20 July 2012

Weekend reading

Somewhere for the fairies to live - from the golden adventures of a very dark horse. : - )

And something for the boys - The Shed and Beyond - a patio table from pallets and much more

How to eat well on a tight budget 

The search for off the grid Americans.

Sunday Suppers

From our mob:
Always interesting: Notes from the Frugal Trenches.

Deezy is writing about "little expenses" at sufficiently sufficient

Mary sent in this link - Cresting the Hill of Sustainable Ag - through the week - it's interesting, well written and, to me, reaffirming. Here is Mary's own blog, and even though it only has one post, and that one post was written in 2005, the story there might make you smile. It did that for me.

And finally, over at Bowerbird Blue, Kirsty is making little apple cakes with her daughter.

I hope you can relax and enjoy life on the weekend. Thanks for your comments during the week. We all love reading them.  See you on Monday!


  1. Hi Rhonda,
    I always get a shock when I see tthe words 'weekend reading' again - the weeks just seem to fly by.
    Have a great weekend,


  2. Hi Rhonda,
    I am so excited to be getting your book today! So gues what I'll be reading this weekend!

  3. Thanks for featuring my blog on your weekend reading post, glad you liked it.

  4. Sorry but this is something I should have actually asked a couple days ago. Since you have closed The Simple Frugal Co-Op are you going to take it down or leave it up and just not add anything to is so we can use it for reference? I go back there and check out posts for information and so was wondering.
    I came here tonight and was thinking...Wow! it is the weekend again!!!! The weeks go by quicker and quicker it seems!!! :-) I do really do enjoy the weekend reading lists you post for us though.... ! Sarah

  5. Hi Rhonda, just wanted to let you know that the chocolate cake is delicious, We all love it. I haven't tried the icing yet, because I haven't got the ingredients, but I will next time. There is definately going to be a next time ; )I'm going to be on the lookout for a smaller form, or use one and a half recipe, because I used a form with a diameter of 26 cm. The cake was not as high as yours, but the taste is heavenly !!! I put pictures on my site with a link to your site for the recipe ; )
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. wow, a lovely surprise to see my blog listed in your weekend reading! I hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend too.

  7. Where did that week go? Lovely reading again, thanks for posting them on your blog

  8. I look forward to reading your Friday posts each week for some new reading material! I click on each one and leave the page open so I can browse through them after the kids go to bed. Thanks!

  9. Hi Rhonda, I flipped through your book very quickly in April before I went away for a month. I reborrowed it from the local library again and read it in more detail this weekend. I made your yummy Cinnamon Tea Cake recipe this weekend. I love recipes when you do not have to cream the butter and sugar! Do you have any suggestions about reducing the cakes sweetness just a touch? Your book is written in such a way I feel like you are personally speaking to me. I love the feel of the book, especially the matte pages and photography. I have quoted you in my journal as your sentiments reflect mine, and I have promoted your book on my FB group at Melton Bowerbirds. This is a small local community group of like-minded souls who like to share recycling and repurposing ideas. I am retired and my husband works part time. We are in our 50s and we live simply. We have enough and enjoy pottering around the house. We avoid shopping malls and air travel. We make our gifts and most of our clothing and manchester is secondhand from op shops and the like. It is in our DNA to live this way and we have been doing it for years enabling us to retire early.

  10. I have now read your book - and love it!
    I make bread with my husband every Friday night now ready for the weekend. I'm also thinking ahead for Christmas with preserves for friends (some involving alcohol, especially for the men as they are so hard to buy for).
    I went into a little shop a few days ago where they sell local arts and crafts and things. I got talking to the lady in the shop at the time (they take turns in running the shop for the day) and she has invited me to take along some of my roasted capsicum sauce for tasting, with a view to selling it if they like it. How exciting for me!
    I can't wait to try your yoghurt chocolate cake too!
    This simpler lifestyle I have been cultivating for years. Now, with the inspiration from your blog, I am getting better at timing when I want to do things and I am saving money to boot.
    I hadn't cooked a cake for years before being inspired by you! I am very happy with the improvement in living the life I want and the improvement in my marriage too!
    I teach yoga and this lifestyle also fits in with the yogic philosphy too, which I love.
    I look forward to reading your blog each day and am an avid reader now who passes this blog onto other people who are interested in topics that this blog covers.

  11. Hi Rhonda I have Kellie and her family here for tea. Lamb roast, baked veg from the garden and rice pudding.
    Cheers, Afussa


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