14 February 2010

You, me and the kitchen sink

Hold on to your hats, everyone, today we have a man's kitchen. This is Jordan's kitchen in Washington state, USA.

Jordan writes:

"My sister says I need to send you the pictures of my kitchen. It is very chicken and fun. This is a Man's Kitchen. My Kitchen is very small but taken care of.
I am a single 44 year old Cowboy who currently drives Semi for a living. I live in Washington state, USA. I, in my spare, time sew quilts and cowboy shirts. 
My sister is a big quilter and enjoys all the blogs and web sights. She, after seeing the others, knew I needed to send pics of mine. Truthfully we didn't even clean it up or anything that is just the way I keep it."

Thanks for taking part in this, Jordan. I was beginning to think there were no men cooking out there in their own kitchens. I really love your chicken rug.

Please don't forget to comment. A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the people sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.     


  1. Jordan, you sound like quite an interesting fellow! From another chicken lover and quilter in Washington state.

  2. How wonderful to see a man's kitchen. It looks cozy and well kept.

  3. So cute, yet uncluttered even with the decorations and being small. Nice kitchen!

  4. What a cute kitchen and nicely organised, too. Very warm and homely! I too like that rug.
    Tracy (Brisbane)

  5. Wow Jordan, you have very good taste.Your kitchen looks great. I have always enjoy a "chicken" theme in the kitchen. No matter how many you see they all seem to have their own personalities. Job well done!....Ann

  6. Hey Jordan, You are too cool. That's a great kitchen. I love to see guys that are clean around the home.

  7. Jordan, you put me to shame - I can't sew worth a darn (it's on the list of things to learn!) Love your chicken-themed kitchen. It's nice to see a man's kitchen, and a tidy one at that. You must be a very multi-faceted man. Glad that you shared with us! Lyn

  8. Very nice corner sink! I'll bet you have a nice view when washing dishes if the shades are up. Thanks for sharing a man's kitchen with us!

  9. Jordan, I just love your gorgeous kitchen !!! I too have a chicken themed kitchen in the same colour scheme as yours.So glad that your sister had you share it with us.Thankyou.

  10. Wow, a well rounded semi truck driver? Nice! I love the kitchen.

  11. My husband is a wonderful cook and when he cleans it is fantastic but its not often, so a lovely kitchen like this looks perfect to me. In fact you are giving me hope for the future!

  12. Jordan, thanks for sharing your kitchen with us. Just love the 3 canisters behind your sink, and a corner sink at that. Love it. Did you have some of your bench scraps cut to fit over your sink to create more bench space. Makes a huge difference doesn't it!

  13. This is just too great. Kudos to you for cooking in such a small area. More than I could do!

  14. Wow Jordan you have a well kept kitchen and I love the chicken theme :0)

  15. Great to see a mans kitchen. very neat and tidy. You sound like a very interesting guy and multi-talented. WTG - you sound like a catch!
    Cheryl - Indiana USA

  16. Thanks for sharing your kitchen, Jordan. I like the chickens, and friendly feeling of your kitchen...I wonder what you like to cook.

  17. You're right Jordan, that's a chicken kitchen! What a fun entry!

  18. its a wodnerful kitchen, thank yo for sharing. I hope to see some more kitchens from our male readers. its also very interesting to see other countrys style of kitchen as sometimes they are very different from our own.
    I love the idea of the corner sink, wish i had seen that before we finished building our place.
    from an Australian reader.

  19. How refreshing to see a kitchen kept by a man!!! Such a nice country kitchen with nice homey touches throughout. Glad to see you enjoy it! :) Melissa

  20. Love the chicken theme, very nice place to cook and create!

  21. good on you Jordan, a really nice space. you are certainly very creative. Its really nice to see a mans Kitchen.

  22. Jordan, Your kitchen is great! Now, I am curious and want to see some of your quilts and shirts!

  23. I love the chickens, and I must say this is one of the cleanest bachelor kitchens I've ever seen! Well done Jordan!

  24. What a great kitchen, Jordan!

    The rug is great and so are your other chickens!

