20 August 2009

Days like these

I should never say I'll do something on a certain day "when I'm not busy". My post must be short today because I have a very busy day, so I'll answer those questions from the gardening post tomorrow. Hanno is just about to collect our son Kerry from the airport. He's had a few weeks in Canada and the US. Later in the day Shane and Sarndra will be here for a family lunch. But before all that loveliness, I have to go to the Centre to have morning tea with 20 ladies from our local church. They asked ages ago could they come in to find our more about what we're doing there.

I really love days like these. As you know, I really love the everydayness of my life and enjoy squeezing every bit of pleasure from what I do here. But these special days, the days I spend with my family, shine out like beacons in the dark when I look back on them. Life is all about family and friends and the older I get, the more I know that to be true. Today will be one fine day.

Some of you will remember that Kerry left a few weeks ago to work in Canada and then travel to the US, Cuba and Brazil. He planned on being away for a year or so. Well, that did not go as planned. When he got over to Canada, he realised that he missed his girlfriend Sunny too much to go on without her. Today he is back. Sometimes life teaches us what we need to know in strange ways. Sometimes you have to go away to realise how much someone means to you. Sunny is a lovely girl and I thank my lucky stars that both my sons have brought wonderful women into our family.

So later today we'll be dining on roast lamb and vegetables with something that I haven't decided upon yet for dessert. We'll listen to Kerry talk about his adventures of roaming across the US for the past few weeks, we'll hear about Sarndra's new business that we're all excited about and the plans Shane and Sarndra are making for their life together, and when I go to bed tonight I will be pleased and satisfied with my lot. It doesn't take much to put a smile on my face; today I think it will be there all day.

I hope your day is beautiful too.



  1. Blessings to you on this day with your family. I hope you enjoy it immensely! :))

  2. Sounds like a lovely day. Enjoy!

  3. Beautiful post. I like the term "everydayness" and so true to enjoy WHATEVER you might be doing. My son just returned from a mission trip to Belize and stayed with Mennonite families, learning their values and traditions. A lot to be learned in a community and family.

  4. enjoy your day with those who matter most!

  5. I know you will have a wonderful day.

    My 12 yr old son is sitting here with me he is sick today so he is snuggling up to his mom. He is reading as I move around reading various posts. We were looking for the recipe of the wedding cake but couldn't find it.

    I wanted to share with you his bafflement. We read about the Christmas breakfast and I was telling him about it being in the summer for you. He understands the whole southern hemisphere seasons opposite etc so I was not understanding his question. Well it baffles him to have Christmas when its summer. He asked why several times you would do that. Finally I asked do you think they should have Christmas in June or July for them so it will be cold. His answer was a resounding yes.

    I had to tell him for you it is normal for a summer Christmas like it is normal for us to have a winter one. I don't think he believed me at all. Or it is just the fever talking :0)

    Our children are our treasures and the memories they give us do carry us through many things.

    Erika @ homegrown family
    Mississippi USA`

  6. Hello Rhonda, I understand your joy and wish you a wonderful day with your family.
    My daughter and 2yr old grandson arrive from Melbourne today for a week. My sister, who hasn't been to our home for twelve years and some of her family and grandchildren, all from interstate and my son and family from Bsisbane will all be here on Sunday for a family day. I am bursting with excitement.


  7. Have a blessed day. It sounds like your day should be filled with the good things of life.

  8. Enjoy the surrounds of love, happy day :)

  9. Have a lovely lovely day, another one to add to your collection. :)

  10. Family times are the best! Enjoy your time with them, Rhonda. Lots of laughing and talking..
    The lemon and coconut cake you posted the other day looks awesome!

  11. It will be wonderful for you Rhonda to have your dear ones with you today!! I can already sense the laughter, jokes, and togetherness you will have.

    It's my hubbies birthday today and usually I would invite our families f but decided no, we will just spend it together as our family unit tonight.(Some are sure to call anyway) Last night while he was at a meeting it was lovely to co-cook his pavlova with my 11 yo son, learning together and chatting as we went...

    and now that same son is home from school today so we are having more togetherness again.. time to enjoy each other and all that means..

    its so easy in this hurried life to forget who each other are and enjoy one anothers qualities and quirkiness too.

    Even though I hate calling in absent from work, I would have felt guilty sending him today as he had a fever all night and is a bit dizzy today....viral perhaps?

    Cant wait to hear of your family tales!

    Lynette (Adelaide)

  12. Meaningful post! Sounds like wedding bells just might ringing again soon at your place! V.

  13. Hello, Im a new follower!
    I really love your blog.
    I am so excited to try all the wonderful things you have posted!
    I have a lot of reading to do!

    Check out my blogs

  14. When I have a bit trouble to start the day, like today when it's hot, and there is a pile of household work waiting here for me.... then I peek into your blog and get just the right spririt to get away from the pc and start to work!

    Better than coffee!


  15. Thanks, Rhonda. You're so right. You've got the most essential part of simple living - what it's all pointing towards - being with each other, loving each other, in the simplicity and dailiness of life. And celebrating that we are together.


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