31 December 2010

Another grand surprise!

I was asked to keep this quiet until family and friends had been told, now I can let you know. I'm overjoyed to tell you that Shane and Sarndra will have their first baby in July 2011.  What a secret to keep!  I was almost bursting with joy at the thought of it.  The happy couple are pictured (above) on their wedding day June 2009.  They had started to save for a trip to Europe but that has put on hold for a while.

They have just moved back to the Gold Coast and are now living close to Kerry and Sunny, whose baby is due in late March.  Shane has a new job at the wonderful Absynthe restaurant working with acclaimed French chef Meyjitte Boughenougt.  Click on the link to have a peek, if you're close by, make a reservation and go in and say hello.

Shane and Sarndra are both very happy at the though of becoming parents and are now thinking of names and trying to save for this tiny baby.  I can see the year ahead being one where Hanno and I go back to school and learn all about modern cloth nappies, slings and organic baby food.  We hope to support both Kerry and Sunny and Shane and Sarndra in this new phase of life.  What a year ahead!  New babies to meet and grow to love, many new things to learn and lots of blogs and photos about babies and new parents.  Life keeps getting better.

In addition:  if any makers of modern cloth nappies/diapers want to swap their product for advertising/sponsorship on my blog, please email me to discuss.  I would be happy to honestly review any wholesome baby products.



  1. Well congratulations Grannie!
    Blessings coming in twos.
    What fun your household will be.
    And how busy your hands will be!

  2. Wow, those are really good news!
    And what about your knitting schedule - I guess it gets really busy with two sweet grandchildren coming!

  3. Wonderful! That calls for double congratulations on becoming a grandma-to-be twice over. Best wishes to the expectant parents as well! -Isha in Chicago

  4. That's awesome! Congratulations to all of you, babies are such a wonderful blessing!

  5. Wonderful! It truly will be an exciting year for your family.

  6. What wonderful news! Congratulations! again!

  7. Congratulations Rhonda to you and Hanno and the expectant parents. We have 19 grandchildren (some of them steps but none the less) and each one is special! I can see your knitting needles flying and hear your sewing machine a-whirring!

  8. How exciting! We are looking forward to another child too. I am due in May, so I can relate to your anticipation!

  9. A Grand-Bbay surprise!!! How fantastic for you all,Especially for the Babes that can grow uop together,Nothing like a cousin to have by your side!

  10. How fantastic that the babies are going to be born so close together. They'll be great mates.
    My last child and my sister's first child were born within 7 weeks of each other. It's nice when we all get together and they have similar interests.

  11. Congratulations. New grandbabies sound like so much fun! I'll probably be getting one of those in a year or there abouts, so I'll keep reading your blog for how-to hints!

  12. Congratulations to all!
    The family is growing in leaps and bounds..:)

  13. Wonderful news! You'll make wonderful grandparents--stays at granny & grandpa's will be magical in a few years' time for these two little cousins!

  14. Congratulations! Such a blessing that these cousins will be so close in age! I've had two precious grandchildren added to the family this year, six months apart. Such fun-your future holidays will be a little less peaceful, but so full of fun and joy!It brings it all back to you.

  15. Congratulations! What wonderful news and the little cousins will grow up together. Fantastic

  16. hooray! the only thing better than one grandchild, is of course, TWO!

  17. Oh wow! Two new grand-babies in 2011 - that's fantastic news about Shane and Sarndra! Best wishes to you all for a wonderful, happy, healthy New Year.

    Cheers - Joolz

  18. Oh congratulations! Babies are such blessings and you get to do it twice over. How wonderful!

  19. WOW! Congratulations!! Doubly blessed in the New Year!

    You are going to make one rockin' grandma!!

  20. Congratulations Rhonda. A new phase to your life starts soon, being a grandparent, how marvellous. I am so ready to be a "nana" but unfortunately my eldest daughter who was married in June and lives in France isn't ready just yet.

  21. What a great New Year will have, two grandbabies. I am going to become a Grandma in March too and can't wait (but only one Son......I hope).

  22. Dear Rhonda~
    I read often, but comment little. This really seems to be the time! ;-)...As a grammy to 7 grandchildren from 11 years to 1 year, with number eight due in May of 2011, I share your joy! Congratulations to all! You are blessed! ~Colleen~ Pennsylvania,USA.

