28 March 2011

All we need now is a baby

It was a quiet and run of the mill weekend.  We rose each day, showered, had breakfast, made beds and cleaned.  Lunch was eaten, dinner cooked, there were several knitting sessions and outside, a garden was weeded and tiny seedlings attended to.  We looked like we were going about our business with not a care in the world, but in our minds, we were preparing for excitement and celebration, but also for remaining quiet and continuing to wait.

I spoke to Kerry, so did Hanno.  We asked about Sunny and was told she was fine and, for the most part, impatient and resting.  I searched through my fabrics looking for something soft and warm to be worn by a baby boy but decided against sewing and returned to my "Cute Baby Knits" pattern book.  It was familiar to me and I looked into the faces wondering: "do you look like our baby?"

No one knows what triggers the birthing process to begin. I like that.  I like the unknown aspect, the guessing, the wondering and all the unanswered questions that come with it.  I like being tentative and unsure and that in almost everything we do now, we wonder: "should I? what if the baby comes now." In these days of instant everything, I love that we have to wait this long for something so wonderful.  In a way it teaches us, all over again, that we have no power over the natural world and that a baby will be born when he is ready, not when we are.

On the weekend, Kerry said: "We have everything. We have a bed, pram, bath, clothes, nappies, all we need now is a baby."  He is there, waiting for the right moment.  Curled up in his watery bubble, listening and getting ready.  I can't tell you when he'll be here but I'll say this, the anticipation of waiting is wonderful.  Here we all are - waiting on the edge of change.  Soon, as well as a baby, a mother and father will be born, and grandparents, uncles, aunties and cousins. We are all ready, "all we need now is a baby".


  1. I have about 6 1/2 weeks left till baby should come (hopefully not too late), and I feel like there is so much for me to still get ready! There really isn't and Hubby keeps reminding me that 6 weeks is a long time. Ah, well, when baby comes I'll wonder where all the time has gone, I'm sure!

  2. Oh, the waiting is so hard, when all is ready.

    Soon, so soon you will be holding him, and seeing in him a bit of each of you.

    So, so beautiful.

  3. Those are soooo cute. What a geat talent to have.

  4. Beautiful booties. Grannying is a wonderful job. I remember pacing the floors waiting and worring while my DL was in labor 4 years ago. My granddaughter has forever changed me! Lucky You!!!!

  5. so right how that little person will change a whole family

  6. Hello Rhonda,

    this post is so nice! I remember you very often. Thank you so much for sharing. I wish you all the little boy comes today ;o)!

    M from the Czech Republic
    (you know me from an email)

  7. Rhonda I can feel the anticipation in this post. Waiting, waiting. The joyous moment will be here when baby decides he wants to leave his comfortable spot. Not before he is ready, it is funny isn't it. Good luck I too now am waiting, waiting for the news. B

  8. Very exciting indeed. I'm sure we're all looking forward to the arrival. I so look forward to having babies in our lives again one day.

  9. How exciting and wonderful!!! Truly, the everyday miracle! Babies are born everyday, but each one is unique and special--so the arrival of a new life is never mundane.
    Looking forward to meeting the new member of your family through photos, hopefully!

  10. when the baby arrives, you well say'grand kids are so much fun, we should of had them first." from a grand ma of three...enjoy! :)

  11. Hello,
    I have been browsing people's blogs and came across yours. What a beautiful description of life and the ongoing "circle of life" I am currently listening to a cd entitled "music for health and healing" and when I read your blog post it just seems to fit with the mood and feeling of the music. I believe this was no coincidence. Thank you for reminding me, today, that I am grateful for my life so full of peace and plenty. My thoughts and worries disappeared as I read your post. Thank you and bless you

  12. Lovely post, Rhonda. Happy waiting!

  13. That is a wonderful way of looking at it.
    Thank you for the insight.

  14. Praying for a safe delivery and joyous times ahead for one and all.

  15. The booties are adorable and I am sure that you all are very excited about the new little fella. But as we all know - the babes have a way of sticking to THEIR schedule not ours or any doctors. Our son was a week past due date. You just never know.

