16 December 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

This is what I'm thinking about today - how this beautiful community of souls scattered all over the world came together yesterday to comfort and support a family in distress. I send my sincere thanks for doing exactly what I knew you would do.

"Amy" sent her thanks too and instead of giving you my interpretation of what she said, I'll lay it out here.

"And also your dear, dear readers, the ladies...I am humbled to my knees...all these ladies sending us love and prayers and comfort and condolences and their advice and helping us through their experiences. I have read them through twice and will print it out for us all to carry with us. So much love...this has been far, far better than the grief counsellor whom I don't need any more. This has been just what we have needed, this has touched my heart. And I do think that maybe, in time, maybe the shards will soften. I will take your advice to the nth degree Rhonda, I will keep doing the practical things...I will give my days structure...I will rest on those days that I need to...that's what my boy saw me do all his life, I always tried to show all the children how to 'be'and 'do' in a good way, a positive way, now I will honour my words to them...for my precious boy.

Is there any way I can thank your readers? I appreciate every single one. 

And Rhonda from the bottom of my heart I send you my love and thanks, you can not begin to know how much you have helped us all. And Hanno...if only I could give you a hug...thank you...you will always be my role model, I will try very hard. It makes me happy alone to know that you and Rhonda are together, somewhere in this crazy world there are two people shining their light for us all."

Thank you for you visits and comments this week. Take care of yourself, I'll see you again on Monday.


  1. Good morning Rhonda, On My Mind this week is the question of how I will recall what I have done in the garden this year in detail. I have developed a Garden Record Journal- http://afreshlegacy.net/my-patch-garden-journal

  2. I am so sorry to hear of that kind of loss...I can't imagine. It makes me think of someone in my community who recently lost her 12-yr-old son. Unconscionable. Anna keeps a blog with very touching posts that might be helpful to Amy: http://aninchofgray.blogspot.com/

  3. Hi Rhonda .God gave you an extra kiss for you to look after his flock. You have a wonderful gift Cheers to you and Hanno Affussa

  4. Such a wonderful thing is community!

    Passing skills on is on my mind this Friday.


  5. Glad Amy is feeling the blog love.

    On My Mind is baby smiles. With triplets, you don't have time to sit around waiting, camera in hand, for a smile. So when my little girl was flashing prolonged smiles I managed to capture a couple to keep!


  6. Rhonda & Hanno, thankyou for making things happen..you gave us the space to share our love & compassion for Amy.

  7. I'm so glad Amy and her family has found some comfort from all the heart warming comments yesterday. Thank you Rhonda for enabling this to happen. May God bless you.
    Amy, my prayers and thoughts are with you.


  8. I've always believed that everything happens for a reason, and Rhonda's blog is no exception. We all came here and made this is community of loving, like-minded people, and yesterday's outpouring for 'Amy' definitely proved it!
    Thank you, Rhonda, for that day when you decided to start blogging because look what a wonderful place this has become!

  9. On my mind is how sometimes grief can happen BEFORE a person dies.....in circumstances very different than Amy's eg when I grieved for years for "the mother I wish I had", so that when my mother actually died, there wasn't the need for the usual grief reaction....I was relieved in some ways as strange as that may sound.

  10. Good Morning Rhonda.

    In my bloggy home, learning has been on my mind - http://marigoldcottage.blogspot.com/2011/12/why-do-you-learn.html

    These past couple of posts have made me think of the phrase 'beauty from ashes' - even in the most terrible of circumstances beauty and love and comapnionship can still be found. Something to encourage us to keep going and keep loving and keep remembering. And it is something lovely to consider.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend. :)

  11. On my mind today is the recovery of my veggie garden after my chooks were allowed to free-range for two weeks while we were away on holiday...this is the link to my blog: http://virtualartspacefortherapists.blogspot.com/

  12. Hi Rhonda, Amy has thanked your readers already by letting us all know that we have helped in some small way to let her know we all understand her grief, she and her family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Sandy.

