27 April 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today's kitchen is in the beautiful far north of my state of Queensland. It's Joanna's kitchen, I'm sure you'll enjoy her story.
Joanna writes:
"We live in Far North Queensland on the Atherton Tablelands, in a small Queenslander cottage. The kitchen is cute, but TINY! It's about 1.5 metres wide by about 2.5 metres long. It has a double burner gas stove and a smallish wall oven. In this photo I've got two dehydrators on the counters, but they are put away when I'm finished with them to save space. There's no room for a dishwasher, but I've got four little 'dishwashers' running around helping, so that's okay (as long as they're not all in the kitchen at once!). The fridge and the open cupboard where I display my glassware are just outside the kitchen, in the dining area. 

I like the country feel to my kitchen, and I really don't mind it being so small (usually!) as I don't have a lot of appliances - just my Thermomix, dehydrator, electric frypan and crockpot.  At least it doesn't take long to clean!  The counters are made of wood and the sink is enamel.  I love how the windows open out into a tropical garden, where I can watch the birds and butterflies as I cook!

Hope you liked this glimpse into our home."

Jo's blog is: www.quirkycooking.blogspot.com

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends. 

I may be missing for a few days this week - our internet is going from one company to another.  If that happens, I invite you to read some older posts.  Take care everyone!


  1. Gosh that's tiny, but very practical - you don't waste any energy having to trot from one cupboard to the next, and what a lovely view onto a tropical garden . . . Love your worktops.

  2. Joanna, I really do like your little kitchen. It seems well set up and the view from your window sounds great. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Joanna how great to have everything at your fingertips,I believe that size does not matter in the kitchen lol it is so lovely for you to have that window view,you must be drying out some yummy fruits I would say so it is a very productive kitchen and thats what it is all about. Just so well set out.Carole

  4. Love the wood counters! Such a pretty,cozy,efficent kitchen!

  5. Who says big is beautiful? Your kitchen is a gem. Would give a lot to have a window looking out on a tropical garden. We are just coming out of a loooong winter and slow spring and midsummer is around 24 June!!! I have lived in Sweden for over 30 years but the short summer season is not getting easier to bear. Thank you for sharing.
    Ramona K

  6. Lovely little kitchen Joanna. It would be a pleasure to wash up at your sink with a view like yours. Can you tell me, what is a Thermomix? I also have a dehydrator and love it.

    Blessings Gail

  7. What a darling kitchen! You've made the most of a very small space! It looks very cozy. I love that you have such a great view from your window!

  8. I love your tiny kitchen! It is so cute! :)

  9. This kitchen is about the same size as mine and I quite like a small kitchen....most of the time
    :0) . Like you everything has to be put away after use..lol

  10. What a cute kitchen! 'One butt' kitchens as my friend calls them are great!

  11. Your countertops and window are just gorgeous and give you an advantage over size any day. I love the open upper cabinets.

  12. I always heard that the best things come in small packages...your kitchen holds true to this!

  13. Do my eyes deceive me or does she have TWO food dehydrators on her tiny little counters? ME TOOOOOOO! I love a girl after my own heart. Thanks for sharing.


  14. I think your tiny kitchen is perfect! The best part of life is that in which we are content with!

    Blessed Be

  15. I like your kitchen! It may be small but surely serves the purpose and you can't beat your view!

  16. What a lovely little kitchen. I too have a tiny one (I live in a 31 foot 5th wheeler van) and I love how easy it is to clean the kitchen - provided you put things away when you're finished with them :)


  17. I LOVE the window over the sink and the countertops. How pretty!

  18. Well, thanks for sharing.It looks like a really loved and used kitchen.It shows how just little things can still enrich our lives!
    Take care of you and your dishwashers.lol Linda

  19. Sheila, North Wales. UKApril 27, 2010 7:54 am

    I just love the idea of watching the butterflies & birds from your kitchen window and how lovely to have a tropical garden!!

  20. Joanne, that's a gorgeous kitchen. I love the balance of it and the focus on the window.

    Cottage1945 - 'one butt' kitchen! LOL I'm going to remember that.

  21. This kitchen really appeals to me. I like it a LOT - the materials of wood and enamel, etc. What a wonderful view, too!
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  22. My goodness, so tiny. But it has such a warm and inviting feel to it. Just the right size to reach everything you need! Thanks for sharing your cute lil' kitchen!

  23. I love the color on the walls! It's really cute :o)

  24. I think small kitchens are very good to work in; everything is one step away. I had one in our last place and it was very efficient. Our present kitchen is a bit too big and awkward.

  25. How cute. I was very pleased to spot the thermie!


  26. Thanks for all the lovely comments! Gail: A Thermomix is a kitchen machine that takes the place of most appliances in your kitchen, and cooks too. They call it 'The smallest, smartest kitchen in the world'! I have a food blog that has recipes using my Thermomix - come have a look! :)

  27. Gorgeous Jo, great to see the heart of your home and all your fantastic recipes. Keep up the good work.

  28. Your kitchen looks great; you have everything within reach, and what a super view

  29. Your kitchen is light,airy, compact,functional and cosy. Everything is within arms reach. I would be very happy to own one like that. I just adore it.

