15 February 2012

This is what I'm doing today

If you're wondering if I'm out gardening or baking or knitting. The answer to all is "no". This is what I'm doing and I think I'll be doing it until I pack it all up to go to a meeting this afternoon.  Signing books is not hard work, but it's repetitive.

Don't get me wrong, I am really grateful to have the opportunity to sign books, but at the moment there are a lot of books to be signed, packed and posted. If you have ordered and paid for a book, I'll probably be in touch sometime today. We hope to do the mail out tomorrow.

We'll be hitting the road on Saturday morning and driving to Byron Bay to have breakfast with Megan  who will do an interview for her local newspaper, The Northern Star. From there we'll head to Tricia's in the Blue Mountains where we'll rest for a couple of days after a very hectic week. I don't have the itinerary yet but this is where we'll probably be: Sydney, Melbourne, Ballarat, Castlemaine, Bendigo, Albury-Wodonga, Canberra, Wollongong, Springwood, Blackheath and Bathurst. The Queensland launch will be at Rosetta's in Maleny when we come home again - their link is on my side bar. I'll have more details for you when I have them here.

Hanno and I hope you come to see us if you're close by. We are driving and not flying, as is the custom, so we can meet you, not just because of the book but because we feel connected to so many of you. Let me know if you can meet with us. And if you're in between those towns on the main route and there are a couple of you, maybe we could stop to meet you in the library or the local park.

Luckily we have friends who are housesitting, so I have a bit of organising to do yet so they'll be comfortable while we're away. Think of us on Saturday morning as we choof off down south. It's going to be a memorable few weeks.


  1. Hi Rhonda, I live between Castlemaine and Bendigo, so I would love to catch up with you along the way. Where and when will you be in those two places? Have a safe trip. Cheers Kathryn

  2. I know you will have a great visit with Megan...she is just up the road from me...what a shame i shall miss you when visiting that close but shall enjoy reading about you in The Star!
    Wondering if you received my order for a book? I didn't receive any banking details so not sure if you missed the order or you are still in the process. No matter if you missed me, just like to know so i can buy one at the bookshop instead!
    I don't envy you signing all those books!Travel safe and hopefully Byron will turn on some sunshine for you!x

  3. How exciting Rhonda....would love to meet you and Hanno...you both are very inspiring. Hopefully I will be able to catch up with you both at Springwood or Blackheath depending on what day you will be there. Have a safe trip, unfortunately you will probably run to rain as we have been getting a bit of that here in Sydney. Drive safely!

  4. I hope I can meet you at the Bendigo stop Rhonda.
    I very rarely write here but I always read. Looking forward to seeing your itinerary with the hope it fits in with my life
    Drive safely

  5. Jode, I'm running behind with the emails. Will get one off to you today, or you can check in the book tab on the blog. The baking details are there.

  6. Hi. Just stopping by to say hallo.

  7. what an exciting but busy time for you. I am glad that you are scheduling in some quiet time, enjoy your road trip.

  8. I just wanted to pop in and wish you well for safe travel's on this new "life's adventure"!

  9. Rhonda,
    I've been a bit slow to comment on your book, but I am so thrilled for you. Congratulations on your accomplishment, and may you have a safe and blessed trip! Wish I were in Australia so I could come see you.
    Bren in FL

  10. How exciting for you! And us!
    We're in Wollongong and we'll keep our eyes out for when you'll be here!
    May you have a safe trip that is full of joy as you launch this book across Australia! Congratulations again!

  11. Hello Rhonda and Hanno,

    What an exciting adventure!!

    Have a wonderful road trip and don't forget to enjoy some of the gorgeous sites along the way. Can't make it all work :-)

    Take care on the roads - we're all completely mad in NSW and I suspect they're a little mad in VIC as well.

    I'll be thinking of you on Saturday as you "Choof" off on your adventures. Choof......isn't that a great word?


  12. Congratulations on your book, enjoy this adventure. Safe travels, big sales.

  13. How exciting! I would love to see you in Sydney! Will you be in a store signing or doing a reading in the city somewhere? xo Meagan.

  14. Dear Rhonda,
    I have been reading your blog for around 2 years now but never commented.
    I learned to make soap and laundry liquid (and basically all my cleaning products), make bread, bake cakes, cook from scratch, attempted gardening (although I'm not quite there yet) all with your fantastic blog entries and tutorial.
    I live in Emu Plains near Springwood and would be so very, very honoured to meet you when you come to the Blue Mountains. I'll keep an eye on your itinerary and hopefully will see you then.
    Have a safe and very enjoyable trip,

  15. Corinne, I would love to meet you too. We'll be at the Turning Page book shop in Springwood. I'm not sure when but as soon as I know I'll put it on the blog.

