25 November 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

I'm thinking of the calendulas I picked yesterday. Like everything else in our garden, they're organic, so I'm making calendula salve with them. It's a helpful little home remedy to have on hand for rashes and infections. I'll tell you more about it next week.

Thank you for your visits and comments this week. If you've just discovered my blog, welcome. I hope you find encouragement and interesting information here. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.


  1. I've been sent some calendula seed in a seed swapping group I've recently joined. Must get them planted!

  2. I love the yellow of Calendulas! Elving is on my mind...


  3. Hi Rhona,
    look at what I picked from my vegetable patch yesterday! A 1919 Half Penny.
    On my mind are traditions, old and new as I launch my blog today

    Have a great weekend,
    Kind Regards,

  4. Remember my comment yesterday about my garden year just beginning? Well, I have gardening and especially weeding on my mind this week.... and probably next week too, we have so many!!!
    Have a great weekend Rhonda! x x


  5. look forward to your calendula post Rhonda....i was going to try doing a salve with the flowers i kept few months ago but just never got there...wasn't really sure where to start to be honest so will be sure to jot down your tips!
    Your flowers look lovely and healthy.
    Today on my mind is wet cloth nappies and making your relish recipe with an abundance of tomatoes this weekend....interesting combination i know!
    Have a lovely weekend
    Jode x

  6. Hi Rhonda, Those flowers look so pretty! I'm looking forward to your recipe. I recently made a cream for one of my children and it was much more effective that the bought cream we tried first!

    On my mind today is my adventurous eighteen year old. http://greenhavengoodlife.blogspot.com/2011/11/on-my-mind-farewell-my-love.html

  7. Hi Rhonda...that is a lovely soft shade of calandular petals, mine were alot stronger in colour and more orange. I have been harvesting calandular petals for a few months now.
    On my mind today is my huge Rhubarb and what I am going to make from it all.

  8. Good morning Rhonda.

    Thought I would join in with On My Mind this week. Here is my link http://marigoldcottage.blogspot.com/2011/11/on-my-mind.html

    Hope you have a lovely day.

  9. I love calendula!! The photos you share of yours are simply lovely!

    Thank you so much for taking time to share with us. I feel many times like it is a simple moment where I connect with my friend Rhonda and learn yet something else to make my simple life more pleasant.


  10. What beautiful flowers... somehow it always surprises me that it's spring in Australia when it's autumn here.

    It's Thanksgiving Day here in America... so that's what's on my mind at the moment.


  11. Oo that sounds wonderful

    One my mind to day are various hooky projects

  12. I'm looking forward to reading about your calendula salve, Rhonda. I am very interested in making such things myself.

    Today is Thanksgiving in the USA! We had a lovely dinner and family day together. On my mind (after such a large meal) is fitness.


    Have a lovely weekend, Rhonda. Thank you for your generosity in doing "on my mind" each week.

  13. Lovely calendulas, Rhonda. I'll be interested to see how you make your salve.

    On my mind today is what has happened to some mail I sent especially after receiving mail this morning in a damaged packet.


    I could only post a sneak peek of the item I made until the receiver has delivery of it.

    Hope everyone has a safe, lovely weekend!


  14. I thought I would like to join this week with On My Mind. Thank you for a chance to join in with my I hate to waste anything.

  15. Xmas is can be very difficult for family and ensuring the children are ok can be a challenge. That is what's on my mind.


  16. I'm hoping to grow calendula in my garden after the wet season finishes.

    On my mind today is my dad and Goofy. Yep, you read right.


  17. yellow again..love it!


  18. I'm astounded at the therapeutic uses of various flowers.

  19. Those are truly beautiful! I'm also looking forward to your salve recipe, thank you.

  20. I'm blessed to be able to work from home and my first task each morning when I enter my office is to switch on my computer and visit your blog for a bit of a read. Such a delightful start to each day! I've used so many tips and made a couple of recipes. Thanks for the time you invest - I love visiting every day.

  21. On my mind is making homemade lasagna and celebrating the end of her children's high school career with a good friend tonight. Next year will be our turn.

  22. After meeting Death 32 months ago, on my mind everyday would be how blessed I am to be alive and to be able be a mother to my son, a wife to my husband, a daughter to my parents, a sister to my brother, to be able to write, cook, garden, make music, etc even though I have to live with this medical condition. I am grateful.


    Thank you Rhonda for this opportunity.

  23. It's been raining cats and dogs here these last 2 weeks. Lots of flooding but thankfully I live up on a hill.
    On my mind will be ensuring all veggies are safe and secure, especially my tomatoes which were coming along so nicely.
    Also on my mind is helping my girls revise for upcoming end of term tests.

    trinidad & tobago

  24. http://gettingintomischief.blogspot.com/2011/11/friday-photo-feature_25.html

    I'd love to be able to grow plants to make medicine. That's neat.

  25. I forgot about the on my mind series. I posted on my blog how I ended up on a simple path and how it has made me all the better because. Thanks for being a light to shine as I have been on this path.


  26. I love these posts and all the new places that it brings me to. Thanks for this great idea Rhonda. I have joined in over here

  27. Ours are orange, too. But we don't make the salve. My sister usually picked and dried the blossoms for grandma.

    I forgot to share my blog post yesterday - I was busy sewing. :-)

  28. Hi,
    We're also enjoying Spring here in S.Africa. I also grow calendula in our community garden and last year made calendula massage oil by filling a jar with flowers (picked at midday) and then filling the jar with olive oil. The sealed jar then stood on a sunny windowsill for 2 weeks, after which I strained the flowers off and bottled the oil in coloured glass bottles (recycled). It's smells SO good, I even used it in my bath-water in winter! Looking forward to your salve recipe Rhonda!

  29. Your calendulas look marvelous, Rhonda. I enjoy making salve with ours and actually need to make another batch because we've nearly finished our current jar! Did you know that calendula salve is antiseptic and anti-fungal as well? Nature is truly amazing. Happy potion making. :)


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