  23. That's wonderful news! Congratulations again! 2 grandbabies in one year- that's pretty good news to start 2011 with. I hardly need to tell you and Hanno Happy New Year, I think, but I will anyway! Have a great one!

  24. More wonderful news!

    Congratulations, and hoping that everything goes well with both of your expected grandchildren.

  25. What a delightful note to finish the year on Rhonda!

  26. That's a great start to the New Year Rhonda!

    CONGRATULATIONS to you and Hanno, you will make wonderful grand parents. A new chapter in the book of life...



  27. Congratulations to the expecting parents & to the grandparents. I've been a buyer of Warm Earth magazine for many years & got a pleasant surprise in the recent issue. Loved your story Rhonda.

  28. oh what joy, congratulations to shane & Sandra. What a year 2011 is shaping up to be.


  29. Congratulations!
    We are also expecting in July, so it'll be fun to follow along with Shane and Sarndra!
    ~Melanie in Canada

  30. I have always used ` itti bitti ' cloth nappies. They are fun, gorgeous and well made and Australian. Check them out at ittibitti.com. Congratulations by the way.

  31. Very many congrats to you, Hanno, your sons and DILs! All the best for the coming year, Mandi

  32. Wahooooo! That is good news indeed! Congrats to the happy parents-to-be. My best friend is pregnant right now too and is due in June. I am having fun already getting cute clothes and preparing myself to be an Auntie (and future baby sitter!) :)

  33. Congratulations Shane and Sarndra. Wow two new grandchildren within the year, what a wonderful blessing for your family Rhonda.

  34. Congratulations! Now what shall you be called? Grandma? Grammie?
    Na Na? there are so many cool choices! LOL
    Happy New Year!

  35. Hurray for the new babies arriving! I'm sure you're very excited...and I wish all the best to the expectant couples!

  36. You sound so excited-how lovely- Two babies in the one year!
    Congratulations. Maa.

  37. How Exciting!!! Congratulations on having two grandbabies coming in the new year! I'm very happy for all of you and look forward to you taking us on your journey thru grandparenthood with you! I have two grandchildren and could not be happier.


  38. Congrats Gramma!

  39. Your knitting needles are going to get a huge workout this year!

    Congratulations! 2 grandkids just a few months apart! Wonderful!

  40. Congratulations what great news.

    I am a cloth nappy parent and with J at 2yo Green Kids are the ones we prefer but they didn't fit her well to start with and we preferred Baby Bee Hinds both of which are Australian (I think :) )

  41. What wonderful joyful news! I know you and Hanno will love being grandparents at least as much as I do! It's so wonderful! And what lucky children these are, coming to such a good family!

  42. Just another thought Rhonda....when I had my babies 16 & 18 years ago here in S Africa, I used cloth nappies made by Glodina which had a towelling texture. Instead of safety pins, the trend here is to use a "Snappi" that fits on the front of the nappy. Google 'snappi cloth diaper fastener' and you'll find many entries where you can order on-line eg Amazon. Or maybe they sell snappies in Oz shops. We then pulled plastic elasticised legless pants over them. Soaked nappies in a nappy bucket with Steri-nappy powder (probably is an oxy bleach) overnight and put in washing machine the next morning. I loved all of my clean white nappies on the washing line flapping in the breeze.

  43. Congratulations to you and the new parents! The same thing happened to my husband and I, we started saving for a trip to Tasmania and then we fell with our oldest. We still call him our little Tassie holiday. Lol.

  44. Congratulations! What a bumper year of joy.

  45. Wow! What great news for you all.
    Wishing you and all your family a very Happy New Year.

  46. Best Wishes to ALL of YOU!!!
    Oh the joys of being a grandparent!!! I wish you all the happiness that I have!!!

  47. Congratulations, Grandma! It's wonderful being a grandmama:) Cathy New Carlisle Ohio

  48. Congratualtions Rhonda!!
    What an exciting year ahead for you and your family. Both babies will be loved dearly, as is already clear. Best wishes for the New Year.

  49. Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations to everyone. My, my, my ...... what a year 2011 will be.

    You and Hanno will be the greatest GRANDparents around.

    Many hugs to you all.

  50. congratulations on your good news, I too am awaiting an arrival - my grandchild was due Christmas Day but has yet to put in an appearance!

