4 March 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. If you are wondering why no one has commented on your On my mind post, maybe it's because you haven't commented on anyone else's. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

Today I'm thinking about our trip to the Gold Coast on Sunday to have lunch with Shane, Sarndra, Kerry and Sunny.  It's been a while since we've seen everyone, though we talk frequently on the phone.  I have to remember to take every thing with us especially the nappies sent by Rebecca at Bean Sprout Bubba.  I'm so pleased with them, the quality is excellent and I'm sure the new mums and babies will love them too.  We also have some bits and pieces that I've sewn, a tiny bit of knitting and a cot.  Oh, and Shane asked if I could bring a homemade lemon meringue pie, so I'll make that on Saturday and pop it in my basket.  Who knew that preparing for a new baby as a grandma would be so heart warming and exhilarating!


  1. Oh, it sounds wonderful! And the nappies look adorable.

  2. Rhonda That sounds like it will be fun. I love lemon meringue pie also. Enjoy you visit. B

    My On My Mind today is March Winds.

    ravenhush.blogspot.com The Winds of March.

  3. I hope you have an enjoyable trip.
    Today I have too much on my mind.


  4. My younger cousin recently had a little baby girl. She is so adorable. This made me think about when the right time to have a baby is. I was hoping for insights from those of you that have been there before or are thinking about this as well. Thanks!

  5. Hope you have a lovely weekend :)
    Seed saving in on my mind.


  6. It's a step back in time looking at those nappies Rhonda. Today my girl is 18 but it seems like yesterday I had her in nappies (cloth of course) and cuddling her in my arms.


  7. Lucky you Rhonda, to be seeing the babies' mommas and pappas and spending a day talking babes, and then later, watching them grow. My grandbabes...although not babes anymore, the eldest turns 16 next week..are in the US, and although I was there for each of their births, I had just a few weeks with them, and the next time I saw them they'd be toddlers. I don't have a blog, but I guess what's on my mind as I read yours was pride and love that I have these 4 gorgeous g/children, and sadness that I've missed out on such a lot of their growing up.

    Could we see some pics of the 'bits and pieces' you've sewn and knitted please ?

    Enjoy your family day.

  8. Hi Rhonda, my post is actually from yesterday but it's still on my mind today!!


  9. Lemon pie is one of my favorites!

    There is a hint of spring in the air and it is motivating!


  10. Lemon meringue pie, mmmmm, that sounds really good!
    I have cakes on my mind too: I did a centuries old French recipe that has been in my family for a really really long time.

  11. Enjoy your visit with you kids and here is what's on my mind:



  12. That pie sounds really yummy.
    I hope you'll have a wonderful time.
    I'm sure they will be very happy with all the gifts !!
    Hugs from The Netherlands

  13. I can see I am out of date with the nappy system! I hope that you have a lovely time with the family today Rhonda.

    What's on my mind is a beautiful book I am reading.


  14. On my mind this Friday


    Have a great weekend Rhonda :) and congrats on getting through your writing!

  15. That pie sounds delicious. I hope you have a wonderful time on your trip. Here's what is on my mind:


    Have a good weekend!

  16. Morning dear Rhonda

    My hands are on my mind today~!


  17. oh how lovely. I hope it's a nice sunny day for you on Sunday. It's raining here on the Gold Coast today. :-) Yum to Lemon Meringue Pie.

    On my mind -

  18. Hello Rhonda,
    Here is what is on my mind this week!
    Enjoy your time away!!

  19. Family time is always good and when there's more family to look forward to it's better!

    I have fabrics and sewing on my mind

  20. I am SO glad you are back Rhonda!
    I've really missed reading your posts, but I'm sure the book will be worth it.
    Hope you have a wonderful time with your family!
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  21. Safe travels to you both as you journey to see your lovely children. I'm sure the gifts will be well received.

  22. OOPS! Forgot... ON MY MIND....

  23. Being a grandma, your going to love it! I have had my own love affair going for 6 years now, and cannot wait for more. There always seems to be extra love to give. So when more babies come (and I hope they do, but offer no pressure) there is never a shortage!

    On my mind is relaxing and looking for new growth in the berry patch.

  24. On my mind To clean green :)

  25. My mum says having grandchildren (my children) is as exciting as having children all over again! enjoy.

    On my mind today is packing!


  26. oh, my, it's been way too long since I've had lemon meringue pie! enjoy it enough for me too please!


  27. What an exciting time for you!

    I am joining in for the very first time, have a lovely weekend :)


    Oh, and I love lemon meringue pie too!

  28. Rhonda, it's certainly an exciting time for you!
    On my mind today is a school reunion I attended today and how the occasion was a real credit to the small organising committee.

  29. I love family visits as well

    on my mind this week are spring flowers


  30. Hi Rhonda!
    I love your new header banner! Looks so fresh and inviting, and the fact that you have a list warms my heart. I'm a big fan of lists!

    On my mind today is boxes. My son has a bit of a fascination with them at the moment, and it's brought to mind my own love of boxes, starting from when I was his age!


  31. This is my 1st time too! Love this!


  32. Little ones arriving... always fun to think about.

    Today, I'm thinking about sap.


  33. Here in sunny South Africa, the Summer is drawing to a close... I am thinking of harvesting apples.


  34. On MY mind is gardening:


  35. Lovely!
    Have a wonderful weekend Rhonda!

  36. I'm getting ready to do a little sewing this weekend.


  37. It must be so exciting to have not one, but two grandbabies on the way!

    I also have to say that I love that you said you are going to make the pie and pop it in your basket. That is such a lovely image to me :D

    Here is what's on my mind:

    Have a lovely weekend visiting with your family!!

  38. I am very surprised that you have made no comment about the earthquake in NZ that has left so many bereaved and/or homeless. They are your neighbours - I can't begin to tell you of the concern we in the UK have had.

    This isn't a criticism of you, Rhonda, just a query.


  39. Dear Rhonda,

    I have been reading your blog for a little while, but this is my first comment. My life is far from simple right now, but what you write is encouraging to this new homemaker.
    Simple things are on my mind.

    Kim from Virginia,USA

  40. On my mind is making meat pie from leftovers http://theprofessorswife.blogspot.com/2011/03/tip-from-green-housewife-make-meat-pie.html

  41. Getting back into sewing again. That's what has been on my mind. Making things to make it home here for all of us.

    Hope you had a wonderful lunch!


  42. For my second "On My Mind" post, I wrote about my first hair-style change since I was nine... :)
    And your post about nappies inspired me for a baby-shower gift! I have five or so showers within March, and have been casting around for ideas, thanks so much!


  43. Sal, I don't want to speak for Rhonda on this issue...but she was not blogging for 2 weeks to meet her publisher's deadline. It was during her time away from her blog that the NZ earthquake occurred. It goes without saying that she would be concerned. Remember back to the floods in her own country and her compassion and timely posts on being ready for a disaster, etc.

  44. thanks you, Becca.

    Sal, I don't record everything I do on my blog. It's just a fraction of what happens. During that time I expressed my concerns on the forum, and spoke directly with a number of the ladies there who live in NZ.


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