13 June 2010

This is where I work

Here is the work space of one very busy lady, Rebecca.  It never fails to amaze me how we all live in different countries where expectations and conditions are not the same, yet we share similar values and a desire to live simply.  Those values and desires unite us and therefore when I look at Rebecca's workplace it it familiar to me.  I feel like I could walk in there and start helping her with the children and garden and although it's thousands of miles from my place, I'd feel at home there.
Rebecca writes:  "My name is Rebecca and I live in the Netherlands. I am a childminder who works from home and so this is my work space. 

Since I am watching 1 yr old twins, the huge play pen is very handy indeed. The children get to play safely and when they have been picked up again by their parents, it folds up and stores away in a corner. It was quite hard to get a good overview picture of my living room but in the foreground you see a small part of our dining table. It is the biggest we could find in Holland. (2 mtrs 40 long and 90 cms wide) Since we have 5 children ourselves and always eat together at the table we needed one that was big enough. It also serves as folding surface for laundry, sewing table, crafts table etc. We do have central heating but we prefer to use the coalheater you see on the right.

The second picture is taken from the front of my house. It is where I grow as much veg as I can possibly get away with. There's brassica's under the netting, lettuce, beans, beets, kohl rabi and well quite a bit more. It is all the space I have available and it makes me so very happy to potter about in the soil and to feed my family fresh food.The neighbours think I'm nuts but I don't really care.

On the right you catch a glimpse of our Canadian Canoe. We just love to take that out onto the water and make trips with it. It is great family time and wonderful exercise too!

Ours is just a simple, small house. But it's our home and we feel so very comfortable here."
Thanks for being involved in this series, Rebecca.


  1. What a wonderful series that you have going here. I love seeing others areas!

  2. Beautiful place Rebecca. Thank you for sharing ti with us.

  3. Lots of hugs my friend, hope your day is really blessed, Barbara

  4. Hi Rebecca, I would be very happy to have a "nutty neighbour" like you. How lovely to be a childminder I think that is something I would have done when I was younger but the women did not go out to work so much as my own daughter,if I lived closer to her I would love to have minded her children but they had a lovely lady as yourself to keep them safe while Mum was working.Your place looks very homey. Carole

  5. I love it! Rebecca's home does feel so familiar, even though it is half a world away. We might cook a bit different and we might speak different languages and there are a plethora of other differences, I'm sure, but in all... we have similar values -- family & home. Thanks for sharing, Rebecca.

  6. Very nice, Rebecca! I especially like that you don't care what your neighbors think! :O)

  7. great use of space,and a wonderful home. thanks for sharing

  8. What a great home/work space. Thanks so much for sharing.

  9. Great workspace Rebecca and it looks so cosy.

  10. Rebecca's home looks like a comfy place to be and I love her front garden veggie patch - making use of space wherever it is. Thank you for sharing, Rebecca.

    Cheers - Joolz

  11. Looks lovely, Bec....and you enjoy your life there very much, thanks for sharing.

  12. What a great home and it sounds like a wonderful life,too!

  13. That heater looks cosy. Good to see you are making use of your space outside - and as I've learnt - never worry about what other people think!
    Best wishes
    Bridget at http://cabbagetreefarm.blogspot.com

  14. So very homey and pleasant! I love the word "childminder"!!! How wonderful that you are able to stay home with such a large family! Thanks for sharing!

  15. What's a "Canadian Canoe"? Do they differ in different countries? After visiting Holland on a few occasions I think I would have loved to have a kayak to tour around the canals.

    I love seeing rooms in different countries because they do differ so much in layout, space and even belongings. Thanks for sharing that.

  16. What a great post you afforded us with today Rebecca! I love your home and your garden, thank you so much for sharing with us, Elaine from Texas

  17. You have a great work space, thanks for sharing.

  18. Rebecca, I feel like I can just step right in and help! : ) Your home inside and out looks very cozy and homey....love it! Thank you for sharing!

  19. It looks very beautiful, and I think you are making a great life, with a lot of happiness in it.

  20. I totally love Rebecca's home and garden. Isn't everyone's dining room or kitchen table the hub of family activity?

    Now if I were Rebecca's neighbor I would stop at the garden fence and ask how the veg were doing and if she had any gardening tips for me.

  21. looking at the picture i knew emediatly it was a dutch home. living in holland most of my life, i know people are making the most of small spaces. well done rebecca!

  22. It really doesn't matter where we live or what language we speak, simple living seems the same world over.

    Lovely home and I would also ask, like KathyB, how the garden is growing.

  23. Thank you for showing us your work space, Rebecca. You obviously have a very nurturing and productive home and garden.
    Who cares about being thought of as nutty? Plenty of people think that about me.


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