1 October 2011

Weekend reading

There are so many inspirational and motivating posts around - all these innovative ideas and new ways of doing old things. It really helps keep me on track and to remain focused on our values and common goals. I don't always have the time to look around the blog world but when I do, from now on, I'll take a note of those posts that I think are particularly outstanding and share them with you on the weekends; either Saturday or Sunday, depending on when I can do it.

I expect Nita @ Throwback at Trapper Creek will make a regular appearance in these lists because she regularly writes strong valuable posts. This week's post and video on growing potatoes is a good example of her intelligent down-to-earth principles.

pigeon pair is teaching a lesson in perseverance and fishbone knitting. I've never seen this stitch before but I think it will be perfect for a cowl.

One flew over is my favourite new (to me) blog. Looking at her knitting, crochet and sewing reinforces for me the value of using good quality materials in our home crafts. Kate's Douceur just took my breath away. I am definitely making that for myself soon.

Amanda Brooke's blog has been mentioned many times here as I think she is an amazing woman, mother and business owner. Amanda has written a wonderful post on making a simple prefold nappy/diaper using a flannel pillowcase. Amanda's pillowcases came from the thrift shop for 75 cents. I am teaching a Frugal Parenting workshop a the Centre soon and this tutorial will be in my list of online sites that new and expectant parents should visit.

And just so the fellas don't feel left out, at The Year of Mud, they're installing terracotta floor tiles (with pictures). If you've ever had dreams of building your own earth-friendly home from scratch, read through the back posts because I'm sure you'll be amazed and inspired.


  1. Thanks Rhonda, that would be great. Also I love your story in the "Woman's Weekly". xxoo

  2. Thanks, Rhonda. I agree, finding other blogs which are of similar interest, and which provide innovative idea's are one of the great plusses of the Net. And it's always nice when someone takes the time to recommend another blog - certainly saves a lot of time LOL So, thanks again :)

  3. Hi Rhonda, many thanks for the link to my blog and the pillow slip tutorial. I had one of the nappies on Ben for several hours today and they work just fine! Your words are so kind and I appreciate your support and generous nature. Amanda x

  4. Yes I have been surper busy and not been around to the bvlogs as I would like, but hope will be getting more time now, have a very blessed weekend.

  5. I love that cowl! It's been on my to-do list for about a year, but other people's projects keep creeping ahead of it :) I really need to knit that soon

  6. Thank you so much for your lovely words xx


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