30 March 2012

Weekend reading

Every week from now on I'm including links to two regular commenters on my blog in my weekend read post. It helps spread the love around and is a little thank you from me for taking the time to contribute on a regular basis.  This week they are:

Jamie's NGO Farm - a family working towards living off the land

When you visit here, read A Hairy Concern, it contains some wisdom from The Accidental Housewife that I wish I'd written: I will teach them to be wise, so that they can choose their own path. 

Just in time for our winter, another great knitting site This was linked to at the forum by Nannyrai during the week and too good not to pass on.

Another week has gone by and we move closer to cooler temperatures down here. And that means it's Spring time for the majority of the world's population. I hope you're all enjoying the change of seasons.  Thank you for visiting this week, enjoy what you do this weekend and be kind to yourself.


  1. Thanks for the links Rhonda. I particularly like the one about the honey bees and must show my husband. He has been going on and on and on about this issue lately. What can I say he loves his honey.

  2. Rhonda, could you tell me how to get to your articles at AWW website? I click on the link and end up at their homepage but I don't know how or where to find you there. I put your name in the search box and only got a link to the very first article. Is there a scetion of the homepage that has your writing?

  3. Rhonda, how kind of you to mention us! Thank you so much :)

  4. Margot, it's only that feature article on the website. You have to buy the magazine to read the columns.

    You're welcome, Jamie.

  5. Rhonda,
    what a wonderful idea to introduce us to some more wonderful bloggers. I just spent a very pleasant hour! persusing all your links. A couple of months ago I spent a holiday in Malaysia with my daughters and we so enjoyed seeing the Orang utangs at the conservation center. So sad to read the story of what is happening in Indonesia.

  6. I was absolutely beside myself this morning when I saw you'd linked to me - thank you so much!

  7. Rhonda, thank you for mentioning the plight of the honeybee. People don't realize that every 3rd bite of food they eat comes from a source that has been pollinated by a bee or other pollinating insect. We need to do everything we can to help these little girls out! I've been keepng bees for 3 years now, and find them a fascinating addition to my garden.
    Thanks for the new apron swap buddy! Jacinta and I have emailed information back and forth--I look forward to visiting with her more in the future!
    Sharon, get well soon--will be thinking good thoughts for you!
    Thanks for all you two do--
    Brenny in Brighton, CO USA

  8. Thank you so much Rhonda...I love your Friday weekend-reading links!its a fantastic idea,I look forward to it every week:)

  9. Hi Rhonda,

    I already discovered jamies farm. Lovely link! And love the you-tube movie. Just viewed all vife of them. Thanks and happy weekend!

    Love from Holland

  10. Thank you, for sharing the links. I am finding some useful things on everybody's blogs, I am enjoying reading them with my morning cuppa. It is a nice way to start the day :) I also wanted to tell you I have just brought your book, I love it! I was a little bit taken aback by the cashier who thought I was buying it as a gift for someone else, I guess I don't look like I fit the criteria. I'm 29 with 3 school age children and I'm a home maker who is living to the beat of her own drum! Thank you for sharing your life with us Rhonda

  11. Good on you, Bec. Don't let anyone move you from your chosen path. I hope you enjoy the book.

  12. I am sorry to hear that I have to buy the magazine. I live in a small town in the northeast US and it's not on any newstands that I've seen. I guess I'll just stick with your blog.

  13. Lovely idea Rhonda, I just bought your book last week, and am enjoying reading it and learning a few things.

  14. Thanks for the links, Rhonda. I so appreciate your weekly recommendations, there is always something to learn. I thought the Accidental Housewife was loads of fun! :o)

    Have a nice weekend.

  15. It is great to buy from your own country--- if you can find something that is made there.

  16. Today, I went to the beachfront with my children. I found a sea shell and gave it
    to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She put the
    shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside
    and it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back!
    LoL I know this is totally off topic but I had to tell someone!

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