19 October 2011

Radio interview and peach whey cake

Last week I was interviewed by the lovely Georgia at ABC Capricornia radio station; that interview was played on air on Monday. I've agreed to do a radio spot with them, once a month, from next Monday. I'll be on at 3.30pm. It goes state-wide in Queensland, but not the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane or the Gold Coast. I'm not sure if there are podcasts. It should be fun, I'm looking forward to it because as well as talking to Georgia on air, I'll be answering listeners questions if they call in. More people are interested in how you and I live now and I am really pleased I can help them with their own changes.

Earlier this week some readers asked for the recipe for peach whey cake. I generally make my recipes up as I go - this one is just a plain butter cake mixed with whatever fruit you have on hand. I say fruit but it could just as easily be nuts, cocoa, coconut, dates, sultanas or raisins.


Grease and line a cake tin - I used a round one about 7.5cm or 3 inches deep.

3½ cups self raising flour
¾ cup sugar
250 grams/½ pound butter at room temperature
Approx. 1 cup of whey - or milk if you have none
3 eggs
a splash of vanilla 
peach jam
peaches - either fresh, from a tin or your home preserves. If the peaches are fresh, slice very thinly.

Turn the oven on to 180C.

Put all the ingredients into a bowl and mix with an electric beater till combined. Then turn up the beater and beat for about two minutes until the batter is thick and creamy. If you need more liquid, add more whey or milk as needed. 

While the batter is still in the bowl, fold two tablespoons of jam through it. It doesn't have to be fully incorporated, just streaks of jam through the batter. 

Pour the batter into the cake tin and cover the top with the peaches (or whatever fruit you're using).  If you're using apples, you could use strawberry or raspberry jam in the mix. Customise the recipe according to what you have on hand. If you have no jam, no problem, just leave it out.

Bake in the oven for about 35 - 45 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. When it's cooked, you'll be able to smell it and it will be golden brown on the top.  Turn it out onto a rack to cool.

I'm doing another workshop today at the Neighbourhood Centre. This time it's fermenting. We'll be making yoghurt, vinegar, ginger beer and sourdough starters. It looks like being a good day. I hope you enjoy yours too, whatever you're doing. I'll see you again tomorrow.



  1. Good morning, wow you are becoming busy! Congratulations again, you are in a position to really influence others to live thoughfully and you also have the ability to inspire so I think you will make some great change in people's lives. Good on you and thank you!

  2. I hope that podcasts are available so we can listen to you overseas - that would be great. The peach cake looks lovely (think I'll put a tin of peaches on my next shopping list).

  3. The peach cake does look tasty. Good luck with your new radio spot!

  4. Hi Rhonda, I wish I was able to listen to your radio segments :) Thankyou for this recipe for the cake, we are going camping this weekend so I need to do some baking to keep us fed. The recipe is timely as I have half a bottle of milk that needs to be used today so I will be able to use that and I have some berries in the freezer and raspberry jam in the fridge so I think I will try a berry version :) Have a lovely day, Regards, Ruth

  5. That recipe looks interesting Rhonda. I must admit that I usually toss whey as I'm not usually in a position to use it immediately. I assume it has the life of milk or maybe a bit less? Would freezing make it separate?

  6. Hi Rose. Whey lasts longer than milk - the milk solids have been removed. It should last about a month in the fridge.

  7. It freezes too Our Rose. Lovely recipe Rhonda, ty

  8. Congrats on the radio gig Rhonda....a great way to spread even more of your wisdom around!
    TY also for posting the cake recipe...looks great, i wonder if it would work with nectarines as i am getting the first fruit from our tree which is wonderful but since i am the only one eating them i fear they are going to go to waste!Perhaps a crumble might be better....sorry i digress...congrats again and best wishes on your shows. Jode x

  9. Congrats on the radio spot! I've never used the whey for a cake, I'll give a try. Your cake smells good, I can feel it from Sicily!!!!! Take care, Clara ;-)))

  10. I'm off to make that cake for dessert right now!

  11. Thanks for that info on whey Rhonda, I thought it was very fragile, I'll do some experimenting. Thanks too Sue re freezing.

  12. What a yummy looking recipe, I'm salivating! Good luck with the new radio show, it sounds like lots of fun and you will be able to reach more people that way. :)

    Brittany P.

  13. I think I'll try that cake! I made cream cheese (from Nourishing Traditions) for the first time yesterday and hadn't decided what to use the whey for-your post was very timely :) No peaches this time of year in Newfoundland though, so I'll likely use apple.

  14. Your subscriber, Cap'n Dan Van Blarcom from ABC Radio Tropical North writes;
    "I love your recipes and hints and will be listening for your radio spot. All the best!

  15. Hi Rhonda, So many people asked about a podcast of your program, so here are some ideas. Regional ABC stations don't usually podcast but they can give the program to you on disk or you can record it yourself from the radio and add a podcast/MP3 to your blog. Think about your own sign-off signature saying such as "Keep it simple and have fun til we talk again" remembering that on radio you talk to a person not 'listeners' - so have fun.

  16. Hi Cap'n Dan, thanks for the tips.

  17. Oh dang, Rhonda -- now you have me wanting peach whey cake! Love your posts, by the way -- a pleasure to read.



  18. I had some whey to get rid of along with a jar of lower-sugar blueberry spread we don't love. I didn't have any frozen blueberries, so I just microwaved the jam to soften it, swirled it into the batter and baked. I also sprinkled the top with sugar. Amazing! This is a soft, delicious cake that may well become a staple. Thank you!

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