15 March 2012

Book launch

Yesterday evening we had the Queensland launch of the book at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, hosted by Rosetta's and the lovely Anne and her staff. About 60 people came along and were so generous in their praise and comments that I felt quite humbled. As usual, Hanno was there with me, standing quietly in the background ready to support me and happy to shake hands and say hello.

Today there is a photographer coming to the house to take some shots for a feature. So now I'm going to tidy my desk and get a few things put away so our home looks like the calm oasis I often write about.  I'll be back with you tomorrow.


  1. Rhonda, my book arrived this week and I love it. The size is perfect for cosying up on the couch, not too big or heavy. My husband likes it as well and has been flicking through it, when I manage to let him have a chance, that is :)
    Congratulations to you and Hanno and well done on a great useful book.
    Kathy (Tas)

  2. I'm currently stalking our mail carrier as my cope of your book is due any day now and I can hardly wait to read it. Congrats on another successful book launch.

  3. glad the evening went well,i sat out on my porch late yesterday,while we were having a huge thunder storm,and started reading my book!such wise word's are written,i just love the photo on page 40,i feel like i want to open the door and walk in,just beautiful!xx Carol

  4. Hello Rhonda, I received your book yesterday and last night read quite a few pages. I love your book!! I really like the way you write, the honesty and all the advice, tips and suggestions for all of us to improve our lives, to do away with the constraints we sometimes put upon ourselves. You have inspired me to make changes and to improve the quality of my life and my family. It is going to be wonderful to refer to your book and to be continually inspired. Congratulations to you and Hanno, you should both be very proud of this book. All the very best, Ann

  5. So happy for you. I saw the book at a bookstore and am waiting for my turn with a library copy. It was so well put together. The question how do we want to live always being brought to mind rather than 'tips and tricks' with no context. Thanks for making all this effort to bring people back home.

  6. Glad you enjoyed your time last night Rhonda, I did have some merry plans to get there but with bub now only 5 days away I thought it best I rest safe at home... Please do let us know if your planning any book trips to Brissy in the near future. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy off that book of yours.
    Karen :)

  7. Hello!

    I had an opportunity to begin reading your book yesterday. With each paragraph it was like uncovering gold and wanting to shout to everyone about what I'd found! I've been reading your blog for several years now but this is such a treasure to hold. So far I find myself smiling and nodding with each word and, like new love, I want to "fix up" everyone I know with your book. :)

    Bless you for this labor of love and all you are doing to encourage so many people!

  8. Congrats to you, it sounds like you have had a fun couple of weeks! :) Was it hard to leave home, my hubby's boss offered us a trip to anywhere in the US we want to go (all paid for) in May. I have not really been anywhere to far from home and a little scared (flying) and of leaving my animals for a week. Not sure what to do since home is where I am comfy

  9. It looks like you had a wonderful time. You look great !!! Good luck with the photo shoot.

  10. Dearest Rhonda and Hanno
    Thank you for sharing your life with us. The book is another example of your generosity. The information learned from your life experiences is so generously and humbly shared in a book that is affordable.
    So lovely to see your launch photos.
    Xx Herford hare

  11. Oh Rhonda...you look like a star signing those books....just so pleased that all this is happening for you and your words are getting out there as they should xx
    Last time i was living near Maleny (as a kid) there definitely wasn't a neighbourhood centre!!

  12. I bought your book from fishpond and it arrived last week :)I have been reading your blog since the very beginning and I thought, "I don't need the book, it's all online" BUT, there is something magical about holding that beautiful book in my hands that made all I have learned from you over the years come to life.
    It is not an exageration to say that your book probably saved us (hubby & I)about $100K!! You see we were in the process of listing our house while negotiating on another property that was on 1.5 acres. I was convinced I needed that much land to grow some veg & have chickens. We were both a little uneasy about the move as it meant a longer commute to work and getting a loan to pay for much needed renovations on the house. Well when I got to "Bloom where you're planted" I knew in my heart we were making a mistake and we pulled out of the negotiations. The moving costs alone were close to $37K plus what we needed to renovate, so you see we have dodged a bullet I believe.
    We are rethinking the space we have (1000sqm) to make it a productive garden. Some of the ornamental beds will have to go as they are in the best spot for a vegie bed but I think that is a small price to pay when you look at the big picture.
    So thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have saved me the hard slog of working the extra 7 plus years that it would have taken us to pay off a loan.
    Sincerely, Michelle

    1. Oh Michelle, I read your post and thought that was me too. I loved that post Bloom where you are Planted, it was one of my favourites. good luck with your garden,


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