9 December 2011

On my mind ... SAD UPDATE

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

Two photos today to show you the two main characters on my mind. Mary's eggs are hatching, the first was already out and dry when we let the chooks out yesterday morning. We got Mary out to eat then she went straight back to sitting on the eggs. I'm hoping that when I go out this morning, there will be many more little fluff balls. This first one is a Barred Plymouth Rock.  Nicky, who sent us the eggs, said you can tell if they're male or female by the markings on the Rocks' heads. I am thinking this is a boy but I'm far from expert on this and I'll have to compare this little chick with the others, hopefully today. We have three Rock eggs and three buff Orpington.

UPDATED: I went out at 5.20am to let the girls out and looked into the nest. I was upset to find Mary sitting beside the eggs, not on them. I didn't see the chick, I thought it was under her wing. Mary looked at me then looked away. I just went out with Hanno, Mary and the chick are both dead. The eggs are stone cold.  :- (  We don't know what happened or what has killed Mary. She seemed okay yesterday. We have had sudden deaths like this before, I guess most people with chooks do, but this is very upsetting because she was sitting on eggs and had one chick hatch. I think she must have squashed the chick when she died. I guess we'll have to look for some pullets now.



  1. Hi Rhonda, how adorable that little chicken is!I can't wait for us to start chickens as my next "project". On my Mind this week I have spinach recipes. I have a fabulous crop in my vegetable garden. My favorite 5 ways with spinach. Have a great weekend. Kyrstie

  2. Oh, so cute! Hopefully there will be some girls too (I thought you couldn't keep the roosters - do they end in the cooking pan?). hannah1cestmoi

  3. Ooo so cute Rhonda! A handmade Christmas is on my mind...


  4. What a cute baby picture! I love the fluffy little chicks, we raised a mixed batch plus some ducklings last spring. All are nearly fully grown now.

    On my mind today is our 11th anniversary on our farm. I made a cake for our "farm-iversary" celebration.


    Have a nice weekend, Rhonda. Thank you for doing "on my mind" each week. ~Julie

  5. Cute, I cant wait until we can have our baby chicks again, only three more months :)

  6. My Plymouth Rock girl is SO very broody at the moment. The boys wanted me to get some eggs to put under her but all our chickens are still under 2 years old so there's no need to replace anyone yet.
    She'll just have to stay emo this time around.

  7. How exciting Rhonda, they are so cute! I love it when our preschool has the 'watch a chicken hatch' week. They hire an incubator that has lot's of fertile eggs inside and the children get to see the process every day. Fascinating.
    On my mind this Friday is doll making for Christmas. (or my poor attempt at doll making) http://all--in--the--family.blogspot.com/

  8. I just had to check in after your post in the forum....I had a feeling there would be photos....Ohhhh how lovely...hope they all hatch into little fluff balls.....
    On my mind today is researching the heritage of a recipe...

  9. HOW CUTE!!!! I will look forward to seeing the rest of the hatchlings. On my mind is a new friend brought to me by YOU....http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/12/on-my-mind-new-friendship.html

  10. Way to go, Mother Hen Mary! How exciting! Thanks for the update--I've been on the edge of my seat all morning :)

  11. Doing the happy dance for you Rhonda.

  12. Oh so cute. Watch out for the Plymoth Rock roosters. They can be rather aggressive in my experience with them! I am also waiting on another batch of chicks. we swapped bantam eggs for fullsize eggs under our brooddy hen just after you put yours under, so should have some soon.

  13. What a cute chick. Hope all of them hatch for you.
    Like Lilian I'm thinking of a handmade Christmas



  14. On my mind is winding up the school term & my teaching practice and slowing way down for the holidays.

  15. Gorgeous Rhonda. I'd love to have some chickens but a little afraid of attracting rodents and what our rather large dog (who loves raw chicken) might do to them. Warmest Regards, Miki

  16. How gorgeous! I'm trying to source some Light Sussex or Australorp eggs to hatch in January. Your egg post got me enthusiastic again and now that little chicken has made me clucky!

    On my mind, well Christmas of course and the theatre.

  17. : (

    I read the original post, but before I could add my cheerful comment and link to my own post things took a serious down turn. I am sorry to hear the news. While these things may happen that doesn't mean they aren't heart breaking.

    This time wasn't the time I guess, but maybe some other day.

    On my mind is music, which always cheers me. I hope you find some cheer as well. http://bld-in-mt.blogspot.com/2011/12/on-my-mind.html

  18. Dear Rhonda. So sorry to hear your sad news about Mary and her chick.

  19. Oh, Rhonda, I'm so terribly sorry :( What a sad update, indeed...

  20. OH DEAR! I hope you are able to find some chicks locally.

  21. That is so sad! I don't have a back link, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about Mary and the baby chick, along with the other unhatched eggs. People who are drawn to chicks and chickens certainly understand this as a depressing event. I hope you will continue with your chicken adventures!!!!