  30. You did a great job with something that can indeed be problematic. I have a very small kitchen too, and those people who say it is immaterial as to kitchen size have never had a tiny kitchen! It can be very frustrating and most inconvenient; especially as far as storage is workspace is concerned. It sure is cute, though.

  31. Hi Jo, well seeing I've been in that kitchen I can truly say that for a lady who spends almost her life in a kitchen, it is small - (although cute).. As I have never met anyone who cooks as much as you - and starts from scratch with everything, including making your own butter, bread, milk and sauces - not forgetting the ice-cream and all in the thermo-mix of course !!! And best of all, every ingredient is healthy and natural but tastes so good !!!! I love visiting your kitchen Jo - as that is where your heart is and that is where the yummy creations flow - making memories for your family!!!! Take care Jo x Giselle

  32. Your kitchen has a very nice feeling to it, Joanna. I think it must be very practical too. You can reach almost everything easily. But the window and the garden view is almost the best of all. Too bad they don't have some sort of "beam me up, Scotty" sort of travel so we could pop into one another's homes for a nice cup of tea. We really are spread out all over the English speaking world. But sharing with pictures like this makes us feel closer, I think. It was a great idea, Rhonda.

  33. Yeh your kitchen is very Cute Jo :) I remember it being very small, but very compact and all :D as long as all the kids arent in their at once, you'll be fine wont ya! : ))
    <3 Phiazy. :)

  34. Jo what you produce in that tiny kitchen is AMAZING! What a statement for small is beautiful.

  35. hello there,
    I think your kitchen is lovely, I too have a small area to work with, and have grown to love it too, And yes imagine all those HUGE kitchens having to be cleaned! No thanks, more interesting things to do than that!
    Bit like those houses with four toilets...???? REally, is that necessary? Have a lovely day, xxx Suzanne

  36. Love your little kitchen. You have used your space well.

  37. I love your small kitchen! Easy to clean, and big enough for at least one food dehydrator (and I think I see two!) LOVE that! I have two also! I use them for my garden produce constantly (:

  38. Great little kitchen Jo. Will have to call over for a cuppa one day

  39. Yes, there are two dehydrators going in that photo - I was making sprouted buckwheat granola!

    Thanks for the comments Giselle - when you were visiting we had 13 kids running in and out of the kitchen getting drinks and stuff - crazy!!

  40. Oooh yeah, I spotted the thermomix, best thrifty appliance ever! Very cute kitchen!

  41. Jo, love your kitchen. Efficient and with a view to die for!
    This is where the Thermomix truly comes into its own when space is a priority.
    Thanks for pointing me here.

  42. I adore your wallpaper. Great to see another small kitchen. Your view sounds lovely.

  43. wow Jo, i can't believe you do so much cooking in such a small space! go you!!

  44. Doesn't it look cute in the picture! Lucky me - I've actually been there, and can vouch for the yummy contents !! xxx

  45. Love your kitchen and your cooking, Joanna! Thanks for sharing. Margriet

  46. I love the glimpse of the sink and surrounds here. What a lovely kitchen sink and also , how can you not note how thankful she sounds ( writes) about her own kitchen and family!

  47. Wonderful to see your kitchen, Jo :) Thank you or sharing it with us.

  48. Such a sweet kitchen. It is amazing how little you really "need".

  49. Joanna, I love your kitchen. It is happy, workable, it has real charm and a view out the window. Now I'm off to visit your blog.


  50. I love how adorable it is and still so functional!

  51. Even if it's tiny, that wonderful big window makes it beautiful!

    I so love the "you me and the kitchen sink" feature - I look forward to it every week. I'm in the USA and I particularly enjoy seeing kitchens from other countries, and if there is a blog mentioned, I always visit.

  52. So very neat and orderly! I love the window. I think I would choose a window over my sink than more room. I like to watch our cows in the pasture as I cook and wash up. It is lovely and adorable. Thank you for sharing with us.

  53. What a dear little kitchen! And such a beautiful view from the window.
    Thank you for sharing.

  54. What a nice, tiny, cosy kitchen!

  55. Adorable kitchen. Before reading the comments and seeing your answer I just had to google and find out what a Thermomix was... amazing little machine! I wonder why we do not have them here in the U.S. ??? It looks like a great machine that would allow me to pitch a ton of cluttering machines. I love the big window above your sink... that to me makes a kitchen "perfect"

  56. Julie - if you're in the USA, you can buy a Thermomix from Canada - http://www.easycooking.ca/thermomix/en-index.html

  57. * groan * I wish my kitchen -- which is of similar size, but includes the fridge -- had been designed as well as yours is!

  58. I'm always telling my friends to visit your blog for all your wonderful recipes. Now we can have a peek at where they're created. It just goes to show you don't need to have every appliance under the sun and an industrial kitchen to be kitchen whizz. Happy cooking, Jo.

  59. Surprise! I love the window. LOL that seems to be my theme. It looks like you have a beautiful view. I like the open cabinets. It adds some extra visual space.
    Also the countertops look great in the pictures. Very farmhousy..

  60. I love the enamel sinks. Jo also has a great blog I am familiar with. I just read an old book which talked about settlement days in northern qld, including the Atherton tablelands. It was very interesting - a biography called S'pose I Die, by Hector Holthouse. I recommend it.


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