gladstone. Shane is going ahead with a truck full of their furniture.

I hope you can relax and enjoy the weekend. See you next week.



  1. Have very happy weekend Rhonda


  2. Good morning Rhonda
    What a wonderful surprise this morning. Thank you for mentioning my blog. I am well chuffed.
    Have a wonderful weekend and a great visit from Sarndra and Alex.

  3. Our weekend it going to be full of rain, hope yours is better.

  4. Thanks for the shout-out, Rhonda. This weekend will see my reading a report by a Danish architect on how Adelaide could be improved, and probably writing about my findings and thoughts.

  5. I recently joined my local breastfeeding mothers group and recieved a copy of the magazine that Sarndra and Alex appeared in, a lovely bonus!

  6. Thank you for the lovely reading suggestions for this weekend. I can't wait to explore these lovely blogs :)

  7. What a wonderful surprise to see my blog mentioned! Thank you so much Rhonda :-)

    Today's post is about some projects I'm working on for Christmas.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend

  8. Rhonda I have just sat down and read your book from cover to cover and enjoyed every page. I am now spurred on to getting my vegetable garden up and running, last year all that seemed to grow were Lebanese cucumbers by the dozen. Just incase this happens again this year I would like to preserve them and was very interested in your chapter on what appeared to be an easy way of doing it. I have been collecting Maccona coffee jars and was wondering if you thought they would make ideal preserving jars.
    Once again thank you for giving me a lot to think over this weekend.....

    Maureen ( Brisbane )

    1. I'm pleased you enjoyed the book Maureen. Now, with the cucumbers, Maccona coffee jars will be fine if you want to store them in the fridge. You'd have to clean them thoroughly, then sterilise, fill the hot jars with hot cucumbers and store in the fridge. If you want to store them in the cupboard after water bathing, no, don't use them. You'll need screw on lids. As the preserves are cooling, they create a vacuum, sealing the screw on lids tightly, making them pop as they do it, and they're fine for cupboard storing.

  9. I was keen to see the 'How to make a tyre ottoman' Ronda - but the link does not seem to be correct.

    I hope you are having a relaxing weekend. Tricia

  10. Hi, I just love this time of year, and love your blog too, sorry I have not been around much, trying to get back into the swing of blogging again, and visiting all my favorite blogs too. Have a great Saturday, and such a beautiful fall day here in Georgia. Hugs my friend.

  11. Holy mackeral, Rhonda! I nearly fell over when I saw my blog mentioned. I'd better behave myself then. I am totally chuffed that you think I'm talented. Thank you so much. What a lovely thing to say! Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  12. Hi Rhonda thanks so much for linking to my blog. I'm excited to check out your book. I think it's going on my Christmas list :)


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