  22. Oh Rhonda, how sad :(.

  23. Oh, Rhonda, so sorry to hear this sad news. I wonder what happened? We have had hens die for no apparent reason..who knows why? Strange things.

    We have just hopped back on the chook path with 5 point of lays. Really hoping that sneaky fox stays well and truly away.

    Have a nice weekend. xx

  24. I saw your update and wanted to offer my sympathy. We, too, have lost chickens and other critters on our farm; it is hard. I hope you are able to find some new pullets.

  25. awwwwww... I'm upset just reading about that :(

    my blog post today is called - Sometimes I Swear

  26. I'm sorry this has happened Rhonda. How disappointing for you.

  27. Hi Rhonda, I am sorry to read that, I hope you'll be able to work out what happened.

  28. Oh no :( So sorry, Rhonda. That's heartbreaking. This animal husbandry stuff--it ain't easy.

  29. How very strange and upsetting, I am sure!! So sorry!! Raising animals is often this way, however. I hope the chickens you buy to replace these will fare well!
    Elizabeth in NC

  30. So sorry for the loss of your lovely chicken and new chick, how very sad and unexpected. I have been reading your blog for some months now and you have brought many good things my way, my thoughts are with you today Rhonda. - MM

  31. Oh no! Your post put a big smile o my face this morning. Then when I just came back to post my "On my mind" link I saw your sad update. I wonder what could have happened to poor Mary.

    My post today - On my mind .... Sweet Woodruff

  32. How sad for you Rhonda, I think a lot of us have lost chooks suddenly for no apparent reason but it never gets any less heartbreaking does it.

    On my mind today is where the year has gone ...


  33. Gee, that is such bad luck. Poor Mary! Maybe pullets would be a better way to go.


  34. I am so very sorry about what has happened. Life can be so unfair and with no explanations.
    Please continue on, with your chicken adventures.

  35. This article may prove worthwhile to those wanting or planning to have a hen set a nest... http://www.ehow.com/how_4599194_hatch-chicken-eggs-setting-hen.html

  36. Oh Rhonda, I am so sorry- you were so looking forward to their hatching. And Mary seemed like such a good choice for a Mother. Nature is mysterious sometimes. I wish you a slow and reflective day.

    xo Meagan.

  37. I am so sorry....I was excited to see one chick born and just got back on here to check progress of the other eggs....I am heartbroken for you and the loss of your dear Mary and her baby. I am praying for you and Hanno. God bless.


  38. aww that is so sad as you were so excited about the new chicks, what a shame. :(


  39. I'm so sorry about the update you shared. It is hard when we can't control the things that matter so much.

    This is my first "On My Mind" post, as I usually mistime them, being almost a dozen time zones off from you.

    I've been thinking about my vintage apron collection.


  40. This must have been at first such an elated day and then so suddenly so sad. I am sorry. Sarah

  41. Oh, I'm so sorry for your losses. They are heartbreaking. Always.

  42. So sorry to hear that. Poor Mama and chick. Hope the other chickens are safe and well.

  43. Oh no! It is sad to lose an animal. Poor Mary and chick (s). I hope you have a better time with the next lot Rhonda.

    I'm joining in with on my mind: http://www.thebyronlife.com/2011/12/on-my-mind-two.html


  44. Oh, how sad! It was bad enough to lose the chick, but poor Mary.....

    On my mind is comfort food and the goulash I fixed the other night for dinner.


  45. I am so sorry to hear this. I raise hens too, and as you say, the sudden and unexpected death of a hen is just one of the things we learn to accept. But that doesn't make it less upsetting. And especially disappointing with the prospect of chicklets.

  46. Sorry to hear your sad news about Mary, the chick and the eggs.
    On my mind today are our new lambs.


  47. Sorry to hear that Rhonda....nature sucks sometimes! Very strange for her to just die like that with no warning signs at all....you don't have any snakes around there do you? I lost a couple of my chooks a couple of weeks back, and I know they're only chooks, but we become so attached to them don't we? I hope the day brightens for you...Deb

  48. Rhonda I'm so sorry to read about Mary and the chick; very sad.
    On my mind today is knitting or more specifically knitting yarns...

  49. oh, how awful. so sorry to learn the sad outcome. *sigh*

  50. This is so sad Rhonda. I'm sitting at my desk at work having a quiet little teary cos I know how hard it is to lose a chicken. We lost one of our girls, Cleopatra in August and it was completely heartbreaking. I just finished painting a little memorial thingy for her yesterday. Very therapuetic and has helped with the healing process. Thinking of you matey xox

  51. Very sorry to read of Mary and the little chick Rhonda...must have been such a shattering moment. I hope your weekend brings forth some happier moments for you.
    I'm joining in with on my mind today talking about my first focaccia loaf..
    again, so sorry to read of your sad update...make sure you get plenty of hugs today!
    Jode xx

  52. Dear me. Sorry to hear about the chook and chickens.

    On my mind. The blessing of great grandparents. My grandfather met my 8 week old triplets.