  51. Congratulations on not just one but two wonderful new grandbabies to be joining your family! What a blessing!

  52. Oh how wonderful for you. I can feel your happiness from your post and can't wait to hear about your grandchildren as and when they arrive.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR (and it certainly WILL be for you and Hanno and your family).

  53. Congratulations! What excitement the new year brings for you!

  54. Congratulations! Nothing in the world better than a new baby - and you're about to welcome two! Happy days ahead Rhonda Jean, very happy days indeed :)

    Re: nappies - I don't sell them, but I sewed my own pre-folds for my newest baby girl, she's now 12months, using recycled flannel sheets and other materials.
    They were easy, fun and they work so well - still going strong after a year.
    I've also made my own wool nappy covers from recycled wool sweaters. They are all still going strong too - wool is fantastic all year round.

    I must post a proper tutorial for those - will let you know when I do, but here's a link to the very first one I made - you'll get the idea from the picture: http://www.thebyronlife.com/2010/02/first-attempt.html

    Happy New Year!


  55. Congratulations Rhonda!!
    Becoming a gran twice in 4 months is amazing and the cousins will be so close!
    Happy New Year
    Stacey x

  56. thanks Megan. I've commented on your blog. I'll stay in touch.

  57. Congratulations to the new Grandma and Grandpa! You will have a busy year of anticipation.

    We have become grandparents six times now, it never gets old.

    Such joy!

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  58. Congratulations..how exciting for you all!

  59. Firstly, Happy New Year!

    Congratulations to you all! What fun to have two grandbabies so close together.

  60. That is fantastic news. Congratulations to you and Hanno - you are going to make the most wonderful Grandparents. Happy New Year.

    We have seen the dreadful weather that Queensland is experiencing on the news in England. I hope that you are far away from the worst of it. Keep safe and dry x

  61. What wonderful news and wishing you all the best in the upcoming year!

  62. Congratulations to all of you - a a double celebration - you're going to have a terrificly fulfilling year!! Blessings. Bev

  63. Congratulations. All your readers will look forward to the great event.

    In the meantime are you anywhere near these terrible floods we are hearing about on CNN?

  64. i know you didnt really ask, but from a cloth diapering mamma, here's a secret.

    i use prefolds and woolie covers. old fashioned really is still the best!

    i use organic cotton prefolds, a product called a "snappi" to keep it on and hand knit and lanolized wool covers.

    there has to be at least a thousand patterns for knitting up woolies, or sewing them from old sweaters (which has to pull at your heart strings!)

    congratulations to you and yours, what an exciting journey this truely is!

  65. First of all: happy new year Rhonda, family and friends!

    And owh.. what a great surpise! Grannie rhonda.. again!

    Just love to give you and the happy couple(s) all the blessings!

    Love from Holland.

  66. Happy New Year!
    ......and *Congratulations* all around!
    How utterly delightful to welcome two new babes into the family.
    (We actually doubled our grands last year, went from two to four, and are loving every minute!)

    It truly is the *Very Best* of Life to see your children's children. What a blessing!

    Somehow priorities change and the simple things take on a vibrancy when seen through new eyes.

    All the best to the new mamas for safe deliveries.

  67. Hi Rhonda
    What lovely happy news for you and your family. Congratulations to you all - how special to be waiting for two lovely grandbabies within a few months !!
    Here is a link to 2 simple to make slings that you might like to check out - my DD used both :
    Enjoy all the fun of making sweet baby things !

  68. Oh Congratulations! This is such fantastic news. You have been blessed two fold this year and what a blessing those sweet little ones will be for everyone. A wonderful secret you kept :)

  69. Re cloth nappies.
    I have four children ranging from 18 down to 2. I used terry squares on all of them. Until I discovered MCN just over 2 years ago(when I had 2 in nappies) and changed to MCN. I have also made quite a few. Some for us, some for friends and some commisioned. If you can sew Rhonda, I'm sure you'd be able to make some. The sewing itself isn't hard just learning about all the special fabrics and styles.
    This is a website that may be helpful for all things cloth nappy http://nappynetwork.org.au/
    also babybeehinds are clearing out a few styles at the moment to make way for new lines.

  70. Thanks Michelle. I'll check it out.


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