25 September 2009

A family day

It is such a good idea to take time out every so often and do something out of the ordinary. Yesterday, Hanno and I set off for a day in Brisbane. It was an easy prep for the trip - just a bottle of water for us both and the lemon pie, because we knew we had a delicious lunch being cooked for us. We arrived just before lunch so we had a chance to sit and talk for a while and enjoy a cold drink.

Sarndra and Shane were both happy for me to take photos to show on the blog but I didn't think to take them until we had dessert - the best quiche had already been eaten.

Lunch consisted of the best quiche I've ever eaten and a garden salad. Of course you would expect a fine quiche from a fine dining chef but this one was made by Sarndra, with a little help from Shane who made the pastry. The quiche was feta cheese, olives and sun dried tomatoes on Maggie Beer's sour cream pastry. I've asked Sarndra to email the recipe to me and when she does I'll pass it on to you. It's a masterpiece. And I have to tell you that having a daughter-in-law who says she isn't a good cook, but produces such a delicious dish is a great joy to me. Our Sarndra is a very capable woman.

Their home is furnished with new, second hand and found furniture and it all goes together to make a warm, comfortable and inviting home.

I don't write a lot about raising babies and young children. It's such a long time ago for me now, although I do remember a lot of it - the struggles and anxiety, and being up all through the night when they were sick or scared. I also remember the many moments of pure joy when I watched either of my sons do something they thought they couldn't do or when they brought home a prize from school, or a new friend. I recall reading to them, playing on the floor with Legos, all of us going to the movies, birthday parties, camping trips and holidays in Sydney with my parents. Through all those times I hoped they would grow into good and decent men who remembered the values they were brought up with and who would make a life that made them happy and proud. And they have!

Lemon meringue pie.

I have never seen Shane happier than he is right now. Sarndra is the ideal girl for him and when I see them together, even though they're just starting out in their marriage, with all the struggles and adjustments that come with that, it seems to me they are the real deal - a fixed unit, together forever. Marriage is tough, there is no doubt about that, and I know that my marriage has had all the highs and lows that most marriages go through. As I look back on my marriage, I think what got us through all those lows was that there were a lot of highs and there was a strong foundation of love, acceptance and respect. We talked through our problems and had more than one fight (never in front of the kids) but through all those bad times we always had trust in each other. That never died. Never ever. I think when the trust goes, so does the marriage.

This area is just near the front door.

As we were leaving, we wished Sarndra happy birthday for next Tuesday and mentioned that on Monday it's our 30th wedding anniversary. Sarndra said she hoped she and Shane will be as happy as Hanno and I are on their 30th anniversary. Seeing them as they are now, I think they have a very good chance of that happening.

Thanks for a great lunch Shane and Sarndra!


  1. I think one of lifes greatest pleasures is seeing your children happy in their home and marriage. Like you we have had good and hard times but never lost sight of the fact we made the right choice all those years ago and it will be 55 years in a couple of weeks.We make the most of every day but I have to admit still cannot make a decent quiche!!

  2. What a nice day you all must have had! You are so right, Rhonda, an occassional out of the ordinary day is a treat! Looking forward to the recipe and the pie looks absolutely delicious!!! Thanks for sharing pictures w/ us. The kids have a lovely home and look very happy!!

    central Illinois

  3. What a lovely day! You have a delightful son and daughter-in-law, and I look forward to seeing that quiche recipe.


    AM of the Bread

  4. How comfortable and inviting their home is! And what a blessed woman you are with such talented children!

    Donna in CO

  5. What a grand day for you and your family. Being around my grown children is always a treat, whether their is a reason or just for a chat and coffee.
    Your pie looks wonderful and can not wait for the crust recipe.
    Happy 30 years!!!!
    Happy Birthday to all!!!


  6. Yes, trust and a lifelong commitment. I guess they are really the same thing. If you know your partner is there for the long haul, come what may, you would not be frightened to nut out any problems. Cherrie

  7. Thank you for sharing the pictures! Nothing makes a home cozier than one filled with books.
    How wonderful to know your son is happily married. My children are still young, but I often think about when they will be married.
    It would break my heart if they married the wrong person, and to see them suffer in an unhappy marriage. What a blessing your children are for you!

  8. Happy Birthday for Tuesday Sarndra! And happy anniversary Rhonda and Hanno for Monday. Congratuations on 30 years! :)

    Lunch sounded wonderful and they sound like a lovely couple. You are blessed indeed.

  9. Good morning Rhonda. I am working from home today in preparation for our business move, thanks for the nice interval with my morning coffee. Such lovely young people, you must be very proud.

  10. Your son and daughter in law's home looks very inviting and cozy. Quiche, salad and my all time favorite lemon meringue pie...sounds like an amazing lunch. The best days are those that are out of the ordinary!

  11. Thank you Rhonda for a beautiful post. Your son and daughter-in-law are blessed to have such a positive mum supporting them.

  12. Thank you for sharing the very special day with us all.

  13. What a happy day you've all had. Shane and Sarndra's home looks lovely - so light inside - it has a nice feel to it. All homes should have books. Sincere thanks S and S for sharing their place.

    And yes please to the quiche recipe. Happy to report I used your short crust pastry recipe and at last had pastry success.

    With care and thanks, Michelle in Wellington

  14. They have set up a lovely home together and I see they have their priorities right - LOTS of books!!! : ) You are lucky to have them living close. Our eldest daughter is now living 250 miles away,and settling there as she now has a boyfriend, and her sister at Uni even further, and I miss them so much.

  15. happy anniversary rhonda, it was our 30th anniversary last weekend. my daughter and son and their families put on what was to be a surprise party for us. only thing was my 2 year old grandaughter kept telling me on the phone she was coming to my party, so i had an incling.

    sophie in new zealand

  16. How lovely to hear a mum-in-law being so loving and positive about her daughter-in-law! It really gladdened my heart. I would love to have the same relationship with my MIL, but it does me good to think that there are some good relationships out there. Perhaps one day...

  17. I've only been married about half as long as you, Rhonda, but I'm pleased to say when younger friends get married, I say that I hope they will be as happy as DH and I are. A good marriage is a blessing from God, no doubt about it -- and a bad one is indeed hellish.

  18. Awe, Rhonda, your post made me cry.
    While it can be hard seeing your kids grow up and out of the home, (mine aren't there yet), it has to be a blessing to know they are in a relationship where there is true love, caring & commitment. You couldn't hope for anything more. (Except maybe grandchildren!)

    Donna in New Mexico

  19. What a wonderful day you had with Shane and Shandra! My son is just 19 years and I can't wait for the day when I see him happily married with a girl that is right for him and that they are settled into a nice home like your son is.

    Tell Shandra Happy Birthday and Happy 30th Anniversary to you and Hanno! :)

  20. How blessed you are to have a wonderfully-supportive, nurturing and delightful family behind you!

    Thanks for sharing:)


  21. your blog is neat. A friend told about it. Here is another Australian one you will enjoy. She is working on a shop called the Daily Pie.

    Lynda in IN

  22. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Thank you sharing the pictures. Their home looks so cozy and inviting.


  23. Sounds like a wonderful time! Can't wait to hear about the quiche recipe! My hubby and I have been married just over a year, so I always love to hear about other new couples as well as see veteran couples who made it all work :)

  24. Hello everyone, thank you all for your lovely comments.

    Sophie, I hope you had a memorable anniversary last week. {{hugs}}

  25. Rhonda
    I found a link to the sour cream pastry here




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