  25. Hi Jordan, Thank you for sharing your kitchen with us. What a great space. I love the chicken theme also. Where did you get the chicken canisters? I would love to have some like that. When you get a chance, I am sure we would all love to see some of your quilts and shirts! Thanks again for sharing and for your hard work as a truck driver. Sometimes I wonder what we would have to do without if it weren't for the trucks and drivers hauling stuff across the country for us. Quin

  26. That's fun to see a man's kitchen...nicely decorated too, Jordan. I don't think I've ever seen a corner sink.
    Now you need to get your sister to send her own photos in ;)


  27. Thanks for sharing your kitchen. My husband can cook but this will just show him that men can cook and keep the kitchen clean as well! As a trucky it must be nice to return home to such an organised and welcoming place. Thanks again. Carol

  28. I SO approve of this kitchen!


  29. wow, a guys kitchen! that's sooooo cool! thank you for joining in Jordan...'d love to see pictures of your quilts too!!!!

  30. Very brave of you to throw your kitchen pics into the ring. It's a sweet little kitchen. Well done!

  31. I like all things chicken!(I have chickens.) Great kitchen and much cleaner than mine!

  32. Jordan -- Anyone who can accurately describe his kitchen as "very chicken" is OK in my book!

  33. And I thought that my kitchen was tiny! I love it though, the chickens are awesome :o)

  34. Nice corner sink! Reminds me of the year we lived in Los Angeles when I was a kid, and we had a corner sink. Our parakeet (budgerigar) used to run under the water on the sink divider, then fly up to the handle of the casement window to preen and dry in the sun.

    Jordan - just wondering - were the chickens your idea or your sister's?

  35. ummmm..... and you are single? What a catch!!! Beautiful kitchen!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  36. Wow, Jordan, I'm so glad you decided to send in pictures to Rhonda! Your kitchen is cleaner than mine right now, sad to say! Love the chicken rug. And a man that can sew...

  37. Hi Jordan..how blessed is it that a man sent in his kitchen,you would be a welcome visitor to our weekly quilting group the "Cackle CLub"here in Australia I think quilting and swapping stories with a semi driver with a tidy kitchen would be bliss and more perfect you like chickens!!

  38. Love your Chicken-Kitchen, Jordan! It's quite clean, too, which I'm very impressed with!

  39. It's great to see a man's kitchen! Looks wonderful.

  40. What a cheerful space! Thanks so much for sharing it.

  41. I have that SAME rug in MY kitchen TOO! I love it!
    Lots and lots of chickens in my house.
    Cute kitchen!

  42. My husband would love your kitchen. Nice and tidy. It's hard keeping ours that way with three kids!

  43. Hi Jordan,

    Nice kitchen. My kitchen is also decorated in Roosters and Barns! How nice to see a man that can keep a kitchen looking so neat! Thanks for sharing!!

  44. Dude,
    Love the chickens

  45. Thankyou for sharring,you keep a very nice kitchen. And when I read that you were a quilter I just had to share with my son. He made a quilt a few years ago in 4-H. With all that is involved it's far from a womans activity.
    Sending warm wishes.

  46. Jordancoop@Aol.comFebruary 19, 2010 2:17 am

    This is Jordan, Yes I am single and just want to thank you all for the nice comments. With my home being so small I find you have to keep is very clean and organized. I will send in a couple more pictures of my shirts and quilts when I return from the road. The chicken thing. I dont remeber how it really got started but it kind of took off and everyone seemed to be adding to it. The rug was a Christmas present from Mom. The canisters and bowls I found in a shop on my journeys. It kind of just took over so I went with it. The entire rest of my place is in Cowboy from Bev Doolittle prints to Montana silver statues. Thanks again for all the comments and I will send Rhonda some pic's of some of my quilts and shirts.


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