8 May 2012

I love these bunnies

I'm still a bit busy today. I'm dropping Tricia off at the airport soon and will then spend the day at the Neighbourhood Centre. However, I thought you'd like to see these two bunnies Tricia made for me. The smaller one was sent as a birthday gift, made with a small piece of recycled pure wool blanket, very much the same as the blankets she and I grew up using. When she came here, I told her how much I loved the rabbit and how it reminded me so much of our childhood, so she made me a mother bunny while she was here.

It's all done by hand, the pattern drawn freehand on a piece of paper, then the fabric cut and all work done by hand. I love them so much!



  1. Love those bunnies!

    I had a blanket like that as a baby too, it's covered in badges now, as my guide camp blanket. I'm on the lookout for two similar ones for my girls, too, but they are increasingly hard to come by.

    Enjoy your last day with your sister, Rhonda!

  2. They are beautiful an such a special reminder

  3. Hello Rhonda,
    Your bunnies are so cute but the beauty in the love that Tricia stitched into them that makes them truly special. i especially like the colours Tricia has used. Such gentle tones. Have a lovely day.
    Blessings Gail

  4. Oh they are so cute! Very clever Tricia and Lucky Rhonda :)

  5. Love the bunnies very cute, she is very clever. Enjoy your day. Jodie.

  6. Both your bunnies are gorgeous.

  7. Thanks for showing us the bunnies, they are ADORABLE!!!
    Your sister is very talented, so nice that you could spend time together :)
    Hugs ((((()))))

  8. They are so beautiful and to be handmade by your sister is very special:)...I personally love to recieve hand made gifts over bought ones any day!

  9. Two words - TOO CUTE

    I hope you had a lovely time with your sister.

  10. Love the bunnies Rhonda. Enjoy your day.

  11. The bunnies are gorgeous and look as if they are filled with so much love from your sister Tricia ...how beautiful :)

  12. Oh, Rhonda, those are just beautiful! I love the little patches on their bottoms :)

  13. They are simply adorable. Even better because they were made as a gift. Enjoy.

  14. Hello Rhonda,
    The bunnies are just lovely - a precious gift. I do hope you had a special time with your sister.
    My husband just this morning ordered me your book for Mothers Day - so exciting! I waited in a long queue for one of the 5 copies the State Library here in Tassie has, and have thoroughly enjoyed reading it over the past 3 weeks ... it's due back today, so his gift to me is really special. The library copy of your book has lived on our kitchen table for the past 3 weeks. My husband has been flipping through it and his response was "Wow! This is really good!" We are blessed to have my parents-in-law staying with us for a few weeks to help us through a difficult time of illness. My father-in-law looked through your book and said "there are enough ideas in here to fill a lifetime" I smiled and thought inwardly, "yes, that's pretty much the whole idea". We have all been encouraged by your book. A big thank you to both you and Hanno for the time and effort you took to write it and share your knowledge with us.
    Have a lovely day,
    Rebecca in Tassie

  15. What lovely little bunnies...and you can see they are made with such love!

  16. Your sister is a very talented lady. Lucky you to receive such a personal gift!

  17. They are beautiful. Tricia is very clever.

  18. Love these little bunnies. Oh, I wish I had a sister...you and Tricia seem to have such a special relationship.

    Well, I expect I'll be making a bunny or two to go with the little baby shoes you posted about not long ago. How fortuitous that I just learned that my friend's son and daughter-in-law (for whom I'm making the baby shoes) are decorating the nursery in frogs and bunnies. Thanks for the lovely pictures and the inspiration.

    Love from Diane in North Carolina

  19. I too love those bunnies, so cute and you do such good work.

  20. Sisters are wonderful :)
    I popped by because I wanted to share this little find of mine - Go to YouTube and search for this series:
    the wartime kitchen and garden

    I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
    Trinidad & Tobago

  21. Those are precious! Your bunnies have inspired me to make something similar with a few of my children's extra blankets!

    Have a lovely day, Rhonda. :o)

  22. What precious bunnies, and thoughtful sister! You two are so talented and gifted with artistic ability. I love handmade items too. My husband and I have moved alot in recent years...and I have noticed that most of the stuff I like to set aside for decorating is mostly things that have been made for us by someone though the years...my favorite nativity set is a little all white set made by a little old man from our church the year we married...I also have a huge pinecone wreath a neighbor made us in the 80's and I just hose it off outside once a year and hang it right back up...my favorite afghan from a dear lady who was my mentor and a sweet little set of ceramic chickens my grandma made; and I could go on and on, but as I look around my house I remember those sweet folks who made these treasures with loving hands and I am so thankful!
    In this plastic/chrome world we live in it's so nice to be surrounded by the warmth of fabric, wood, and other natural materials.

    Thank you for a wonderful blog...I enjoy it every day!


  23. Sounds as though you had a lovely time with your sister - I am deeply envious, I miss my two hugely. Love the bunnies and I bet the grandbabies will too.

  24. The bunnies are lovely. What makes them so special is the love that went into making them. I'm glad you had a nice visit with your sister.

  25. These bunnies are soooooo cute,

  26. These bunnies are so sweet. How wonderful of your sister to make these for you.

  27. Highly descriptive article, I liked that a lot.
    Will there be a part 2?

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