20 December 2009

You, me and the kitchen sink

We are back in America again today, I am featuring the photos exactly in the order in which they arrived.  This is Tara's kitchen.

"I am a full time 33 year-old working mom in a suburb of Dallas, Texas. These pictures were actually taken in September here, when everything was still green.

I have a very small kitchen! My house is 1971 and as you will see in the first picture, I still have the original kitchen sink in "Harvest Gold". Some interesting things to point out in this picture are mung beans sprouting, my compost crock (where I put our kitchen scraps before taking them outside to the big compost bin), and my pump parts drying (breast pump). I love my big kitchen window and I leave the blinds up all year round. Out the window you can see our dog kennel. We have two large dogs.

In the second picture, you will see our dining room table and storage space (across from the very small kitchen sink area). This is where we keep fruits and veggies, pots and pans, bibs, cookbooks and many other things that will not fit on the kitchen counters. The okra, squash, and some of the tomatoes shown are from our garden.

My blogs are www.thekristofs.blogspot.com  and www.journeybacktoveg.wordpress.com "

The next kitchen will be featured on Thursday. It is montanasmama's.

Please don't forget to comment.  A comment is like payment for the time taken to post, and in this case in sending in the photos.  Many of us were enthusiastic about this series, so make sure all the photos get a good number of comments.  I don't want any of the ladies sending in photos to regret joining in.  Thank you friends.


  1. What a sweet kitchen Tara. When I was first married, over 30 years ago, my kitchen was only big enough for one person to be in at a time but I learned a lot about what is and isn't necessary. Size, as they say, isn't everything!


  2. Thank you for sharing this kitchen. I love to see how others live in "real life" not a magazine spread. I especially appreciate seeing your "vintage" sink. It's really cute!

  3. Tara, I think you must be a very organized person by the look of your kitchen. Although its a 71 style kitchen sink I really like it. Thankyou for sharing.
    Blessings Gail

  4. Hi Tara thank you for sharing your kitchen. You should see my 1965 blue bathroom tub and sink at least your kitchen sink is a nice color.

  5. Tara ~ I love your art glass vase, your little unique stained glass piece hanging over your window and all of your little colorful hanging bits. You have a wonderful large window to enjoy looking out of and growing sprouts in. I love your counter with rack in your dining area and the 3 glass cannisters on top. I love seeing the colorful fruit too. Healthy and homey looking.

    Have a lovely Christmas.


  6. Hi Rhonda,

    This is an interesting series. I think we sometimes forget that the kitchen is a work room, not a showplace. If you look at decor magazines, which I used to do, the kitchens are gleaming, fancy cabinets and granite counters but no evidence of the love which fuels the daily work of preparing meals. I love this kitchen and the others where food, tools, pans and equipment are visible. It's not "clutter", and it isn't "dirty", it's efficient and makes it easier to cook and get on with our busy lives.

    Thanks Rhonda and all the women who are sharing so much of themselves with us.

    Deb in Canada

  7. I too have a 1970's kitchen sink, but in avocado green! I think I would prefer gold :) I also have a strip of counter to one side that is basically useless. And many of my kitchen items have spread into the dining room also! I like your fruit/veg storage area.

  8. H Tara, thanks so much for sharing your kitchen with us! I love the blue glass canisters on top of your storage rack. I really love your kitchen, its fairly similar to ours and my looks of it, very homely.
    Have a happy festive season,

  9. I love your window, Tara! Your kitchen is painted such a fresh, tranquil color (just happens to be one of my fav colors ;-). Everything looks so neat and tidy. Thank you for welcoming us into your homey haven.
    Happy Holidays,

  10. I love the harvest gold sink!

    (same color as my bathtub lol)

    Awesome and fun series, really enjoying all the peeks into others' kitchens!

  11. what a beautiful kitchen Tara. I love your sink it's so cute.

