29 August 2011

Down to Earth in the Women's Weekly

We had a bit of excitement here last week, I was interviewed for Women's Weekly magazine. They wanted photos to go with the interview so they sent along photographer Russell Shakespeare and hair and makeup stylist Tania Travers. To tell you the truth, I was dreading the photo shoot but Russell and Tania were such lovely people, I ended up enjoying it.

Even though I had to hold onto a chicken for 20 minutes.

Russell setting up the equipment in the kitchen.

We got the chicken photos - with Lulubelle and Martha, as well as some other photos in the garden and inside the house. We only had a couple of days notice they were coming, and those were the days I was at the Neighbourhood Centre, so instead of having a big cleanup, they saw the house and garden as it usually is - a real working home that is productive and well and truly used.

The lovely Tania folding up her makeup kit.

For those readers who live in other countries, the Women's Weekly is an iconic Australian magazine, established in the 1930s, and is the best selling magazine in Australia. It features news about women, with articles about craft, cooking, family, home and fashion. I grew up with my mother and grandmother reading the Weekly. It was a weekly publication then and you could always find the current copy in our home, and in the homes of all my friends. It was part of growing up in Australia; still is, I guess.

It's exciting to see the magazine reaching out to other media, like blogs. Hopefully it will provide a link to people who may never have heard about simple living, or if they have, know little about it. I have written quite a bit recently about how I believe change is happening, this is part of it. The idea of cutting back, slowing down and making productive homes is slowly seeping into the mainstream; this will probably give it a boost. And if the Women's Weekly readers use the link to this blog, not only will they read about Hanno and me, they'll find you too. They'll find the women-friendly world of blogs and that has to be a good thing, for us and them.



  1. Congratulations Rhonda, that is great news! You really are an inspiration to all of us women in the blogging world, and I am so happy to see your message is finally getting out to the masses!

    PS- I am having a giveaway at my blog, a great cookbook that would be an excellent addition to any frugal household! Everyone is welcome to come and check it out and enter if they like!



  2. Ooh, how exciting! I've read some of the Australian Woman's Weekly booklets that are available here in the UK. Cookery, etc. Fab stuff! :)

  3. Congratulations, Rhonda! This is probably like our 'Woman's Day' or 'Family Circle' magazines. I do hope there will be a way for us in other countries to see your article.


  4. Great news on the article, though of course we won't see it in the UK.

    Photo sessions always seem to take a ridiculously long amount of time, don't they?

    In the distant days when I was a music journalist, I used to try and get a youngster who was quick, polite and not overly fussy to accompany me. The times when I had to deal with "star" photographers they inevitably took took much time and often did something to irritate the interviewee. In all honesty, I saw little difference.

    When I was interviewed for a newspaper article, the photographer they sent used four rolls of film over two hours, which I thought was a total waste. Especially as they used a shot that I that I had more or less directed at the start of the session.

  5. Oooh, featured in The Weekly..you'll be a celebrity now, like Margaret Fulton and Ita Buttrose! Congratulations Rhonda, it's wonderful news, and ideal that your message will be getting out to a whole different group of women, and maybe men. I'll be looking for the copy that has you in it....I borrow it from the library when I see the current issue.....Nanette

  6. How exciting! One of the very few magazines I read so really looking forward to seeing you in the mag!
    Cheers Judy
    Word verification = pronties but with my bad eyesight looked like 'priorities'!

  7. What a lovely opportunity for you Rhonda, I know you will spread some inspiration across the whole of the Women's Weekly readers....I can picture a new wave of people trying something new...I'm definitely buying the October issue of WW...It will get them all thinking about another way of living, a better, healthier way.. Well done....and thank-you.

