28 October 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

I've done something a bit different for "On my mind" today. I asked Sunny to write a message (under photo) to her family for this lovely photo I took yesterday.

Hello to Sunny's mother, Sunja Cho, and her sisters Yeonhee Kim and Sungji Kim!  :- )

Click a couple of times on the photo to enlarge it.

Hi, family, mum and sisters!! How are my nephews and niece? I'm spending lovely time with Kerry, Jamie and his grandparents on the Sunshine Coast. Jamie is growing up well and really fast. Hope we get together here soon. Looking forward to seeing all of you soon.

Yesterday was the busiest day ever on this blog with almost 8000 visitors and 17,000 pages read. I'm guessing the influx was due to the combination of the new Women's Weekly coming out and my interview on Perth's ABC Radio. If you're new to my blog, welcome, I hope you find something of interest on the main page and in the archives. As we move towards another weekend, I hope you've done work you are proud of and that you can rest and relax over the next couple of days. We'll be doing that here too - I have sewing and knitting to help recharge my batteries and, no doubt, Hanno will be in the garden clipping and sowing. I'll see you all next week.



  1. Hello Miss Rhonda, love your family foto, what well Jamie call you grandma? Did he get a hair cut? He sure is a cutie, and opa looks like a happy grand pa, don't you just hate when they go back home, you can't wait till they come back. : ) Espy

  2. Espy, Jamie will call me grandma - or whatever version of it he comes up with.

  3. That's a lovely photo. It's so nice to have family together. Here's my latest sewing endeavour.


  4. Lovely happy snap. It certainly was a busy blog day for D2E. My link for today: http://rosesandcream-qld.blogspot.com/2011/10/on-my-mind.html

  5. Hi Rhonda Jean! Beautiful photo of your family. Jamie is looking absolutely gorgeous. I love his chubby chops - that's what my Dad used to say about my babyface cheeks when I was little.
    Have a wonderful day.

  6. Lovely post....lovely family photo,great way to stay connected...

  7. Rhonda, you have a lovely family, grandchildren are so special aren't they? My parents love being grandparents :)I really enjoying reading your blog. Have a lovely weekend.

  8. YOu are taking so much joy in your grandchildren, rhonda...it is beautiful to see. I liked your comment that he might call you 'whatever he comes up with' ... we chose something for my dad, but our daughter just started calling him something else and it has stuck!
    So glad you have another influx of new visitors through your media committments. This is a wonderful way for them to find out more about simple living.
    I am talking about GARLIC at my blog today at :

  9. Beautiful family photo of all of you. Very contented and happy within the safety of your wonderful haven.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. How lovely to get such recognition Rhonda...you should be very proud of yourself!You have me buying the weekly again after many years!
    That's a beautiful family photo, looks like you are all enjoying special family time immensely!
    have a great weekend.
    Jode x

  11. I'm so pleased that your message is getting out there! I think I've said this before, but you are a wonderful gentle encouragement to embrace a slower and intentional life. Thank you :-)


  12. A beautiful family photo Rhonda.
    Here's my On my Mind.......http://stitchandsow-homeandgarden.blogspot.com/2011/10/on-my-mind-op-shop-gleanings.html

  13. Hi Sunja Cho, Yeonhee Kim and Sungji Kim!

  14. That is a lovely photo. On my mind... http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/10/on-my-mind-summer-remains.html

  15. Rhonda,
    You and Hanno are truly blessed, and Jamie is growing so fast! He's such a cutie. :)
    Thank you for sharing your family with us.

  16. Hi Rhonda,
    what a lovely family you've got! It is a pleasure and priviledge to be able to read your wonderful stories. In the light of your interest in cooking and the environment, I have a great tip that I read in a Dutch environmental magazine: did you know that you can 'boil' pasta with the gas off? Just boil water, put in the pasta, stir, let it boil for a minute and turn the gas off. Keep the lid on the pan and check after eight (or so) minutes. Your pasta should be done. How much gas would we save if we all did this? Enjoy your weekend!

  17. What a fun twist on your Friday feature! Your family is so lovely!

    Family is on my mind too. http://bld-in-mt.blogspot.com/2011/10/on-my-mindsisters.html

  18. There is so much love in this photograph, even the way Sunny is holding Hanno's arm speaks volumes.

    Hugs from Sue,


  19. I've had a lovely and productive morning-feeling quite blessed! Two of our young grandsons will be here tomorrow, so I have had them in mind this morning!


  20. What a beautiful family photo, Rhonda! I hope you enjoy the sewing and knitting time to recharge after your busy week.

    On my mind today is "Growing In Every Direction".


  21. What a great shot! and tickled to hear that word is spreading of your great site...that can only bode well for your book. and maybe that'll mean it'll come to the U.S. quicker!


  22. These are the days to cherish most!
    On my mind this Friday is soap making for Christmas presents.

  23. What a lovely photo! He is growing up so fast!

    On my mind today is the size of a house (not a home) that I visited last night...


  24. Lovely pic :)

    On my mind... Celebrations, festivities (HAPPY DIWALI everyone :) )

    I hope you had a lovely week! We are still in the middle of the festivities!


  25. Hello Rhonda, another lovely Friday post. And I really enjoyed your column in the WW. I turned straight to it and even though I read your blog daily, i had never seen the recipe for wood flooring cleaner, so that was a bonus. Have a great weekend, Hanno looks good in the photo with Jamie so I hope that his health is tickety boo (noted he had a few drs appts a couple of weeks ago :) )
    Kathy (Tas) - my log on isn't working still so have to post anon. :)

  26. Sounds like a nice weekend you have planned Rhonda. On my mind today is the November Knitting for Brisbane's Needy challenge...

  27. Mushrooms are on my mind http://its-our-life-for-six.blogspot.com/2011/10/on-my-mind-mushrooms.html

  28. Lovely family photo!
    On my mind today is my finally completed crochet blanket.

  29. Very nice family photo. On my mind today is a family outing we took last weekend... a lovely drive up the road from our farm.


  30. I REALLY enjoy your blog. Thank you for the inspiration!

  31. Whoa - 8,000 visitors!
    Imagine if they all left a comment!
    You'd feel obliged to read them all, wouldn't you?
    You'd have to start getting up earlier than 4-5am.
    No one could EVER call you lazy!
    (PS.- look after yourself - we don't want you to burn out and then disappear from the interwebs!)

  32. Hi Rhonda,
    I read your column in my grand mother's Weekly. It must have been a challenge to summarize all your whole journey into 500 words - I thought you did great.
    I'm soon to leave my lovely Sustainability job at council, because we're moving to Darwin! I'm so excited. We'll be living in an apartment so i'm keen to try a tropical balcony garden.

    On topic - the removalists won't move any cleaning products, so this is the perfect opportunity to start over and only have a few homemade items.

    Take care, Candice
    ps. Love your Weekly banner - so exciting isn't it!?

  33. Hello Candice! I just wanted to wish you all the best with your move. From Toowoomba to Darwin, mmmmmmm. You're going to be hot, young lady. Take care and let me know how you're going when you've settled in.


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