19 April 2011

At Tricia's

We're here!  We took two days to drive from Queensland to Tricia's cottage in the Blue Mountains. It was a great trip, we took our time, after Tricia was pulled up by the Highway Patrol at 20ks over the limit, breathalysed, licence and registration checked, then told to slow down and let go.  LOL  I think we must have reminded the officer of his mum. Anyway, it was kind of him to caution us and let us be on our way.  We travelled to Brisbane and bought some old windows at a second hand yard ($30 each, in Sydney they're over $100 each), through the Gold Coast and called in to see Sarndra and Shane, then drove south and turned inland at Alstonville, coming out on the New England Highway at Tenterfield.  That is a beautiful town and well worth a visit if you're up that way.

I'd packed sandwiches, date and walnut loaf and tea so we stopped at some really quiet and beautiful places on the side of the road to rest and eat.  The wind was getting cooler the further south we went and to sit in some of these places, just the two of us, no sounds except the trees rustling and the birds, well, it was just beautiful and something I'll remember for a long time.

I took these photos to show where we've been. I thought it might be of interest to many readers to see some of the real Australia off the tourist track that you might have already seen.

This little antique shop was outside a country town on the New England Highway.

Above and the following three photos are in Rylestone.  

Driving along country roads with the Autumn foliage starting to show their true colouring.
And then we arrived at Tricia's beautiful cottage.
This is the front verandah and on the floor you can see two of the six windows bought in Brisbane.

 Some of Tricia's many quilts. 

And the kitchen which has now been repainted.  The little fabric bird on the door was a housewarming gift to Tricia from Sarndra.  The black and white background in the pantry is fabric Tricia put on just after she arrived.

There is still a lot of work to do in this little home but it's easy work and Tricia can take her time with it.  When I walked in the door for the first time, I felt like I'd already been here, and with my much loved nephew Danny here last night, it's fast becoming a very favoured place of mine.  I feel comfortable here and more importantly, Tricia does too, it really is a wonderful home.

The temperature hasn't dropped too much, it's around four or 5 degrees at night and it rises to about 14 during the day.  It's definitely jumper and cardigan weather and although we haven't got the fire or stove going yet, I'm hopeful they're be fixed soon and we can sit cosy and warm in front of the fire, knitting.  We have to find a chimney sweep!   Now that's a sentence I never thought I'd write.  My bed is warm and cosy and we're drinking lots of hot tea.  Life is good.

I'll post again soon.



  1. Looks like you had a lovely drive. You must share my love of old houses :) The obscure non-touristy little towns can be the most interesting. Your sisters cottage looks beautiful and cozy.

  2. Antique shops, stopping for tea, being with my sister most of all...sounds like my perfect holiday Rhonda...have a wonderful time snuggled up in your cardy, knitting and chatting...x Suzanne

  3. What a gorgeous cottage, I love the timber door, enjoy your stay!

  4. Thank you for the update on your trip and for the pictures too. Tricia's cottage is lovely. You two "girls" have a great time but don't be away from your blog too long!! I'm afraid that we have all become a little bit dependant on you. Blessings, Carolyn Gilbert Florida, USA

  5. Such a pretty trip. I love seeing the real parts of places I visit, not the touristy parts. Thank you. Trisha's cottage looks like my dream home. I'm going to start working on mine to make it cottage-ish. Have a wonderful time.

  6. I am sure you will have a great time, and once the fire is on it is much more cosy. I love having antiquing/lunch days up the Blue Mountains with my good friend, actually we have one planned on Saturday and the chill in the air makes it more cosy going into the shops. Some good shops to visit are Antiques at Hazelbrook, Rick Rutherford at Lawson and Primitive at Heart at Glenbrook where my friend works, lovely shops. Enjoy your time in my neck of the woods!

  7. Rhonda it sounds like you are having a wonderful trip. Thank you for the photos. I laugh when you say it is cool with 14c I would be running around jumping for joy, as it sounds very warm to me. 5c at night I would not mind either it is funny how we have different meanings for warm or cold. Have fun. B

  8. I'm sure your readers overseas are going to love seeing these pictures Rhonda. There are such lovely, interesting towns in New England - I much prefer browsing in their shops than any city mall. Would love to visit the Blue Mountains one day. Tricia's cottage is just delightful - looks so cozy and inviting.

