16 February 2012

A balancing act

I went to a long meeting at the Neighbourhood Centre yesterday. It was a three hour planning meeting to decide what we'll be doing this year and how we'll pay for it. We'll continue to offer our regular services like emergency food for people in need, food, laundry and showering facilities for the homeless, room hire, counselling services for victims of domestic violence, family support through one of our wonderful partners, my workshops and many other things, but we have to concentrate on fundraising too. We get a small amount of funding from our local Council which pays some of the operating costs but we have to come up with the rest. We are a registered charity, so all donations to us are tax-deductible but we have to sell ourselves alongside other local charities in a depressed economy - it's not easy.

Photo by Jens Hetzel.

On Monday, we had a crew here from the TV program Sunrise. That will be on TV this morning at 8.50am - channel 7. There will be another crew here tomorrow. I'll let you know more about that after they've been here.

I'm sorry to go on and on about the book but at the moment its filling up our lives. Today I'll finish signing the books I have here and Hanno will take them to the post office to send them on their way. I hope I have time for a haircut this morning and then I'll start packing for our trip. It's a bit of a balancing act to include as much as we need, and have clothes for hot and cold days, without going overboard and taking too much, or leaving behind something we must have. 

There will be the usual weekend reading post tomorrow and then we'll be off. I'm taking my laptop and camera with me so we can keep in touch on the road and show you what's happening and where we are. I hope you enjoy the trip.


  1. Wishing you well on your trip. If you're meeting up with anybody around Newcastle would love to join in.

  2. Sorry Kate, we won't be going to Newcastle.

  3. I Hope YOU and HANNO enjoy your trip. It will be very exciting and good for you, lap it all up and put it firmly on your memory :)

  4. I hope you enjoy your trip. I ordered your book yesterday from fishpond. I've learnt a lot reading your blog and am looking forward to reading the book. thanks. Lorelle

  5. Wishing you safe and happy travels! :)

  6. Looking forward to meeting you in person Rhonda.....enjoy the trip, and we will chat soon.

  7. Great segment on Sunrise, i wish it was a bit longer. I have ordered a copy of your book and cant wait for the postie to deliver it. Keep up the good work and enjoy your trip.

  8. I came here and read your post and looked at the clock- it was 8:50- so I ran and turned the TV on and watched your little segment- it was great!

  9. Rhonda- lovely to see you on Sunrise . I have ordered your book from Borders (25% off ) I am hoping I getto meet you in Melbourne!


  10. Lol, just caught it at the beginning of the report on Sunrise! You and Hanno are very photogenic :). Love how they mentioned so many things and filmed so much of the things you and Hanno make and grow. It was inspired to film the laundry liquid making as it just shows how easy it is to make a small difference in simplifying your life. Guess I'd best leave now as I think there will be lots of first time hits on this blog and you may discover new followers in your book signing travels after today!

  11. Just relax and enjoy the journey! This tour will be taking you out of your comfort zone for a little while but, it will be great meeting up with many of your Internet friends! Hope you and Hanno have a wonderful time!

  12. Apropos nothing: we are knitting in the same colour at the moment.

    So sorry I missed the Sunrise segment, I wonder if it's online.

  13. Just saw Sunrise this morning and loved your segment...interesting to actually 'see' you talking lol!
    Can only imagine ho busy you are getting ready for your trip and we all understand how consuming the book is at the moment so please don't apologise for talking about it!
    I remember attending many of those meetings you discussed when i worked at a family Support service...they can be very draining as you try to continually source the money to provide services you know are so important to the community...am sure you are all doing a fantastic job and hope some big grant money perhaps comes your way soon!!
    Hope you and Hanno have an enlightening and safe trip.x

  14. Wow, you would not believe this! I was sitting reading your blog just now and read you were going to be on Sunrise! It was exactly 8.50am here in SA so I quickly turned over to Ch7 Sunrise - Mel and the guys were just starting to talk about the segment. I got to see it and I am so pleased.
    Have a lovely day,


  15. Hello Rhonda! I live in the states and was wondering how we can get your book? Do you know who we order from? Will you sign it too? I wish you and Hanno traveling mercies and lots of fun on your trips. You have taught me so much and I am truly grateful as I have no one to ask. Sure wish i had paid more attention to my grandma. Lots of love, Jeanie in KY

  16. Hi Rhonda,

    Just watched the Sunrise interview. I saw the information on the blog with five minutes to spare.

