23 April 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today we visit Affienia's kitchen in Leeds England.  This is another small kitchen and it shows beautifully what you can do with a small space and a bit of thought and creativity. 

Affienia writes:
"Here is my kitchen. The first is taken with me leaning on the fridge, the second with me leaning on the sink. As you can see there isn't much room to move! The 3 shelves and the racks with the knives etc on were all added by my other half in the 3 years we've been here. He also added the section of sideboard that the bokashi bin is on and a folding piece of sideboard that appears in front of the back door. We have plans to decorate at some point as the tiles are painted and it's all peeling off. I think there will have to be Gingham in there somewhere. All kitchens need Gingham I think.  I dream of a big farmhouse kitchen with a large central island to work at. But I have learnt to work in this kitchen if not to love it. I feel best about it when there is fresh bread on the side and all the washing up  is done :o)"

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends. 

We have the official opening of our Neighbourhood Centre today - lunch for 100, plus politicians - gulp.  We've come a long way and this is a significant milestone for us.  Luckily we have the weekend to recover.  Some of you might remember that I'm changing ISPs and when that happens, I'll be offline for two or three days.  If I'm missing next week, that will be the reason.  Enjoy your weekend, I hope you spend it with those you love.  ♥


  1. Beautiful kitchen, thank you for sharing. Rhonda good luck with the ISP move and the Centre's celebration.

  2. Hi Rhonda, can see one needs to be up early to get in the first comment! Now, my on-board kitchen is a tight space but is where I spend more time than anywhere. I would like to send you a few shots of my kitchen, so what's the process please?

  3. My daughter has a kitchen smaller than yours...the frig is on the porch! But it is oh-so-cozy! I really like the colors and your cabinet facings.

  4. I have about the same size kitchen, just the lay-out is different. I really like your attitude as I think that contentment is important, no matter where one is. Learning to like and maybe even love what we do have goes a long way in life. Thank you for sharing. Lyn

  5. Hello Laura, Stafford Ray, Jamjar and Lyn! I hope you have a lovely day.

    Stafford Ray, I closed off the kitchen sink series about a month ago. I'm finishing off the photos I already have, then we'll be going on to something else. I hope you'll send in a photo for the new series.

  6. Great use of space! Loving the space we have make makes things so much more enjoyable.

  7. I had a small kitchen when I lived in China. That was an adjustment, but it was a good adjustment.

    Its a beautiful kitchen; I think I will more seriously consider a smaller kitchen when we move, or build a house. All the small kitchens I've seen here are so lovely!

  8. It's a cozy kitchen! As the saying goes: good things come in small packages! Margriet

  9. Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us. Looks like it works really well and is nice and organized.I like the colors...cozy.

  10. May be small but looks like a very workable and loved kitchen you've done a good job.I bet lovely things come out of there. Rhonda I am sure your day will run like clock work with you at the helm. Enjoy the big day and have a restful weekend.

  11. I love your attitude about your kitchen! I've lived may places in the world and the kitchens were always a challange. Once I found the joy in each it was wonderful. I have fond/funny/memories of most. Learning how to get along with each (like people)makes a world of difference. I love all the additions you have made! It feels fun and welcoming

  12. I think it's a lovely,little kitchen!! Pretty colors,cozy and cheerful!! A wonderful place to work in!

  13. Great ideas in this kitchen!! It always helps to have new ideas as to how to manage, being we move every so often. So far most of my kitchens have been fairly nice sized, but as we age, we need to think smaller!!

  14. Whenever I owned my houses, I loved two rooms the best: the kitchens and the bathrooms. Unfortunately now I'm renting and am restricted concerning decorating, but I still love looking at kitchens and see what other do with their space.
    Thanks for sharing :-)

  15. What is a bokashi bin? That's not something I'm familiar with.

  16. What a sweet, cozy kitchen! Your Bokashi bucket is very cute, ours is just plain black. Thankyou for sharing!

  17. I've been loving all the kitchens. I've had many in my 50 years of marriage some I hated and some I loved but all were made to function. That's what I see here. Small, cramped but attractive and functional. We all need to bloom where we're planted!

  18. Affienia, your kitchen is lovely, I especially like the colours and the sunshine pouring in the window.

  19. Very quaint, indeed. You have to be super organized in a small kitchen, don't you? I love gingham, too... it'll look nice in there. My current kitchen is the smallest I've ever had, and I think it is my favorite one so far! The layout is nice and just two or three steps and I can move around the whole room. Sometimes I wish it were larger, but don't know if I would enjoy it as much then.

  20. This kitchen looks so cozy and well organized! And having only a small space mekes you concentrate on the real important things, and it also makes cleaning much easier. But what is a bokashi bin?

  21. Gosh, Affienia's kitchen makes mine look big! I'm afraid that lots of kitchens here in the UK are somewhat on the small side LOL

  22. Loved the feel of your kitchen as soon as I saw it. You do a great job in that small space and I love the way you acknowledge the silver lining. I agree, gingham just screams kitchen doesn't it.

  23. It's lovely to see such a positive outlook on the part of Affienia. Her kitchen, though small, is clearly filled with love and warmth. I'd love to be there when the bread comes out of the oven, though I'd need it to e gluten free:)!!!


  24. My kitchen is about as big as yours. It is a skill to learn to cope in it; but yours is very charming. The gingham idea sounds wonderful.

  25. An Incy kitchen like mine, only I think you have more bench top space. MMmmmm to freshly made bread - so hard to stop from picking off pieces before it has cooled properly!

    Hooray that my rescue cat isn't into bread!!!

    Love your wee kitchen, a great place to cook

  26. For all that have asked about a bokashi bin. It's a fermentation system for dealing with pretty much all waste. In conventional composting you can't put meat and certain other things in due to disease etc. A bokashi bin deals with scraps, cooked food, raw meant and bones. Heck, it'll help break down leather!!! For more info the below site is where we get our stuff from but there are loads more places worldwide.

    Thanks so much for your kind comments on my kitchen!

  27. What a sweet, sweet kitchen. Well used & well loved.

    Blessings from Ohio/USA, Kim<><

  28. Your kitchen is beautiful MashaALLAH. and very well lit with the daylight!!! Wish you happy living in it! :)

  29. What a fabulous idea for a photo series. :) I love the kitchen! I'm always fascinated by Euro kitchens. Most are so neat and tidy!

  30. What a cute space. Love the matching ingredient jars.

  31. Affienia, your kitchen must be about the same size as mine, but unfortunately, mine isn't as soundly built! I love the colours -- mine is an erky blue-grey.

  32. Lovely color. Great use of a tiny space, and I love your attitude. Your inspiring!

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  33. It reminds me of a boat galley. Small but every space is utilised efficiently. Thanks for sharing!

  34. I love the cosy feel of small kitchens - it is something my kitchen lacks.

    Thankyou for sharing.

  35. I love your blog. I recommend it to my friends, too, as many of us also aim to live simply, in our own way.
    A friend-of-a-friend (now my friend,too, of course) began a weekly knitting group a couple months ago. It's a lot of fun--we teach people who want to learn and share patterns and projects--I'm glad I made the effort as I look forward to it every week and have made several new friends. Keep up the blogging; I'll be reading.


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