3 December 2009

You, me and the kitchen sink

Our first peek into our readers' kitchens is from Myra in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Thanks for sharing your kitchen with us, Myra!

Click on photos to enlarge them.

Myra writes: "Attached are two photos of my kitchen sink. Nothing special except that it's near midnight and it's clean!! Usually there is a sink full of dirty dishes but I try to go to bed with a clean kitchen. I have made two waffle weave dishcloths which I have enjoyed knitting. I have my kleen kanteen which I take everywhere with me. I have a water filter attached to the faucet to filter out lead and pharmaceuticals. I keep a water glass beside it to drink from frequently. I spend a lot of time here. I recently quit my job downtown at a law firm in order to live a more simple life. My days are spent taking care of my new puppy, planning my spring garden and organizing my new relaxed and simple life."

What a lovely kitchen to start us off on this series. It's much tidier than mine! Myra, I didn't find a blog link in your email and I'm assuming you don't have one. That's fine, but if you do and want me to include your blog link, please send it to me. :- )

Next Thursday we'll feature Jillian's kitchen. Jillian lives in South Australia. The photos will appear in the order in which they're received. I hope you all enjoy this series.

Please do not send any more photos. I have enough for the next three months. I'll let you know in February when I need more sent. Thanks for the great response. I think it's going to be a great series.



  1. This series is going to be so much fun. I love seeing other's kitchen sinks. What a great idea! I can't wait to see more.

  2. Nice kitchen Myra, it looks a little like mine. :)

  3. good morning Rhonda,oh how i love looking at other people's kitchen's,i will really enjoy this, thank you.

  4. This is going to be a great series. This kitchen is so lovely and clean - makes me want to actually wash those pots sitting in my sink.

  5. Wow, this is exciting! I didn't realise I was such a voyeur. I should probably send in my sink, but it's never clean enough for me to even consider that. Or maybe I should just take a picture as is and be honest with the world!

  6. I am very excited about this series. I will be sending photos soon too! Thanks for hosting RhondaJean. I LOVE your blog. It has inspired me more than you will ever know.


  7. Lovely kitchen, Myra. I think we have similar tiles!

  8. Myra - what a great and comfortable kitchen. Rhonda Jean - great idea - thanks a lot. Emily in So. TX

  9. Myra, such a lovely and clean kitchen!

    Rhonda, I'm looking forward to seeing other's kitchen sinks. I love seeing other's homes. :)

  10. How cool is this going to be?I like looking at kitchen pics.My kitchen is very old & very tiny with no room to swing a cat.Dont think Im game to send you any pics of mine Rhonda,they may make your readers run for cover.Thank god,I will be leaving it behind soon.

    Loving the looks/colour of the cabinetry(sp?)Myra.

  11. OOOHHH I love that sink. If I ever get a chance I want to have one like that.

    I love your kitchen.

  12. At first I "eewed" and "awed" at your beautiful very clean sink. (mine's old and in need of replacement). Then I looked at the second picture and OH MY! Your kitchen is the very same configuration as mine! Only yours is a beautiful kitchen! I knew this fun little project that Rhonda Jean has started would give me some great ideas for my own kitchen! Thank you for sharing Myra and Rhonda Jean, thank you for the great idea!

  13. This looks like such a welcoming friendly kitchen - I could so enjoy a cuppa here!

  14. What a cool sink, I wish mine was white, looks nicer than my stainless steel one. And so clean! Jealous much? :-)

  15. Myra -what a beautiful kitchen. It looks like a great place for cooking, and the rooster curtain fabric is such fun.

    Rhonda - such a brilliant idea. I may even be brave enough to show mine.

  16. Rhonda, it's lovely to be able to gain ideas of what to do with our kitchen, that is, when we do get around to renovating it.

    Have a great week,

  17. Two windows?....lucky ducky! :)

  18. What a great idea. Kinda of like that old saying, "we're all the same and put our pants on one leg at a time". This is a great equaliser, helps me to feel grounded with other people out there. All over the world, the sink is where we spend so much of our time. I spent hours at mine today making candied lemon peel, a long process but fulfilling. I had the radio for company and a beautiful view of my backyard.

  19. Love this idea for a series.. can't wait for more! Nice clean kitchen Myra.... love it!

  20. Myra your kitchen made me smile and feel right at home. It gives off a warm, friendly glow.

    Whenever I look at homes for sale online, the first room I want to see is the kitchen and to see if the window is over the sink. After having the kitchen sink with no window, I love having one now to look out of while washing dishes.

    I need to get up to wash the dishes so that my kitchen will look clean once again.

    This is going to be a wonderful series and I look forward to being inspired and enjoying the different decor created by each homemaker.


  21. Love it! I'm going to ehjoy this series a lot. Our kitchen is a shotgun design (basically a hallway) which means traffic right through the middle of whatever you are trying to do. I like looking at kitchens that actually work!

  22. I'm really looking forward to this series - love, love, LOVE seeing how other folks live :)

  23. This kitchen just feels "homey".

    I love this idea and am anxiously awaiting our next destination.

  24. Thanks everyone for the lovely comments on my kitchen. It's nice to hear since I just recently remodeled it. My house is 100 years old and the kitchen had never been re-done! I'm not very good at decorating so the comments really felt good.

    Thank you Rhonda Jean for doing this series. I look forward to seeing everyone else's kitchen. This was an excellent idea!


  25. Love it! I have no window over my kitchen sink but I think I'll still try to see of I can pin up some sort of curtain there to give the illusion of having a window.

    Your kitchen is quite inspiring Myra! Congratulations on being the first featured kitchen.

  26. What a fantastic kitchen. I am so going to email a picture of mine, small does'nt even begin to describle it. If nothing else, it will give everyone a good laugh.



  27. Oh, too bad I missed this! I'll send you photos of my kitchen too whenever you need them.
    This is a lovely kitchen! Very warm and inviting. We are still in the process of painting ours (from lime green to white!) so maybe it's a good thing I missed it! What a wonderful idea Rhonda! We can all get to know eachother better and maybe even make more friends!
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  28. What a great idea! I love your kitchen Myra, especially the curtains, thanks for sharing :) RosieB

  29. What a wonderful idea. I love seeing other's kitchen it is so inspiring. Mya I love your kitchen. Thanks Rhonda for being so creative


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