  8. Wow Congratulations Rhonda! What an honor it must be to be chosen and interviewed for such an iconic and well known magazine. I'm sure you are going to reach out to many more people seeking some guidance, as we have found, and you have provided, through us following your blog :) It was lovely news to wake up to with a morning coffee. Funny how attached we get to people through the world of blogging, I'm as excited for you as I would be any of my friends. I hope we'll be able to view your article online somehow when it comes out. Had to have a giggle at you holding the chicken, that could have been rather interesting, although I'm sure yours are quiet and tame. Have a lovely day Rhonda, Regards, Ruth @ http://comesmelltheroses.blogspot.com/

  9. That is such exciting news, is it to be published in the next issue? "These times they are a changin" alright!

  10. Congratulations, how exciting for you!

  11. Yes! Congratulations! I DO hope they'll let you put a picture up on the blog. Did they keep your make-up quite natural? Would we recognize you???

    I'm so pleased your audience is expanding even MORE. Your message and encouragement is very valuable.

  12. how exciting is that?? well done!!

    sophie in new zealand

  13. Mum of 3, it will be in the October issue.

  14. ooh that will be great - give us a remibder when you know which issue your story will be in, as I dont buy the magazine every month.
    Love your new photo too :)

  15. What great and exciting news. I will definitely go and buy one that month.
    You will be inspiring a whole lot of new women when they read about you Rhonda how wonderful. How exciting for the grandchildren when they are older too. You will be a show and tell when they take the magazine to kindy and school.
    P.s I have been using your soap and it is wonderful.

  16. Congratulations, Rhonda, that is great news. Simple living is definitely infiltrating the mainstream.

    Although, for some, the message may take a bit of getting through. I just dropped off some food to a pensioner I know who is always scrambling for money to pay for things. He asked me to put it in the fridge as he had left for the day - and I noticed the TV and some lights had been left on! The savings gained by switching lights off and appliances off at the wall add up over time.

  17. how exciting Rhonda. I haven't bought the weekly in years, but will get the October issue.

    cheers Kate

  18. Wow Rhonda ... that's so exciting! Congratulations!

    It's great to know that the Women's Weekly is going to write about real people, people that we can all aspire to be more like!

  19. That is so exciting! I remember growing up with my Mum always buying the Womans Weekly. It brings back memories for me. These days I don't read it but I will keep my eyes open for the one featuring you, I am curious to see what they write about the "simple living blogging world".
    Let us know what issue you will be in!!

  20. Oh Rhonda how exciting you have worked hard for this. "All good things come to those who wait." B

  21. wONDERFUL!!!!! That is so very exciting and be so good for you when your book is released...You have done amazing things with the Mundane:)

  22. Let us know when it comes out so I can buy it, as I am not a buyer of the WW. I'd love to catch your issue tho'


  23. Woohoo Rhonda- I don't buy mags anymore, but will definitely be buying this one:) That is such fantastic news, I hope that the article brings even more people to this fantastic way of life:)
    Your house is so homely and comfrotable looking Rhonda:)

  24. Congratulations!
    I couldn't be happier for you. :)

  25. Wow! I will definitely keep an eye out for this article. Looking forward to reading it.

  26. Congratulations Rhonda, and it will be nice to see a 'lived in' house not one that looks as if it is a show house for prospective clients, all stark and shining. You must have very patient chickens :).

  27. Great news Rhonda! Is your new photo from the shoot? BTW, which issue of the WW should we be buying?

  28. Well done Rhonda, looking forward to the edition.

  29. Women's Weekly just got a little bit better! hope you post the pics on your blog

  30. Kirsty, I don't own the photos, I can't post them here. Rose, the new photo was taken just after the shoot - still done up.

    It will be the October edition.

  31. Great news. Love the new profile pic. Have not bought the Women's Weekly for years, will have to get this one.

  32. How exciting for you Rhonda,i don't buy the Women's Weekly myself amymore,as i find it very expensive,but i will get it from the Library,well done,xx Carol

  33. WOW! What a wonderful honor. I had to giggle a bit about the chicken holding.
    : )
    Congratulations! Sounds like an exciting day to be sure. We have had a lovely weekend here and I am dreading the return to the work schedule tomorrow. Got my finger, toes and eyes crossed (as a friend says) for my husband to get a job he is interviewing for tomorrow afternoon.

