12 August 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

Please note: I've simplified the explanation of On my Mind (above) because last week someone told me that when she went visiting the blogs that had left a link here, many of them did not link back or say they were part of this. She didn't leave comments on the blogs she thought weren't taking part.

I am thinking about this scene, watching Sunny show Jamie some books we gave him when they came to visit on Wednesday. While I was watching, Sunny and Kerry made a pact - Sunny will read to Jamie in Korean and Kerry will read to him in English. What a lucky boy Jamie is!


  1. Oh, how precious!
    Since I am a collector of pictures of girls and women reading, I find my own photos of my sweet boys growing up reading are especially treasured. I do hope this is the beginning of a collection of your own as your grands grow up with their Mamas reading to them.
    Sweet memories being made.

  2. Hi Rhonda,

    I have joined in this week! On My Mind today is fresh summer produce and the things I have made with it!

    My link can be found here:


    Thank You!

    Brenna at Conscious Earth

  3. Rhonda Jaimie is a lucky boy. We have the same thing going on with our aussie son and his lovely French wife. We think the grandchildren are so smart as they speak French and their French grandparents think they are smart because they speak English - we are all right.

    Last trip to France the 5 year old did all the translations for his Dad. Much to the amusment of the local shop keepers.

  4. Hello, On My mind this week is getting read for fall my link:


  5. I'm glad that they have made this pact. My family has been telling my SIL to do this as well as she is from Russia and we all feel her son Austin should learn Russian early so that he can communicate with her family as he grows and not all of them speak English. Babies can learn so much easier.

    On my mind is my baby years and some special photographs...

  6. Hi Rhonda, on my mind is the forest of trees I am planting for future generations. What a lucky boy indeed.
    www.thisbloominglife.com (sorry I haven't worked out how to do the actual page link just the site link...)

  7. What a lovely photo! Thanks for sharing it, Rhonda. Family is so precious - I've just had a great evening with my daughter who's living with us at the moment, just chatting and chilling - lovely!

    Hope you can pop over to visit my UK blog. Chris xx


  8. Jamie is indeed a lucky little boy, and boy is he ever growing!
    On my mind today is, gardening, and the love for it that my Mother passed on to me. I can't imagine my life without my hands being in the dirt! :)


  9. That's a great start to having a bilingual child. We do this with our children. My husband only speaks to them in Russian and I only speak to them in English. Our two year old son has really caught onto both languages. :-)

  10. I am very happy to be 'back' from my travels and to participate in feature again! Thanks for hosting it, Rhonda!

    My 'On my Mind' post features some beautiful photography taken on today's plane ride and some reflections (and prayers) on the power of travel. Where will you be going or have you gone this year? Enjoy!


  11. Hi Rhonda.. what a beautiful wee boy and isn't he growing so quickly.

    I have joined On My Mind this week, thinking about feeling connected.


  12. He is a lucky (and beautiful) boy indeed! I use my Spanish at work all the time.

    This is on my mind this weekend:


    Have a lovely weekend all!


  13. What a beautiful photograph! I still think books are so precious, despite all the multimedia we have today.
    On my mind today is exercise and why it has become a necessity

  14. Hi Rhonda and readers, I love your picture Rhonda :) Reminds me of when I used to sit my boys as babies on my knee and look at the books and they would gurgle away. It's awesome to see parents reading to young babies, both of my boys now have a great love of books and love being read to and I believe this is because we started the wonderful world of books with them when they were so young. It's awesome that they are reading in both languages as well.

    On my mind today is something a little outside of what I normally post and had planned to post but it is something that has really made me stop and take stock and think. It is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, I thought I would do a post to share this information with as many people as I can to try and spread the Green Friendly message


    I started a ginger beer plant yesterday from one of your recipes, I'm so excited, my Dad used to make gingerbeer when I was little, so I can't wait to share it with my boys.

    Have a lovely day :)

  15. The promise of spring is on my mind.


  16. Actually I had the opposite thing happen Rhonda, I happened to leave a comment one Friday and had a few people assuming I was taking part in "on my mind" and came and visited and left comments.

  17. Hi Rhonda,

    Today what is on my mind is best summarised as the passage of time. http://www.girlswearbluetoo.com/2011/08/on-my-mind-passage-of-time.html

    I love pics of Parents reading to babies too. :)

  18. Hi Rhonda, isn't that wonderful for Jamie! I have no doubt he and Alexander will work out a version of Kornglish to trick all you adults! :)

  19. Hello, it's a lovely thing for Jamie to experience both languages his family are familiar with.
    I've been a bit remiss with my blogging lately but I have been visiting some On My Mind posts!
    On my mind today is this http://robs-stitchintime.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mind-bags-of-stuff.html

  20. Good Morning Rhonda,

    Jaimie is indeed a lucky little boy. Reading to children ensures that they will be interested in learning for the rest of their lives.

    On my mind today is


  21. Good morning Rhonda

    What a wonderful idea! Certainly a very lucky little boy, we love books and have made them a part of the childrens life since birth, now they love books!

    A dear friend is on my mind today ...


    Have a lovely day :)

  22. Children are sponges when it comes to languages - and such a unique skill when they get older to speak two languages fluently!!

    Today I have a whole lot of excitement on my mind.....

