6 April 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Today I am featuring Heather's kitchen in Pennsylvania USA.  It's another unusual kitchen which proves, yet again, how diverse we all are.

Heather writes:
"We live in an octa-decagon shaped house that we built from a kit, so our kitchen is a little unconventional, but works just like any other kitchen.

My husband & a friend made the cabinets from leftover wood from our ceiling. You will see that I have my calendar/house binder, cookbooks & bread bowls stored on the island. My sink is a double-bowl stainless steel w/ a curved-neck spout for filling big stock pots.When I look out my kitchen sink window, I see our chicken coop & can check on the chooks. 

Our kitchen is part of our "great room" so when I'm busy in the kitchen, I can help my girls with their school work, talk w/ visitors & be warmed by the woodstove all at the same time! Most of our walls in the great room are windowed, so we use a lot of natural light & rarely have to turn the lights on during the day."
Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.


  1. Wow! A beautiful kitchen....You have so much storage space! And natural light is such a blessing....You and your family sound very much doers, and busy people, and I applaud you for this!

  2. I LOVE IT! Is this a Deltec home? We looked into building one of these and even attended a workshop about them up in NC several years ago. I still LOVE the idea of them but we are leaning more toward a more cottage style home. The kitchen is amazing in you home and I love the fact you used "leftovers" to build them.

  3. Your kitchen looks like heaven to me! I absolutly love it.

  4. A lovely kitchen, warm and inviting, well done.

  5. I LOVE this kitchen. Wish we could see pictures of the rest of the "Great Room", as well as the outside of the house. I know there are houses out there, but I have no idea about them. It's nice to see a real one being lived in. Thanks!

  6. So fun to see a Pennsylvania kitchen.
    We are in PA as well.

    I love how open it is and that you have many windows. I can see our chickens from my kitchen window and love to watch them, as well.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  7. Beautiful kitchen can I borrow you husband to build me some new cabinets? I really need some new ones. You are so lucky to have a handy many. Love your space it is beautiful

  8. Aren't those pine cabinets beautiful. I can just smell them fresh cut. A very homey kitchen indeed.

  9. what a lovely light home you have..looks so nice and homey and to be able to see the outside and he happenings inside is wonderful,you have done a great job the kitchen looks like it is a very easy place to be. Carole

  10. What a fantastic and unconventional kitchen. There is a feeling of light and space and I really like your wooden cabinetry. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I really enjoyed seeing this kitchen and love the cabinets!

  12. I love your kitchen! I've always admired the "Eagle's Nest" houses. Years ago my (then) hubby & i contemplated building one. I bet yours is gorgeous all around!

    Thank you for sharing. :)

  13. I think the pictures of this kitchen are so interesting. I would love to see pictures of the rest of the house!

  14. Heather, is your kitchen in the round? It's quite lovely .. open ... airy ... and bright. All great features for a place that's the heart of the home. Thanks for sharing.

  15. What a super kitchen, and your husband and friend did a lovely job making those cupboards!

  16. This is totally one of my favorite kitchens you've shared so far - I can imagine living and working and being here in this space w/ all that natural wood and sunlight - just absolutely lovely!

  17. What a wonderful job your husband and friend have done with this delightful kitchen. I love the neutral colour and the airiness and openness of the whole space. Well done. I bet you are making some wonderful memories in this very workable space.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  18. Your kitchen is fantastic, Heather. I love the cabinets.

  19. Love your kitchen with all the openness and the great cabinets your husband built for you , great ceiling too !

  20. What a great kitchen! It certainly looks like the heart of your home. Fantastic light and plenty of counter space. What's not to love:)
    Come by for a visit...

  21. It is very unique and I love it!!! It looks so spacious.

  22. All the timber is so lovely, as is the natural light.

  23. I love the open, airy feel of the kitchen. I'd love to see more of the house - do you have a blog as well?

  24. I love the wooden cabinets- so refreshing after so many wooden cabinets that don't really look like real wood! I love the way it opens into the rest of the room. Thanks for sharing!

    Oregon, USA

  25. Hey Fellow Pennsylvanian! Nice kitchen - it looks roomy...our kitchen is open to our living area as well...we love it that way!

  26. Love the kitchen, it must be a blessing everyday.Made from scratch what a sence of achievment!Very welcoming and spacious.

  27. What a stunning kitchen and what a fantastic idea for a house. Who cares what shape kitchens or for that matter, houses come in - so long as they work and are the focus of family life.

  28. Your's is a very pretty kitchen. I like all the woodwork. The openess is great too!

  29. Oh I LOVE that kitchen! very nice I might add! LOL

  30. Love the kitchen. I would love more info about the house kit.

  31. Your kitchen is beautiful!

  32. Cool kitchen! Love how open it is.

  33. Beautiful. I'm a big fan of open plan homes and high ceilings, they make for a very special living space.

  34. Your kitchen is just beautiful. I love the light wood and the light coming in from your windows. Your island is just perfect. I would love to work in your kitchen. Thank you for sharing your pictures.

  35. Beautiful kitchen. I love how open it is.

  36. I actually like the layout of your kitchen. It looks well thought out and I love that you used the left-over wood for cupboards.

  37. Lots and lots of fabulous cupboards. you clever things.

  38. A beautiful kitchen. Love the light and colour.

  39. So bright and clean with the light wood. Lovely! There is an octogonal house near us and I have daydreamed about what it might look like in side. Thanks for the peek.

  40. What a beautiful kitchen. I love all the wood and the unusual shape.

  41. What a cool house! I love the look of the natural wood cabinets especially.

  42. Love the idea you can fill large pots at the sink, and am so envious you can see chooks! In my yacht-home, I have to settle for mainly gulls and cormorants but then, I do have water views! Lovely kitchen.

  43. What a cool house shape! Love the kitchen, too.

  44. What a nice place to care for your family. I love all the light and your wood cabinets are very pretty. We have quite a few octo=houses around our area, so I'm familiar with them. Always thought it would be fun to live in one.

  45. THANKS everyone for the nice comments - we have been blessed & hope to continue using our home to bless others. You can see more about the type of house we have at www.deltechomes.com

  46. No blog address was printed. Does that mean you don't have one? if you do, I think if Rhonda would print it, we'd like to come over and visit you and see more.
    Great place you have. I'm your neighbor to the North in WNY state!!

  47. sorry, no, I don't have a blog :(

  48. I so love the wood! LOVE IT! What a fun design and you have it so well organized!

  49. A kitchen I could breath in! i love the open space and neutral colors. Those cabinets and island are wonderful.


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