18 August 2011

Final reading of the book

This is just a teaser - an indiction of what you'll find in the book.

In a busy week full of reading and workshops, today I am totally focused on finishing the final reading of my book before it goes to the printer. I am so happy with what I have here - the book with photos and graphics - fully presented as you will see it when it's published (next March). So please bear with me, I'll be back here with you tomorrow.



  1. so exciting for you and your family, Rhonda. I will definitely buying a book when it comes out.

  2. I didn't know there was a book coming, now I'm excited, I can't wait either.

  3. Congrats Rhonda! It looks beautiful! BTW- I'm switching to loose leaf tea- should have done it a long time agon :)

  4. I feel a bit silly for asking
    what is the title of your book?

  5. Maggie, you will probably not be surprised to learn it's called: Down to Earth: a modern guide to simple living, self-reliance and sustainability. :- )

  6. Cant wait to order a copy Rhonda, will be like having you next door!!
    I am sure it will be a great success and a wonderful resource to have.
    I agree the tiny glimpse looks as tho' it will be a beautiful book visually as well which is a joy in itself

  7. So excited for you and me! :) Will we be able to buy it in the USA?

  8. I hope so, Charlene. I hope to have some here to sell. Of course you could always email Penguin in New York and ask them if they intend publishing it in the US. ;-)

  9. Oh,so exciting,i just can't wait to get this Book,you must feel so proud,xx Carol

  10. Woohoo Rhonda!!! I am so excited for you and your family:) I cannot wait to purchase your book, and can see a few extra copies being bought for gifts too;) It looks fantastic, and homely.

  11. I didn't know there was book coming! Lucky you. Can't wait.

  12. How exciting! I can't wait until it's release.

  13. Loving the sneak peak! Congratulations! How rewarding it must be to be holding that book in your hands. :)

  14. Congratulations Rhonda, you must be very proud. March is so far away though.

  15. Congratulations Rhonda. All your work is finally paying off. What did you say about retirement??? From ALS to this a great achievement. Will have to look out for the book.

  16. Rhonda Jean, I just emailed Penguin!

  17. Thanks everyone. Charlene, I wonder what they'll say, if anything.

  18. Woot! It looks grogeous and I can't wait!

    Love from Sue

  19. Rhonda, congratulations, from this little snippet the book looks fabulous, how exciting for you :)

  20. Rhonda your book looks beautiful. Congratulations!! I look forward to buying and reading it next year. Are you going to send out autographed copies? I hope so. It would be even more special. Have a lovely day reading. xxoo

  21. Congratulations!I can't wait to get it! March seems so far away.

  22. Hello Rhonda, Have been waiting for a long time to buy your book.Don't think could wait till March 2012! Hope I can buy online and they will ship to Sri Lanka.

  23. Dhilma, I'll make sure that everyone overseas who wants to buy the book can do so, even if it means me posting them all. Don't worry dear, you'll get one.

  24. congratulations Rhonda, very exciting. But how can I possibly wait until march?!!

    Warmest wishes, Madeleine.x

  25. Cruel and unusual punishment with your teaser! LOL

    I can not wait to get my hot little hands on the book! March seems so.long.off!

    Congrats Rhonda, I am truly happy for you! Looking forward to talking about it on my blog!!

  26. Such a tempting little glimpse. Looking very stylish!

  27. Newsue, having Rhonda's book in our homes will be liking inviting the neighbour next door over for tea (no tea bags of course!}. March isn't actually all that far away (7 months)...think how quickly little Jamie has grown & isn't it about the same length of time?

    Cape Town
    South Africa

  28. Oooh, can't wait. Hope we can get it in UK too.

  29. Congratulations :)
    How exciting! I can't wait to buy it!

    ~ a fan in KY, USA

  30. Dear Rhonda,
    It looks really beautiful.
    I would love to buy one.Will it be available in germany ,too?


  31. ooh, lovely glimpse! looking forward to seeing the final product!!

  32. Ooooooh...I can hardly wait for the book!! I have a list of folks who will be receiving a present of your book from me. I'll email Penguin right away.

    Diane in North Carolina

  33. I am SO excited for you!!!! Can't wait to purchase & read for myself.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  34. I'm sure we will all be anxiously awaiting to get a copy! Congratulations!

  35. Maybe if all of us blog readers here in the US email Penguin, we can get an American edition underway? I'll join Charlene in shooting an email their way...Kelly in Oregon

  36. Can't wait for the big read....how exciting....March seems such a long way away x Chrissy

  37. Congratulations, Rhonda!!!!!
    Did you ever dream when you started this blog that something this wonderful would happen?
    I'll be waiting to order my copy, too, and I can't wait.
    Well done!

  38. I emailed Penguin here in the United States to request it be published here.

    Rhonda, I am glad you will ship them out even if we don't get it published here!

    I can't wait to read it!

  39. I am excited about reading this book but do not know if we will have this book in India or not.

  40. Congratulations Rhonda, I´m a newish follower of your blog, and I can see myself going over a lot of your older posts, as there is a lot to be learned. As I grow older I have realized that we all need to be more "green" and live in a more sustainable way. Look forward to your book.

  41. Best book-realising wishes from here too :)

  42. I would love to be able to buy your book in the USA. Can you post the email for Penguin Publishing so I can add my request to their list? Hopefully when they see the interest, they will make it available here.

    Congratulations Rhonda!

  43. Oh Rhonda...March seems so far away! Happy reading and I can't wait to buy your special book! Hanno and your family must be so proud.

  44. Rhonda, so exciting....I have been an avid reader of your blog for a while now and relish every post. I lost both my Mother and Grandmother quite young - too young to have learned any of their skills, my Grandmothers in particular. I didn't realise growing up that not everyone made their own sausages, smoked their own salami and gathered the items for dinner from their backyard. Now in honour of my Grandmother and her ways, I feel like I am learning her skills via pages such as yours. Thank you for bringing a little bit of her back to me each day. I miss her dearly. Good luck with your book, I can't wait to purchase one. Cheers, Whitney

  45. I don't know if I can wait til March, Rhonda ---

    I'm looking forward to getting my copy!


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