17 February 2012

On the road

We're almost ready to go. The house sitters are here, we have enough cat food for Hettie, I've just watered the plants, we've said goodbye to the neighbours and after a snooze tonight, we'll hit the road. First stop - Megan @ Byron Bay. This morning was full on again with a crew from Today Tonight here. What a great bunch they were - Adam, Brett and Nick. And they had a real interest in growing food, fermentation and Nourishing Traditions! I really enjoyed having them here.  

I still can't quite believe we're setting off on a book tour. I think back a few years to the beginning, when I sat on the front verandah and wondered if closing my business was the right thing and if a couple of ageing hipster doofuses could really grow food and keep chickens alive and productive. It all seemed so difficult from that end, but right now, looking back on it, just the thought of it makes me smile. It has been a wonderful and remarkable journey that made me a different, and better, person. It also brought with it many friends and for that I'm very grateful.

We've sent out all the books that were paid for so I hope yours arrives soon. I would love to know what you think of it once you've had a chance to read it. I hope we meet many of you on the road. I'll be updating the blog and taking photos as we go. Every book stop will be part of this record and presented here when we return.  See you soon.


  1. Ah dear, Rhonda I've always enjoyed your posts, but your description of 'aging hipster doofuses' really made me smile. I want to be classed as one of those too when I'm in my sixties...bring it on! :)
    Enjoy your book tour, I hope you take good care of yourselves along the way & I still have my fingers crossed that you'll make it to Tasmania one day too.

  2. This sounds so exciting, Rhonda ;) :) I'm sending you and Hanno virtual hugs of congratulations ;) :) I'm looking forward to hearing more about your book tour ;) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  3. You will need a good night sleep in your own bed tonight Rhonda, tomorrow will be the start of another amazing journey for you. Safe travelling, have fun, take it all in and enjoy!

  4. Nothing worth while is ever easy.

    Can't wait to see more of your interviews. The sunrise one was very informative and you spoke so well. Definiatly a natural. Can't wait to save some money and get my hands on your book. My simple life is still a little off but hopefully getting the finances in order this year will help me on our way.

    Good luck and enjoy your journey. What a wonderful experience you will have.

  5. Hi Rhonda,

    Do you have your itinerary yet? My Mum is in Bathurst and I'd like to let her know when you will be there so she can pop by and visit.

    Thanks in advance.

  6. Bonvoyage Rhonda, have a great time and enjoy the experience, you deserve it....x

  7. Hi Rhonda,

    I have been religiously reading your blog of late, all very inspiring. It must be so exciting for the both of you & I look forward to seeing any tv appearances whilst your on tour. Safe travels for you both!

  8. Dearest Rhonda,

    I've been saving this for your book tour: it's your own words written on March 29th, 2009, nearly three years ago.

    When I turned off my computer yesterday, the counter was on 999,934. This morning it had clicked over to 1,001,100. I can't quite believe it! When I first started my blog, in those early days when I wondered about a name, what to write about and if anyone would read, I never for one second, imagined that less than two years later (started May 2007) over a million visits would be registered.

    I started the blog because I'd written the beginnings of a book on simple living that had been rejected by Australian publishers. I'd earned a living as a writer for a long time and when I got those rejections, and I knew I wouldn't be writing the book, I started this blog so I could continue writing.

  9. Thanks everyone.

    Thanks Rose - well, we've come a long way since then.

  10. I want to wish you both a great journey Rhonda. Hope you will soon be back and safe with lots of lovely stories to share.

    Take care!

  11. What an adventure you're starting out on!
    You know, we never know where life will lead us, or what's in store when we make decisions. I always have believed that things happen for a reason, and from starting your blog so that you continue writing was just the beginning.
    I can't tell you how much I've learned from you, how much I have enjoyed reading about the life you and Hanno have made for yourselves, and teaching us that a simpler life is truly possible. I wonder if you know just HOW MANY people you have truly inspired, and how many more because of your book?
    I hope you and Hanno have a wonderful time in your travels, and I can't wait to hear about your adventures!
    Take care. :)

  12. Well Done Rhonda! I have only recently found your blog but I love it. I would like to know where inSydney you will be stopingon your book tour as I would love to come and say HI and get my boked signed!!

    Cheers Kate

  13. How wonderful for you to have had your book published and now you are going on tour. Enjoy every moment. I am so happy for you, even though I only know you through your wonderful blog.

    You got me making laundry soap which I love and now I am thinking about making handsoap.

    Take care and enjoy your journey.

  14. I'm very glad for you and your husband. What a dream, you "make" !
    I wish you a really good tour.
    All my congratulations.
    See you, on the blog again
    Julie, from France

  15. Hi Rhonda,

    Just wondering if you were going to be stopping in the Newcastle/Maitland area? I would love to meet you and purchase your book.


  16. Good luck with that tour!
    Please don`t forget your friends overseas. I`m still waiting for an e-mail to confirm to me the cost of you shipping 2 signed copies of your book to the UK. I`m happy to send you the money so you can go ahead and send the books.
    Lots of love to you and Hanno from across the big pond. xxx Sarina.

  17. Rebecca in TassieFebruary 18, 2012 7:31 am

    Hello Rhonda,
    All the very best to you and Hanno as you travel; may you have journeying mercies and much enjoyment!
    Now, if it weren't for that little bit of water between us and the mainland ...
    Rebecca Davis in Tassie

  18. Corrine WhiteheadFebruary 18, 2012 8:08 am

    Have a safe and amazing journey, give me a wave from the car as you pass by Tweed Heads. Looking forward to hearing f your adventures :)

  19. Best wishes to you both for a safe and successful trip - you have certainly earned the recognition that is now yours. And what an inspiration to us all (and especially us women 'of a certain age') that you really can re-invent yourself.


  20. Wow you sure have been kept busy this week! Hope you can have a bit of a chance to breathe out on your drive down the coast. Wishing you a safe trip.

  21. The book looks lovely! Seeing my 11 year old's face last night when I presented it to her (remember, you wrote inside for the both of us - I'm giving it to her when she leaves home one day), was just amazing. She actually put down the novel she was reading to look through your book. Thank you!!!!

  22. Have a wonderful journey Rhonda and Hanno-looking forward to hearing all about your adventures!

  23. Hope your resting nicely with Tricia today, I'm on my way to see Rose and Narelle with my copy of THE BOOK, thank you so much for your lovely words. Have a good trip.

    Pippa x

  24. Waiting for the pictures.......... I'm sorry I don't have the opportunity to meet you.............. living in Italy!!!!!!!!
    Enjoy your tour and take care, Clara.

  25. Hi Rhonda,

    Hope the tour is going well, I would love to know when you are down Wollongong way so I can say hi. I have been reading your blog for about a year, although I have never commented. So I thought it was about time I introduced myself.

  26. THANK YOU!!! My signed books arrived yesterday and blew me away. Such gorgeous design and photos. Cannot wait to devour it, and I am pleased it is nice and long so I can make it last! haha! Congratulations Rhonda, the book is marvellous. You should be very proud of yourself.


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