  23. That's beautiful and he certainly is lucky to learn both languages. I've joined in with an On My Mind post today with baby news.http://purplepearorganics.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mind-summer-baby.html

  24. Sunny is just the most beautiful serene looking woman...and how quickly is Jamie growing up?
    My step-chn are bi-lingual and are all teaching their own chn French.

    Just a beautiful photo, Rhonda


  25. I read to my children from the moment they were born and they are avid readers now. The photo you have shown is so precious and a reminder that the enjoyment of books is passed down from generation to generation.

    Joining in with 'On My Mind' at

  26. Wow...what an alert little fella he is...he is already showing how intelligent he is, isn't he? FUN!!

  27. It seems like just yesterday when you were announcing Jamie's birth. What a gorgeous little man he is.

    On my mind this week is planting seeds ready for putting in the garden when spring arrives. It can't be far away - some of the trees have blossom on them already.

  28. That is lovely Rhonda.
    I have joined your On My Mind posts for the first time this week. I hope that I linked up properly on my blog.
    My post is at:


  29. Precious Photo!
    On My Mind, http://blessingtheelements-mi.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mind-alternate-heating-source.html
    is alternate heat sources..
    blessings from a wildflower

  30. Lovely photo Rhonda! he's grown so much!! :-)
    On my mind this week is my nemesis...bindi weeds!lol

  31. What a handsome little boy. =)

    Handmade gifts are on my mind using yarn from my stash ...


  32. This is so very cute. He is such a lucky boy, to be raised bilingual. This way he can talk to Korean relatives too when he grows up.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  33. Wonderful! I think it's such a gift to grow up bilingual! Here's mine - Just now now: my dying orchid http://wp.me/p1EGAp-b

  34. I thought I'd try joining you this week :) Mine is at http://viggiesveggies.com/?p=1419

  35. On My Mind today is a beautiful bunch of bananas that I am anxiously waiting to harvest. They are just bananas, but homegrown sure tastes better than store bought!


  36. What a wonderful gift Sunny and Kerry are giving to their wee son - and it is a huge advantage for him to be exposed to both languages all the time.

    (A school friend lives in France with her French husband and her 2, now teenage, children - from their birth she has spoken to them in English while their father has used French. While French is their first language, both children can happily converse in English, and it is a huge advantage to the elder as he progresses through catering and hospitality college.)

    It is so good that Jamie will be familiar with his Mummy's family's language as well as that of his Daddy, this is such a special gift from his dear parents.

  37. Lovely picture! Reading is one of my favourite pass times...one that I've passed on to all 5 of my offspring!
    On my mind today is the beautiful day we are enjoying and how it began! Here's the link to my post and blog. Please come and visit me at the Little Shack on the Hill!


  38. Ah, your grandson is so lucky...and so cute!

    My mind is on books too! But, in a different way.


  39. Wonderful baby.
    Every friday I said I would be posting a photo and I always forgot, but today .... yes!!! I remember and you only have to go to my blog.
    Rhonda I love your blog and each week I read it to learn anf put into practice some things of your way of living.

  40. Jamie is a very lucky little boy. How I wish my grandfather and grandmother would have taken my mother more seriously when she asked them to teach me Italian. I wish so badly that I could teach my own daughter.

    My contribution to On My Mind this week:

  41. Hi Rhonda,
    your grandson is so adorable ..i am still in the process of learning on how to blog and your blog is so cool and tq for the sharing.

    on my mind today is many projects and skills need to learn but my time is very limited and my schedule is very tight.

    take care,

  42. It is such a blessing to be brought up bilingual- what a lucky little boy indeed!

    On my mind today is my desk and the fact that I am going back to school soon: http://batchworthlane.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mind_12.html

  43. Hi Rhonda, it's me again. On my mind to day is DIY projects for our new house.


  44. Rhonda Jean,
    that is a wonderful photo. What a great pact they have made. Emily

  45. On My Mind -- Sunflowers.
    The Farmer always plants a garden and he always plants sunflowers among the squash. It is almost like the sunflowers are giving their blessing on all the plants they oversee.
    My name is Leslie. I live in Sacramento, CA. My link is here:

  46. no matter what the language reading to a small child will stay with him (or her) their whole life. I started reading books to my kids almost from birth and they all love to read, and do the same for their children.

  47. I liked your "on my mind" today. Our son married a Chinese girl and our grandson is going to be learning both languages. I think it is wonderful.

  48. Hi Rhonda, what a gorgeous photo of two of your special people! I have a similar photo of me reading a big study book and Munchkin 'reading' along at probably around the same age as Jamie.

    On my mind at present are the joys of exploration. I am just loving being able to watch my son explore his world! Amy


  49. Such an adorable picture. And what a great opportunity to teach him two languages as he grows.

  50. Hi Rhonda

    Jamie is a very lucky boy to have both parents committed to reading to him - and in different languages.

    My niece is 10 months and well on the way to being tri-lingual. Her Aussie father and Chinese mother both speak to her in their own languages AND they live in Spain where she will soon be going to daycare for half days and will be exposed to the local language.

  51. Hi Rhonda, I just found this post while looking for the wording so I can join in tomorrow. Both my grandsons learned to read before school...because my daughter read to the every day. Mem Fox (author of Possum Magic and others and an expert on children's literacy) say you should aim to read 5000 books to a child before they go to school. It doesn't even have to be 5000 different books...5000 readings of books.

    It is also wonderful that your little fella will have both Korean and English.

    What a joy grandchildren are!


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