  9. What a lovely home! It looks so comfortable, welcoming, and cozy. I wish I had the knack for that.

  10. Your sister's home has a lovely friendly happy feeling to it. And I love your photos of the countryside, especially the road with the trees alongside. I know you will have a heartwarming time together!

  11. The photo of the country road is gorgeous! Such fun pictures...thank you.

  12. sounds devine, enjoy

    cheers Kate

  13. Good to hear that your travels are proceeding well and that you're enjoying yourself. I used to know someone who used those old windows as photo frames. It was an interesting effect.
    Tracy (Brisbane) :-)

  14. It would be hard for me to leave that lovely cottage--so inviting from the conversations (and reading & crafts) on the verandah to the cooking in the kitchen and the sleeps and country walks.

  15. Sounds to me like a bit of Heaven sharing time with your sister, seeing such pretty places and visiting in her beautiful home. Thank you for sharing her cottage! We get much inspiration when you share your home and now your sisters. I sure would love to be able to sit and do hand work along side my sisters. A perfect vacation for sure. Absolutely perfect. Sarah

  16. Have a great break Rhonda Jean, it sounds/looks cosy and lovely.
    Wishing you also a (somewhat belated) happy birthday.

  17. I love seeing the "real" Australia. It really doesn't seem so different from my part of the USA. Happy Travels and enjoy your sister.

  18. I love the pictures from your drive and of Tricia's home. Thank you for sharing them with us. We would love to see more of Tricia's home and the surrounding area. You two have a wonderful visit.

    Connie in Georgia, USA

  19. Absolutely gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing the photos----I love getting to see the backroads and byways of a country I've never been to----that's where "real life" takes place.

    Tricia's cottage looks like....home! Beautiful! Enjoy your visit, Rhonda, and stay warm.

    Blessings, Patti

  20. Thanks for showing the pictures. I loved living in Australia for a few years and miss the small towns that we'd often drive through.

    As Buttons said, we'd be jumping for joy with 14o weather. It's been a very long, cold winter for us this year and we're still anxious for spring to arrive. Once day it will. Global weirding at its best.

  21. oh, how charming. thank you so much for sharing...for taking this Kentuckian along for the trip!

  22. I just love the little alcove with the stove in it!! I am trying to figure out how I could do something like that in my own kitchen.

  23. Hi Rhonda, I do recognize the antique shop! Wingen, near Scone. I have bought a few treasures in there. They make the most amazing kitchen tables out of recycled timber.
    Rylestone is such a pretty town also.
    Have a lovely time.


  24. Hi Rhonda,

    You're going to have such a nice time, I think you're giving us a good picture of how good life can be as one ages, drives, knitting, walks, quiet family time...sounds great to me.

  25. What a lovely little cottage...I'm sure you will have plenty of time knitting...how wonderful to share such a holiday with your sister and catch up with each other. Enjoy your time away.

  26. Such a sweet cottage! I love the little bird! Could you show a close-up... it looks fun to make?!

  27. Ah, how wonderful! Enjoy your time together (as if there is much doubt you'd do otherwise!).

  28. Tricia's cottage is just lovely, enjoy your very special time with your sister Rhonda....

  29. What an absolutely stunning cottage, I hope you both enjoy your visit.


  30. The cottage looks so pretty. I hope you enjoy your break.

  31. Oh, Rhonda Jean, it's so good to hear from you and to learn what a good time you're having on vacation.

    What a great find in the windows. My potting shed has old windows that I originally bought thinking that I would make a coldframe with them, but instead my husband and I used them in the shed. I really love the light they provide and ten years ago, I paid $5 each for them. They were quite a bargain!

    Now a friend has replaced the old windows in her 1850's farmhouse and she gave the old ones to me. So I may finally get around to using a few of them for a coldframe and the rest for my loom room.

    I miss hearing from you each day, but I know you're having a wonderful time at Tricia's cottage, so I will be patient until you're back at home again...until then, enjoy yourselves with complete abandon!!


    Diane in North Carolina

  32. Hi Rhonda..Tricia's cottage looks wonderful, very homey. I'm in the Blue Mts too, visiting my son in Katoomba. A little chilly after northern NSW, but we have the fire on, the knitting and stitching is out,(not my son, his partner and I are sharing patterns) and we're pretty cosy too.

    Enjoy your holiday.

  33. Love the house!!! And a Happy belated Birthday to you.
    Also a big thank you for the Birthday wish you sent my way. It means a lot to me.


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