  53. Really sorry to read your sad update. It must have been so devastating for you!

    This week this is on my mind - http://glossaryking.blogspot.com/2011/12/on-my-mind_09.html

  54. Sorry about the sad ending to a lovely story of new life. xx

  55. It's sad that this sometimes happens. You must feel awful finding them both and not knowing what happened.

    Chickens is on my mind today as well.


  56. So sorry to hear of the trauma in the henhouse. Not easy for you & Hanno to witness this, though like you said, it can happen suddenly. We live in a "fallen world" (imperfect world) -- life is precious and I hope you acquire new chicks soon.

  57. O I'm so sorry to hear that Rhonda.

  58. Hi Rhonda, I was so sorry to hear about your chook and her chick today. My update in a bit happier with an early Christmas present coming my way.

  59. Rhonda, Nature can be so cruel, can't it? These things happen in life in general. Sorry, though, for your upset.

  60. There's a lump in my throat right now...so very sorry about Mary and the chick, plus the unhatched eggs. I'm no good at losing animals. It takes me a long time to recover. I surely do hope for a better outcome next time and please know that I care about your loss, especially for losing Mary.

    Diane in North Carolina

  61. Oh, Ronda, I'm so sorry to read about Mary's passing. When it unexpected its even harder, I think. I hope that you are able to figure out the pullets and such. No fun having to scramble when plan A falls through.

  62. I'm sorry to hear that, it's very sad. We've lost chickens unexpectedly in the past (fox, neighbours dog and snow from a roof slide) and it is always very upsetting.

  63. This is a notorious time of year for mortality in the subtropics with chickens. The increased moisture and rising temperatures are good breeding grounds for several forms of lethal bacteria.

    I have more healthy chickens than I do sick ones, but those which have dropped dead suddenly have done it around this time of year - when the temps rise and the moistures up.

    I didn't know what I was doing wrong at first, until I read about a person's experience in the tropics. It's even hotter and wetter in the tropics, so they were always losing their new batch of chicks once they were old enough to put outside. They fixed the problem by raising the chicks off the ground - keeping them away from the bacteria breeding in the warm soggy earth.

    There is also another possibility however, this kind of weather also draws ticks out of their regular hiding places and to warm mammals. All kinds of sucking parasites will do this at this particular time of year. Once the parasites start sucking blood, the animal's immunity goes down and they are rife for lethal bacterial infections they may've normally shaken off.

    I'm sure you have a pretty clean set-up and this has nothing to do with slopping husbandry skills. It's just the regular time of year, the parasites and bacteria get out and multiply. You will lose some stock. I always have.

    Those most vulnerable are the obsessed brooders and chicks under 16 weeks of age.

  64. Hello Rhonda. Your set back reminded me of how life presents it's challenges in peculiar ways and I thought I'd share a short 'what's on my mind' story with you today. regards Serendipity2000


  65. I'm sorry you lost your chickens. We are fairly new chicken owners but they are already part of our lives. I think our 13 year old son would take it hardest if we lost any hens (he'd never admit that).
    I'm joining "On my Mind" today. Being tired of winter already is what is on my mind! http://ourstoneyacres.com/?p=1132

  66. Hi rhonda, so sorry to read your sad news. It is upsetting.
    Best wishes kyrstie.

  67. I am so very sorry. How disappointing for you. It's always sad when we lose animal on our farm.

  68. I am sorry for your loss and so unexpected and unexplained.
    I am about to embark on a similar situation putting fertile eggs under a broody hen, hope it works I am apprehensive now.

  69. Maybe she got bitten by a spider and died on top of the baby and squashed it. Sor sad and sorry to hear that.

  70. So sorry about your loss :(

    On my mind are homemade Christmas gifts http://theprofessorswife.blogspot.com/2011/12/on-my-mind-my-grandmothers-legacy-and.html

  71. Sad news is right...sometimes chickens are startled and have a something akin to a heart attack. I am glad to hear you will look for some pullets. You are so diligent with your care, the next round will turn out better. Thank you for posting. Kari

  72. Sorry to read your loved ones are gone..

    Have a slow day, greats from Holland

  73. I am sorry to read the sad update about your baby chicken and Mary. We had two hatch a few weeks ago, (she was only sitting on 4eggs) and we were so excited, next morning one of the little ones had died in the night too. It is heartbreaking to find them but have also been told it happens sometimes. We now have another little bantam sitting happily now with 6 eggs and fingers crossed all will be good.


  74. HI Rhonda,

    I'm so sorry you lost your chooks :( :( :(

  75. I'm sorry to read your sad update Rhonda, take care.

  76. So sorry for your loss. I love my chickies and mourn each ones passing. They are such fun to have and I love to watch their antics.


  77. Oh dear Rhonda, such a sad update, after such joy...thinking of you and Hanno....Hugs to both of you.

  78. I'm sorry for your sad news...


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