5 June 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

This is one last Kitchen Sink post.  It is from Liz, who sent the photos and info some time ago but it didn't arrive at my end.  Anyhow, I'm delighted to present Liz's kitchen today - another small, cosy and efficient kitchen by the look of it.  Thanks Liz.

She writes:  "I am 25 and live in Portland, Oregon, USA. I am still at a very mobile stage in my life and have lived a lot of different places in Portland, but this apartment is by far my favorite! I will be so sad when I have to leave it. Here is my kitchen sink right after I've washed a big batch of dishes! I love doing dishes by hand, and this is a great sink for it. The window over the sink faces south, so it's always full of light and allows me to look over my backyard and the garden that I share with my upstairs neighbor. My apartment is part of a big Victorian house and I am on the ground floor, so I also have a backdoor (to the left of the sink) that goes straight into the backyard. I love doing dishes and looking out over my garden and the one in the adjoining yard. Right now it is early spring in Portland and you can see I have just cut some of the first flowers for vase on the windowsill. I have lots of hyacinths, tulips, lilies, and daffodils blooming along the back fence right now.

You can see my little compost bucket just to the left of the sink, I have a big bin in my backyard, into which go kitchen scraps from my apartment and my neighbors', my boyfriend's apartment a few blocks away, and from the kitchen at my office. You can also see the plastic bag full of more bags to be washed- I always reuse produce bags and take my own with me to the store. The white holiday lights stay up year round, as standing at the sink after dark blocks the light from the ceiling lamp- the holiday lights give a lot of extra light to help me see what I'm doing, and I think they're very attractive too! The white cleaning rag over the middle of the sink is cut from an old towel- old pieces of towel are used only for cleaning countertops, the stove, etc. to keep them separate from the ones used for the dishes. This kitchen is such a pleasure to work in, it's small but pretty with lots of storage place, and the big two-basin sink which I really appreciate!

I keep a blog on my own efforts towards simplicity, sustainability, and healthy living. The link is http://batchworthlane.blogspot.com. I also wrote a cover story last year for Mother Earth News magazine about my upbringing on a self-sustaining homestead. The link to that article is http://www.motherearthnews.com/Modern-Homesteading/Growing-Up-On-A-Homestead.aspx. You have to click separately on the image gallery link for the photos."


  1. This is my first time commenting, and I wanted to say that not only is Liz's kitchen cute and cozy and a true example of green living, but I also really enjoyed reading her article in Mother Earth News!

    Take care,

  2. What a sweet little kitchen! The perfect size for one person, yet still enough room to cook a meal for many. The fairy lights are a fun and functional touch.
    Its nice that you get to see your backyard from the window above the sink.

  3. This was a great article. I love seeing peoples kitchens. Especially those who live in small spaces like I do. It's inspiring. I live in Oregon...and it's a beautiful state :) I love how she makes it personal and homey. That's wonderful :) :) :)
    Sincerely, Heather :) :)

  4. (Rhonda, the post-a-comment link is invisible today!)

    I love seeing another small kitchen, especially as I find mine *depressingly* small! I love the use of the lights in particular. My next kitchen will have LEDs above the benches, I've decided.

  5. Oh Liz! You are so young and on the right track! Your kitchen is soo! beautiful, because it is such a reflection of you and your life. Yes, I love doing dishes too! and get funny comments and looks about this. I'm middle age though and have come to realise lots of dishes is a consequence of lots of good home cooking. They go hand in hand, so why not see doing them as family oportunities. I so often hear people today say how much they hate cooking. But I love to eat, I say:)
    Just love the dishcloth, reused bags and compost. You are an inspiration.
    I think the fairy lights are very creative too!

  6. Chookie, I tried to fix it but can't. It must be a setting that Liz set. Hover over it with your mouse and it appears.

  7. I love the path you are on at an early age. Sounds like you had great examples early on. Your kitchen is adorable! Love all of your green (and frugal) ways! I love the lights around the sink. We keep some on our trees out back year round as well. My son lined his stairsteps in his first apartment with them! Practical and safe! Love the view of the backyard and your backdoor!

  8. This is another sweet small kitchen and I really enjoyed her article in M.E.N. What a wonderful experience she had growing up.


  9. I love white christmas lights too. They just make ordinary things brighter. I like to use them at parties and they're great outside for summer cookouts. Only on Memorial day none of ours would work and you can only purchase them in winter.

  10. This is such a nice little kitchen, and it reflects the green ways of the owner! I was over at Liz´s blog, and I enjoyed it, too.

  11. i love the lights. loovvvve.it would make washing up such a pleasure..

  12. Liz .. what a great upbringing. I live not far from Newport, WA .. across the state line in Idaho. Such a beautiful area. Your article was very inspiring. The string of white lights is a good solution to having better light at night while doing the dishes .. charming kitchen.

  13. Cute kitchen! Enjoyed reading your Mother Earth Article. Wow! What a life! I actually have friends that live in Newport, Wash. It's beautiful there! I hear the winters are brutal.

  14. Thanks, everyone! What a wonderful response, and thanks to all of you who visited my blog. Just another wonderful example of how Rhonda's blog brings us all together and helps make connections throughout the simple living world. Thanks all!

  15. I am just new to your page and love it, so much information to read and absorb. I love the Kitchen Sink series, fascinating other people's domains! Really entertaining, thank you

  16. It must have been a huge change to go from your homestead lifestyle to city life. I have tried to do the reverse and it is always a shock to my system to leave my cabin and go to town, not to mention going to Los Angeles twice a year. I read your Mother Earth News article and really liked reading about your early life. If only mine had been in such a wonderful location. But my parents did take lots of time with me, reading and talking even though we had all of the distractions of city life to contend with. - Margy

  17. Another lovely kitchen. I especially like the lights. Maybe I will try the idea myself.
    Thanks for sharing.


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