25 August 2011

Log cabin knitting

I have discovered a new (to me) form of knitting that I really like. Log cabin - it's like a patchwork log cabin pattern, only knitted.  It looks to be a simple way to add colours to a dishcloth and it allows me to use up little bits of cotton and bamboo that by themselves would not make a full cloth. However, you can also make rugs/afghans using this pattern in the same way you build a rug using crocheted granny squares. I'd like a knitting bag made of log cabins too.

This is my first log cabin dish cloth. It's a bit messy and I crocheted the edge, but I think it has a certain rustic charm. I'll certainly be knitting more lob cabins and may be joining some to together to make a larger project. Here is the Purl Bee's tutorial for log cabin knotting.  The always incredible Mason Dixon women, Kay and Ann, wrote about it in one of their books and also here on their blog, where they show a beautiful knee rug (scroll down to the bottom of the page). Here is a good You Tube tutorial about how to join your colours when knitting this pattern. And here is a whole neighbourhood of log cabins - they're really beautiful.

My other knitting at the moment is a sky blue bamboo singlet\vest for Alexander using this pattern from The Thrifty Knitter. It's so soft and cuddly and beautiful to knit with.  I'll be taking it with me today when I conduct my first Crafternoon at the neighbourhood centre. I hope hundreds of crafters holding great baskets full of sewing, knitting, crochet, patchwork and all sorts of different crafts turn up, but if they don't, I'll be happy with a handful of eager ladies or gents.

This is a new addition to my stash - a collection of naturally dyed organic cotton from Eco Yarns.

Craft is such a wonderful way to bring people together. It can be a bridge between older and younger women who want to learn various needle crafts, it is the vehicle that transports the household crafts our great grandmas used to decorate their homes and clothe their families to us to use in a modern way, and it brings people together to teach and learn in a way few other activities can. I am looking forward to today - we start at 12.30pm, just after the shared lunch, and go till 2.30pm. Everyone is welcome to join us.



  1. I like it! Im just learning to knit, once I get the hang of it, maybe Ill try to make a some of these for Christmas gifts.

  2. These are super-cute! Thanks for sharing such creative ideas with the rest of us.

  3. What a lovely new stash! And I love those colours - gorgeous! Rach x

  4. Oh thanks for the log cabin knitting information. I've made log cabin quilts before, but never knitted any. I'll check out the sites you listed. Good luck with your craft group!

    Diane in North Carolina

  5. Hi Rhonda,
    I Hope your craft afternoon goes well & that you get a mix of young & old - what a special job you have!

    The next skill I would like to learn is to crochet tea towels to hang in my kitchen as hand towels. You used to be able to buy them at craft fairs, but they don't seem to be so popular anymore.

    I have searched your site, but can't seem to find a link. Have you posted on this before?

    Loving your blog, Virginia

  6. The Eco Yarns are really lovely, and I like the log cabin pattern for using up spare bits and pieces.
    I love to knit. My grandmother taught me when I was very young, and though I may not be as talented as she was, I've made a lot of things over the years and given as much away.
    Right now I'm making potholders for my sister and my sister-in-law as Christmas presents and I really hope they like them.

  7. What a nice way to use up those yarn scraps and create something useful. Hope your Crafternoon encourages a few 'wallflowers' to venture out and join in the fun and maybe make some new friends.

  8. Hi Rhonda, you've introduced me to something new, I'd never heard of log cabin knitting.

    BTW, there is a tiny typo in sentence 1, para 2 but please don't change it -- it's charming. :)

    "This is my first blog cabin dish cloth."

  9. I love that Pebbles Vest too, Rhonda. At the forum I've shown how to make it a little bigger and also how to make it front fastening for a change. http://downtoearthforums.com/showthread.php/6801-That-Pebbles-Vest

    Love Sue

  10. I've wanted to try a log cabin (first saw the idea in the Mason Dixon knitting book), but was intimidated because I've never picked up stiches and didn't want to learn on a huge blanket. I don't know why I didn't think to just make a dishcloth--thank you for the idea!

  11. Hi Rhonda. I am just flabbergasted that you posted about a singlet today, as I searched high and low for a pattern last night and couldn't find what I was looking for, as my grandchild will be born in February and not the time to be knitting with wool but I thought a few cotton singlets would be good. So thanks.

  12. Rhonda - I wish I was close by so I could be at your crafting meetings !

    I knitted the log cabin bath rug by the pattern from the first Mason-Dixon book, and love it. Your log cabin dish cloth was lovely and I like the idea of using that pattern to incorporate small bits of yarn left over from bigger projects.

  13. One day I want to learn to knit. I have too many hobbies now but I love dish rags that have been knitted. Maybe I can learn to do that sometime.

  14. Rhonda,

    Are you going to make quilts for the grandbabies too? I know it's a lot more work but they won't outgrow them like they will those sweet little clothes. I still use the blankets and quilts my Nan made for me, even though brown, blue and orange hasn't been cool since the 70's (they were my dad's school colours though).

    Lauren M

  15. Wish I was closer so I could come to your craft afternoon. Have fun. xxoo

  16. Hi Rhonda just checked your link to the singlet and would you believe, it's the same one that I started last night.I hope I can make it small enough for a new born.

  17. I am loving getting back to knitting, Rhonda. thanks for the inspiration. And this post today, WOW! It is so tempting and a completely new and beautiful idea for me. Can't wait to try it. As others have noted, wish i was closer to your neighbourhood centre. Lucky neighbours!

  18. That blue yarn you're knitting with looks so soft and lovely! The site with all the examples of log cabin afghans was very inspirational Rhonda!

  19. I'm a huge fan of Log Cabin anything...so homey and reminiscent of another time. love your washcloth!

  20. I always love your knitting posts..YOu do such pretty things..

  21. I have recently begun knitting again, and have seen the bamboo yarn on various sites.Is this yarn warm, and soft? Also what is it like to knit with? I have a family full of people who are sensitive to wool, and cannot wear it, but I don;t want to use synthetic yarns for the projects I want to make.


    Ellice (http://sandragonsnest.blogspot.com)

  22. cute, I finally fig it out crocheting lol


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