    Great interview for furthering the cause of simple living and interesting to see parts of your home and garden.

    Hanno, the nesting boxes looked wonderful and the sweet potatoes just great.

    Have a great trip and I look forward to catching up with you on your Qld tour.

    Cheers, Karen near Gympie.

  17. Hi,
    I seen your segment on Sunrise this morning, it was very interesting so i thought i'd pop over and have a look.

    Hope you have a wonderful trip.

    Off to read more of your blog! :)

  18. hope you both have a wonderful trip...I am looking forward to reading all about it......I have my dollars all saved up to buy the book as soon as it hits the shelves...it is all so exciting

    Elsam - Perth

  19. I just watched your segment on the Sunrise website as I missed it on TV this morning. It is great to see you and Hanno on TV - I have been reading your blog daily for a long time now, and so even though I am a stranger to you - when I see you on TV' its like seeing someone I know, so very exciting!
    I have your book on order from our towns one book seller. Congratulations on your success Rhonda. regards Julie D

  20. Hi Rhonda,
    Don't watch breakfast television but I was able to watch your little segment on Sunrise at the Prime7 website. I found it by clicking on 'Watch Live'. They presented it very well and in a very positive light I thought. lovely to see you almost in person which many of your readers will be able to next week. I'm wondering if you will be stopping off anywhere after Byron Bay as you make your way down to Sydney.

  21. Rose, it's here:


    I want to thank everyone for the comments this morning. It's a bit strange seeing yourself on TV - especially in the chook house!

    Ann, we're stopping off in Byron Bay for an interview and breakfast. When I have more details, maybe I could invite you to the cafe for a cuppa with us. We won't be staying long because when we leave, we'll be driving straight through to the Blue Mountains.

  22. Saw you on Sunrise this morning Rhonda :) It was great to see a little live walk through of your home. I also loved seeing you make detergent...maybe a soap or bread making video on your blog would be good. Seeing it live is much easier to grasp. Our son makes his own videos quite easily and loads them onto youtube and then links them back? Anyways I am sure that you have plenty to contemplate in the next few weeks....maybe down the track. I'm in Newcastle NSW so if you plan a stop on your way down or back here I would love to meet up. Maybe there are some other readers from the area that would also like to meet? x Chrissy

  23. I'm a bit further on than Byron Rhonda so sadly will not get to meet you on this trip. If I had it would have been simply to say thank you in person for all that you have put into down to earth. Not only have I learned more about living a simpler life but I have also made friends who found me via the comments section. I'm sure a lot of people with the same aspirations have connected here. I look forward to reading all about your trip.

  24. Hi Rhonda, I've just watched your segment on Sunrise on the website. How exciting it was to have a real live sneak peak into your life. You're so generous to open yourself up to the world. Thank you. Have a wonderful and safe journey. x

  25. Have a great trip! Hope you received my money as I am looking forward to reading your book.

  26. I felt a little surge of excitement as I read about your preparations for your trip! I obviously don't get away often enough! Have heaps of fun along the way and enjoy the experience. I'm off to view the Sunrise segment on the computer right now.

  27. ooh, I just love it when folks take me along for a trip! safe travels!!

  28. Hi Rhonda, I googled sunrise, channel 7 and there you were! So lovely to see and hear you talking! Gosh, this thing is getting huge...you must be stunned at all the publicity! I'm not sure I'd cope with that. I hope you have a really great time, and if things feel a little bit crazy right now, don't worry, the dust will settle again. :) Hugs to you, xxx

  29. Hi Rhonda,
    Just saw your interview at
    So loved it!!!!
    Have a great trip. Nice of you to have us along too.

    Trinidad & Tobago

  30. Bonjour Rhonda,

    I hope you enjoy your trip and that you get to meet many of your readers. I have ordered the book from Fishpond - can't wait until it arrives!


  31. And I to hope YOU and Hanno have a good trip. enjoy this special experience and if you get tired, just think about your lovely little place in this world, where you will soon again be able to rest and share all your travel memories!

  32. As a relatively new subscriber to your blog, I so love getting a daily reminder about living the simpler and more frugal life.

    Will be buying your book!

    Barbara (Sydney)

  33. Ah, the TV spot was just wonderful. Hope there are more to come. I second the comment about your generous nature. We're lucky.

    brenda from arkansas


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