  34. Well done - looking forward to reading the article. I think it is brilliant as the article will definately peek the interest in more people about living more simply. Cheers, Wendy

  35. Well done Rhonda, we are so proud of you!


  36. What a wonderful experience - your new photo looks great.


  37. Fantastic Rhonda! Congratulations!:)

  38. Wow that's wonderful Rhonda! Might have to lash out and buy a copy. I recently read the WW that came out the day I was born. I found it on Trove.
    Love your new photo as well. Your smile shines right out through your eyes!

    Cheers, Karen near Gympie.

  39. Congratulations Rhonda, that's wonderful - and congratulations to Women's Weekly for knowing what we're all interested in reading.

  40. Rhonda, that is sooooo cool!!!! I bet when you sat down to start writing a blog you never imagined all of this and more. So happy for you .

  41. Dear Rhonda, what a great way to meet more and more people. I really hope there will be a lot more people who are willing to slow down and enjoy the simple way of living. That's the way to change the world for our lovely children and grandchildren.

    Have a lovely week!

    Love from Holland

  42. I think that means you're really famous now

  43. Fantastic news, Rhonda! I am so pleased for you - well done! :)

  44. That is fantastic news. I hope a lot of women will read the article !!
    Have a wonderful day.

  45. Best line in your post: "even though I had to hold onto a chicken for 20 minutes"!! The things we all find ourselves doing......sometimes, I think am I the only one who does such-and-such.....

    eg recently, found myself crossing a busy road pushing a vacuum cleaner to a home appliance repair shop as no parking spot close to the shop. Neither my husband or I are 'handy' to do such repairs and the cost isn't too great and extends the life of the appliance....

    ....maybe you'd never thought you'd be holding a chicken for 20 min staring at a photographer, Rhonda!

    Cape Town
    South Africa

  46. Congratulations!! The Women´s Weekly was the first magazine I bought when I came to Australia 4 years ago. I still buy it as it´s the type of magazine that has a nice variety of articles. Looking forward to reading the article. xxx

  47. That is wonderful Rhonda! Many congratulations. Interesting to see how many of "US" had stopped buying or reading WW. they may have noticed the need to connect with real people again. Yay! I'll be buying the October issue too!
    Greenie x

  48. Wonderful news Rhonda! I am so thrilled that this publication has recognised you in this way. I don't buy this magazine but I'll make an exception in this case, congratulations!

  49. Thats fantastic Rhonda, It's one thing to have a book published but it's another to make the pages of the 'Women's Weekly' What a wonderful way to spread the word...
    Looking forward to seeing you on my Mums coffee table in October!

  50. Fabulous news. Lets hope your slow down message is spread. I love being reminded by your blog- I just need to practice it more. What an honour to be interviewed by WW.

  51. Rhonda,
    How exciting! Congratulations on having your ideas reach even more people.

    I'm in the States, but have a friend in Australia who will purchase the magazine for me. When you say "the October edition" does that mean it will come out in October, or in September? (That's how it works here-- the Oct. editions come out in Sept., etc.) Can't wait to see it.

  52. Hi Helen, I think it will be on sale in late September but it will have October as the publication date.

  53. How exciting. I can't wait to see what angle they take. Like many here, I don't buy the WW myself, but I've been reading my grandmother's issues since I was a little girl.

    You're an inspiration to us all!

    ps. I'm loving your soap - best ever - such a smooth creamy foam. Thank you :)

  54. Hi
    I always crave for a AUSTRALIAN WOMENS WEEKLY Its not available in India..I have read a few which I got from a second hand shop probably after being read by someone who had visited Australia.
    I would love to get a copy but how do I get it?
    Can you check out with the magazine people now that you are one of them.. as to how we in India can get an issue at a proper rate
    Thanks ....


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