  12. A lovely kitchen, so homely and welcoming. I agree with previous poster, I love this series of real kitchens, so much better than shiny magazine kitchens that always loko so cold and have no character.
    Thanks for sharing with us Tara :) RosieB

  13. Your kitchen is very neat, in spite of the small space. You should be proud!

  14. Tara, in spite of the small kitchen, your kitchen is a credit to you. :)


  15. Thanks for the photos! I really like how you arranged the fruits and vegetables, as well as the cookbooks. It's getting me thinking of how I can organize my small kitchen. Thanks for sharing, Tara.


  16. I like this kitchen too Tara. I especially like the way your bananas are hanging . :)

  17. I love the color of your kitchen. It's a happy color!
    It may be a small kitchen, but it looks as though you have set it so it is efficient and very workable.
    Thank you for sharing your kitchen. I am getting some great ideas from all of you who share for when I finally dig in and re-do my poor tired kitchen space.

  18. Tara, you have a lovely kitchen and your harvest gold sink looks like new! :)

  19. What a lovely kitchen! I love the blue walls and the canisters. It has charm, and that's what I like. To me, charm in a home is the result of seeing real lives reflected in their surroundings.

    Sonya, Australia

  20. Love what you did with a small space! Really pretty.

  21. I recall harvest gold and avocado green for the 70's.
    My mom had harvest gold appliance with mint green walls.
    Might sound a little strange but it went well together.

    Coffee is on.

  22. I love the cobalt blue containers on the top shelf! They're gorgeous!!!!

  23. I would enjoy doing dishes and baking in your lovely little kitchen.

  24. The sprouting mung beans, the garden produce, the compost bin and the breast pump...all these things say such a lot about what's important to the owner of this little kitchen. What a lovely insight into your life, Tara. Oh and I like the harvest gold sink, too- it's a nice mellow colour and looks cosy.

  25. Wish my kitchen had some of that charm - its a half renovated mess at present. I hope to get my new bench and sink unit (1970s recycled) in this summer. Its stainless steel but has avocado green cupboards with white trim. Fortunately I like green :)

    viv in nz

  26. Thanks for sharing....I love the harvest gold sink....It reminds me of my childhood!

  27. I love the harvest gold sink. I'm still eating off harvest gold patterend plates that belonged to my college roommate's mother while SHE was in college.

    And the produce - I must be hungry or something, because I could reach right through the photo and eat all of it right now.

    Thanks for sharing!!

  28. I just love your kitchen sink series. Thank you! They are all so beautiful and charming in their own ways.

    Tara your harvest gold is fun to see. In 1971 my mom's kitchen was in avocado green. :oD

  29. Tara,
    You kitchen is adorable. I love the bright blue, and all the glass ornaments around the kitchen window. That is my favorite spot in my home, and I enjoy the sun glistening though colored glass. My first apartment had a similar kitchen. These kitchens make me feel like a normal person! Real people have real kitchens not magazine photos. Thank you all for sharing your kitchens and thank you Rhonda for your wonderful blog.

  30. I love your kitchen sink! And the formica countertops are so much easier to take care of than tile! I lived in an old farmhouse in Seattle for 2 years with the same kind of kitchen and I never missed cleaning grout. The sink was the old stainless steel and didn't have any chips like the newer ones can get from big pots, etc. New isn't necessarily improved!Blessings, Jan

  31. I love, love, love, this kitchen. It gleams with love and affection. And don't worry about it being small, it's yours and it's serving you well. Thanks for sharing with us.

  32. I loved seeing all the fruits and veggies in this kitchen. Lovely space.

  33. Love the kitchen, Tara! And I would love to know where you got those white stackable baskets with fruits and veggies in them, next to the bananas. My stuff just ends up spread over the counter.


  34. Hi Kathy--those white baskets--I got them at Wal-Mart in the kitchen organizing section. I don't usually like to support their business but in this instance, that is where I bought them. Cheers!

  35. I am freind and neighbor to Tara, and she is right... her kitchen is tiny. But what she has done with the colors and organization IS inspirational!! Good looking pics, Turtle!!


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