  13. I'm so happy that Amy and her family have found some comfort from yesterday's loving and supportive comments.
    They've helped me too as we come to terms that our beloved daughter and young mother has a major battle on her hands fighting a grapefruit sized sarcoma cancer in her abdoman. I am trying to carry on as usual but the fear of losing her is always at the back of my mind.


  14. Dear Rhonda,

    I am glad our support was helpful. It's an honor to be able to bring a tiny bit of light and love to the blogosphere. I am glad Amy found our messages comforting.

    Anyway, I am participating in this week's 'On My Mind'. It's been a while! I've written a post about my first photography assignment: Afternoon Tea! Including a few dainty pictures to whet the appetite. So, tea lovers and photography buffs, unite! - and explore my blog! :)

    Here's the link:

    This Good Life

  15. On my mind today is our upcoming family camping trip: http://ailsaphilandgirls.blogspot.com/

  16. On my mind today are some items that I knitted in the 80s and which have been stored for 8 years and forgotten about until yesterday...

  17. Mornign lovely Rhonda~!

    On My Mind - Making A difference - A Special Heart


  18. On my mind today... I am grateful for some me time.


  19. How lovely that Amy has been able to find some comfort in this wonderful blogging community...i wish i could reach out and offer a hug as i just cannot possibly imagine the grief of losing a child...my thoughts are with you Amy.
    I have been reflecting on postnatal depression and the steps forward i have taken over this last few months...i think blogging and this community of inspirational bloggers has really played a part in helping me begin to 'get my happy back'
    I hope you and hanno have a lovely weeknd and special hugs and thoughts to Amy and family xxxx

  20. Rhonda, I too am thankful for the comfort given to Amy as she deals with the loss of her child. I am sincerely praying for Amy.

    On my mind today is our changing schedule. Seems as though we are always tweaking our routines on our homestead.


    Have a lovely weekend, Rhonda. I am thankful for the wonderful community that you have created here on your blog.

  21. Sometimes the best advice comes from the most unexpected places. Condolences and best wishes to Amy and her family.

    On my mind today are books - too many of them! http://sorcha-sidhe.blogspot.com/2011/12/on-my-mind-books-books-books.html

    Have a happy weekend!

  22. My heart goes out to Amy, and I am ever so thankful for what I have.

    Today 'my family' is on my mind.


    Have a lovely weekend :)

  23. Dear Rhonda,

    Yesterday your post touched me as I too am grieving... a different kind of grief, but real nonetheless. My 11 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback died suddenly from tick bite fever in spite of my best efforts to protect her.

    So today Sabi is on my mind


    Thank you for comfort when I needed it too.


  24. Amy you need not thank any of us because you had the courage to ask for help. Please do let us know from time to time how you are coping. Our not so little Blog Community is always here.

  25. As you shared your kind words, you put this scripture into action. Thank you.

    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of sympathy (pity and mercy) and the God [Who is the Source] of every comfort (consolation and encouragement), Who comforts (consoles and encourages) us in every trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we may also be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or distress, with the comfort (consolation and encouragement) with which we ourselves are comforted (consoled and encouraged) by God. 2Corinthians 1:3-4

    On my mind is sharing with family from the kitchen,

  26. Love and peace to Amy and others who are grieving the loss of a loved one....
    Today I went for a walk in the woods, at the nearby Teatown Reservation. What a lovely way to spend an afternoon... walking, taking photos and listening to music.

  27. Many healing blessings, Amy...
    Today I was thinking about and praying for my granddaughter, Taylor. She has leukemia.


  28. I got up early and started an "On My Mind" post today, and only just finished it after lunch, due to family life interruptions! Then discovered that it's not on this week, so thought I'd post it here anyway!!! Happy 2012 Hanno and Rhonda!


  29. Hello Rhonda
    I have just become a follower of your wonderful blog. I know you are busy but I would like to know if you can help me. I have just started a blog but it looks very simple compared to your beautiful blog. Did you get a professional to set your blog. If not can you please tell me how you set it up or give me advice on doing better blogs. I would appreciate this.


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