  16. Good luck to parents-to-be and grandparents-to-be! I'll be an aunty for the 3rd time in about 6 months, and already I'm anxious and waiting.

    Another M from the Czech Republic - great (and a little surprising!) to see another one on here :)

  17. Since our new little g/girl turned up last Monday ( a week late) I have been opening your blog each morning waiting for news that baby has arrived safely.
    We have just spent the weekend ferrying great grandmother to visit with her newest greatgrandchild. She is so happy to see her.
    The funny thing for us to watch is our son. Already a father to beautiful , bright boy but he is going to be a big softy to this little girl - I can see it already.

  18. I remember my mother enjoying the anticipation (far too much, I thought at the time!) when I was waiting for my very overdue baby to put in an appearance.

    Isn't it mad that the first thing we give our babies is an appointment they can't possibly keep?!

  19. you know this, but the baby will come when he is good and ready. You sound so much like me when my daughter was expecting her first baby.. we knew he was a boy and his name was Harry.. I ended up saying quite often: 'Hurry up Harry!'.. he was suppose to be born in the sign of Pisces.. but he did what he wanted and came into Aries.. and now at 3, he is definately in the right star sign !! :)

  20. we will be having our second baby in about 12 weeks and I am knitting and sewing away in anticipation! I love this time of preparation and am savouring it even more the second time around. I hope he doesn't keep you waiting for too long!

  21. How exciting it must be for you and your family...Hope all goes smoothly for both mum and bub. I can see a very special grandma and grandpa, with a whole lot of love just waiting to be shared with a little one.

  22. I love this post, Rhonda. It is such an exciting time, waiting for a new baby. I look forward to hearing all about him.

    Those booties are adorable!


  23. What I love is about birth is that the mother's body has to release a chemical to prepare for birth, then the baby has to release a different chemical to signal it's ready as well. Apparently a natural delivery doesn't start until both have happened.

    How exciting! Can't wait to see the first pics :)


  24. Hi Rhonda
    Never thought that about a new born before, we all know they will arrive and wait the anticipation palpable. However never thought of grand parents being born and other relatives haveing a new place in the world. Baeautiful thought and one I will share.
    I wish for all a safe speedy and gentle arival into the world.This child is blessed by being loved and wanted from the outset. My prayers to you all

  25. We have very recently gone through this waiting game Rhonda and ten days after her due date our new granddaughter Matilda Lucy arrived. It is indeed a joyuos and wonderful time.My thoughts are with you now as you too wait.

    Gold Coast

  26. Rhonda, such sweet little booties and vest, he's going to be a very cuddly baby! This is such a beautiful time for you all.

  27. I am loving watching this exciting story unfold. It brings back memories of my sons births 4 & 6 years ago...they tricked us with their arrivals then and are still keeping us on our toes now! I bet you can't wait to meet and hold your lovely grandbaby.xx

  28. There is nothing quite like the excitement...the best and most exciting times of my life...were, in this order...my wedding day, the day after going on my honeymoon, returning to our home together, and the birth of our three precious children...we did not find out the sex of our children, and I think that was the ultimate excitement..
    Best wishes to all of your family .....Suzanne.

  29. Bought a tear to my eye this post. Such a magical time in your lives~!

  30. My last baby was born at home at 43 weeks. It was a great exercise in trust in birth. I'd be happy to share her birth story if you'd like - or for Sunny! Sometimes it helps to read of others triumphs during times like these - makes you aware that birth is a normal thing and will unfold when the time is right. :) x

  31. It is such an exciting time, isn't it? I just experienced this anticipation, impatience and excitement with our third. Time goes so slowly at this point. But rest assured that soon you will all be holding him and getting to know this new little person.

  32. That post would be a nice one to keep for Poppet Rhonda. Those bootees are so cute ... you don't make them in a womens' size 6 do you? ;-)

  33. The waiting and excitement is wonderful and wondering what they will look like or who they will look like. My Granddaughter finally arrived two weeks overdue last Thursday and ahe is the most beautiful baby. Being a Grandparent is the most amazing feeling that you just can't imagine. You will enjoy every moment.

