26 March 2012


By now all of you should have contacted your swap buddies. Please be sure to check your bulk mail boxes and your spam boxes. If you have done this and not heard from your swap buddy they will be out of the swap and you will be paired with a new swap buddy. Leave a comment here in this post by tomorrow night so I can rework the buddy list as needs be. Robyn, I will start looking for a new buddy for you. Clarien, have you heard from your swap buddy yet?
Here is a link with ideas and tutorials about aprons for you to have fun looking at:

Have fun with these ideas. Hugs Sharon


  1. I don't comment much, but always read... I missed the apron swap & would love to be squeezed in if possible! :)

    My email is: moraliaweblog (at) yahoo (dot) ca

  2. Dear Sharon,

    I have not heard from my swap buddy yet.

    So.. it would be really nice if you could pair me up with someone else. If you can't, that's ok. I will join the next swap! Thanks for organising anyway!


  3. Clarien and Carla, I would like to pair you two together- Carla please e mail me with your name, email and country- sharon

  4. I emailed my swap buddy Saturday morning but haven't heard from her yet... :/

  5. Hi I hv tried twice to join and don't know what is happening to my comments. If anyone needs a buddy I would love to exchange aprons. I am Ellen at 3kidsanderson@gmail.com in the US. I will be glad to exchange out od the US

  6. I also missed the swap, but I am happy to fill in as a partner to anyone who may still need one. I'm in the US, but I'm open to shipping where ever.

    My email is bfields at gmail dot com.

    Thanks, Beulah

  7. Thanks for the links to all those apron patterns. now which one to choose.

  8. I have missed the cutoff but would love to be involved. If anyones partner doesnt get back to them let me know. rjblhadams(at)y7mail(dot)com thanks jacqui

  9. I have not heard from my swap buddy. I sent her an email from hotmail and then I tried to send her a note from the forum (not sure if that was the right place) but an error message came back saying she wasn't listed. Not sure what to do. brwneyedgirl.
    Karen USA

  10. I haven't heard from my swap buddy--I still want to do this and would appreciate your help in connecting with someone who wants to participate.
    Rozann in Iowa, USA

  11. Sharon, thanks for all your hard work on this swap. I have emailed my swap buddy, Lauren, twice, and have received no response. Have you heard from her? My email is brenda(dot)seader(at)gmail(dot)com
    Thank you....

  12. I can't seem to find your email... ? Can you contact me instead & I'll send you my info...

    moraliaweblog (@) yahoo (dot) ca

    Thanks!! :)

  13. Dear Rhonda,

    My name has been linked two - times...Monique from goodoldhousehold and I have already made plans to exchange our aprons.......
    Can you please help ???

  14. Sorry, my name is Charlotte Nas and I am linked to Monique from good old household

  15. Hi, this is Melissa in Costa Rica. I never heard from my swap buddy, and checked my spam box to see if perhaps the email was in there, but I can't find anything. Maybe you can send me the address so I can contact her directly?



  16. Hi Sharon, thanks for all your hard work! I have e-mailed my partner twice but both came back as unable to be delivered,I have checked my inbox and junk but have not recieved anything? I'm Denise shllwbrk at msn dot com partner rozlynchidgey at primus dot com dot au can you help? thanks!

  17. Hi fingers crossed that I get a buddy:) jchute3 at bigpond dot com

  18. My swap buddy and I made contact with each other today and we are working on our aprons for each other. Just to let you know. Karen brwneyedgirl.

  19. Dear Sharon,
    Thank you for all the hard work you are putting into this swap.
    As I said in a response to yesterdays post I did put my name in to thsi swap but I was nt onthe orignal list. I amhappy to participate now (wwould love to infact) but I also understand if it is to late. so my email is kcreighton61(at)gmail(dot)com. I live in Sydney but am happy to post anywhere. Cheers Kate

  20. I finally saw the swap list - for some reason this post and a couple of others surrounding it, did not come to my email as my Down to Earth posts usually do! Finally today a post arrived via email a so I searched backwards and found the swap info. I wonder if others may have experienced the same hiccup in email! So I did contact my swap buddy - hope it isn't too late!


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