  16. HI Rhonda,
    Oh, the site of all those boxes filled with your books is really exciting :) :)

    Driving around Australia to meet people, talk about your book etc is a really great idea!!! What a way to connect with your readers, too :) :)

    I'll be praying for travelling mercies!!! Enjoy the trip and come safely home :) Happy Valentine's Day. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  17. I'm guessing each recipient of each book will hold it in their hands with gratitude and a smile ( I know I would- am asking for your book for my birthday :)
    Congrats on the book and safe travels on the roads. Will keep an ear out for your Canberra stop !!

  18. I wonder if it's time to buy a signature stamp like my old high school principal had? Enjoy your journey. I've just been recommended your blog and look forward to checking it out in the future!

  19. Hello Rhonda - I live near Wollongong, and will look out for you. Enjoy your spin around the southern states.

  20. Dear Rhonda,
    I have been reading your blog now for about 5 years, since you wrote in the Warm Earth Mag. I don't have a blog myself so have never commented before,but have recently joined the forum under Curly Top.
    You have been a real inspiration to me and I have learnt a lot about how to simplify my life from your fantastic blog.
    Would love to meet you and Hanno, I live near Bathurst, but if by chance you don't make it to Bathurst I will go down to the Blue Mountains to see you.
    Congratulations on the book I am looking forward to buying it.
    Have a safe and enjoyable trip.

  21. Rhonda, when will you be in Canberra? I'd love to come and see you!

  22. Hello Rhonda,

    I wish that we lived in the same country, as I would love to meet the woman who has been such an inspiration to me! I wish you the best with your tour and the book. I cannot wait to get my hands on my very own copy! Congratulations on the wonderful accomplishment, you truly deserve it!


  23. Hi Rhonda. I live in Sydney but my mum lives in the Blue Mountains so I really really hope I can come meet you up there!

    As many are saying - safe travels on the roads. And have a great time!


  24. Have a wonderful trip Rhonda! I'm looking forward to hearing all about it when you get home again! xx

  25. Hi Rhonda, I'm in Melbourne and would love to see you. I look forward to finding out when and where you'll be so I can pop in and say hi. I love your blog... it is my homepage and an inspiration to wake up to in the morning. Travel safe, Celia

  26. Busy times Rhonda but oh so worth it. If I don't get a chance to before you choof off, drive save and savour every minute xoxo

  27. Dear Rhonda, I enjoy your blog so much, thanks for writing every day!
    I wish you and Hanno a safe journey.

  28. I'm watching out for your itinerary and will come and say hello at your Wollongong stop. And I'll bring you some bikkies for your car trip. Looking forward to meeting you, inspirational lady!

    Fiona xx

  29. Hi Rhonda, I trek to Castlemaine every now and then to buy wheat. Maybe I should pop over and buy another bag even though I haven't run out. It would be lovely to meet you!

  30. Any plans to come to Rome? Have fun signing, it must be very flattering. You are inspirational to many people. I wish I could write, but I am good only at writing letters. I am following you. Happy belated Valentine day! I love Woman's Weekly but they don't sell it here. I will try and see if I can get a subscription. I would love to visit Australia but I am afraid of flying.

  31. Hi! I'm in Albury/Wodonga! Looking forward to hearing more details.

  32. Have a safe trip!
    Looking forward to hearing about your adventures!
    So proud of you =)

    Trinidad & Tobago

  33. I wish you and Hanno well! I still want a signed book for my niece but I will wait until all the dust settles a bit to bug you about it!

    Bon Voyage!

  34. Just received an email from Fishpond to say your book will now be published on 22nd Feb! They did give option to cancel but I am not in a rush however, I did let them know you are signing the books already. Have fun.... Joy from N.NSW

  35. Dearest Rhonda,
    Was just SO lovely to see you and Hanno on Sunrise this morning! You were a natural with the camera! You have inspired my life in so many ways..just yesterday I was making liquid hand soap thinking of you!
    If you have a spare moment while you are in the Blue Mountains, I'd love to have you all here for a cuppa (but no pressure of course!) Sarndra has my contact details :-)
    Wishing you continued happiness and success and a wonderful trip!
    With love,
    Lusi x

  36. Hi Rhonda, Have a great time while you are away, sounds like lot's of fun, jumping in the car and driving. I hope to do that one day!

    Nicky Singh

  37. Hi Rhonda, I am so looking forward to meeting up :)
    I just emailed you, too.


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