  34. Hello Rhonda,
    I am very much thinking of you all - I too am waiting for a beautiful baby, a week 'overdue' now. I am treasuring every day of holding this little one close within, and yet every day that goes by also almost seems like a week. Such a mix of emotions! As your Sunny would know, there is discomfort & anticipation, but also so much that is precious in these days of waiting ...
    I look forward to sharing in your joy as you all welcome your little man ...

  35. beautiful thoughts on waiting! Thank you for sharing! I plan to pass this on to two friends who are expecting their own miracles in the next weeks and months.


  36. Cute entry and cute little booties! Best wishes to all of you. I'm excited for you. Thanks for sharing your anticipation and excitement. I read your blog very often and sometimes do not comment as there are so many. I appreciate you and all that you do, all that you share, and the person that you are!


  37. How wonderful Rhonda!! It is so true that not only is a baby born, but a family too, with Nannas and Poppys, Aunties and Uncles...i will always remember the look on my Mums face when she held my little daughter, who was the first grandchild and now we have another coming in 12 weeks.....all so very exciting and wonderful. I pray all the best for Kerry and Sunny for the labour ahead and those first precious days as new parents xox

  38. What a wonderful heartfelt post Rhonda. Not long now..

  39. What sweet little booties! The new mommy will surely love them. This is such an exciting time for you and your husband, your grandchild will surely be blessed for having such wonderful grandparents.

  40. What a special time. I think birth is all the more beautiful for the anticipation. Lovely knitted goods for the bub, so special that he will be able to wear clothing made with love.

  41. I Type This with my 8 week old boy in my arms....After arriving 6 weeks early and being in Special Care for 5 weeks we only now have him home to love and adore....So very true are your sentiments of not 'knowing"....I had Three full term babes and look at what occured with my Number four....Lifes Mysteries...

  42. I waited all day to look at your blog thinking.. OH OH!! has it happened has it happened... got all excited and NOTHING!!
    My 8YO daughter was 2 weeks over so I do know about waiting... does not mean I have to like it though!

  43. How exciting this must be for you all, Rhonda! Your creations are a beautiful welcome for the eagerly awaited arrival. :)

  44. Waiting for a grandchild is hard, but it gives us time to make little things like those cute baby booties. Hope the little guy is here soon. Have fun with him.
    Susan from Michigan

  45. Your post brought tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat. We are waiting for my little nephew, due next month. We live so far from my brother and his wife, that the distance is painful. This will be their first child, they have lost two babies during pregnancy, and so he is even all the more special. I am praying for the safe delivery of your grandson, as I pray for my nephew.

  46. I became a great Aunty again to day, a little boy in Sydney through my sister's Son. Was able to hear about it on Facebook. Saves all the phone calls. Good luck for the coming event.

  47. Such a wonderful post - i can really feel your excitement about the future that awaits - but it great to see you enjoying this moment in time while you wait. As both my babies went 2 weeks 'over time' i learnt that whilst frustrating at times, those waiting days give you more precious time of daydreaming and imagining what its going to be like and many happy memories are indeed born...mine involved exceedingly hot chilies!

  48. Good luck to you all for a quick and safe delivery

  49. We're waiting here too. Our third is due in 7 days. I have a very excited 3 year old waiting for her baby sister to get here.

  50. Anytime now! EEEEEE!!! :o)
    I remember Dh and I waiting for Kylie to come...each minute seems like a DECADE! :)
    Have a wonderful day, Rhonda. <3

  51. I feel the same way you do about babies coming in their time and not ours. My daughter's first pregnancy was only a week past her due date but they decided to induce instead of wait. I know she was miserable and I tried to tell her there was a reason for his not coming sooner but the modern age won out over my old-fashioned ways. Thankfully it was an easy delivery but I still wish she would have waited.

  52. what a great post! so right!

  53. Where did you get the pattern for those lovely knitted shoes, please? Is it available on the internet? I'd love to make those for our next grandchild.

    Hope all goes well when your makes his way into the world.


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