13 February 2009

A New Swap

Hello all, Sharon here. I am a bit late in announcing a new swap today. I have decided that we will be swapping something very useful and something that can be very creative- kitchen towels and hot pads. I was going to put up my own tutorial for this, but after doing some research on the internet I found many so good tutorials that I will instead give you links to great ideas. For those who like to embroider here is Alicia Paulson of Posy gets Cozy great Polish Folk towels:http://aliciapaulson.com/Pleasant_Kitchen_Dishtowels.pdf. Her great site is: http://rosylittlethings.typepad.com/posie_gets_cozy/. Here is a sweet and very different kitchen towel: http://calamitykim.typepad.com/photos/whip_up_a_darlin_dress_to/index.html . For a fun quilted project I have several links: http://lindamade.wordpress.com/2007/08/28/hot-stuff-patchwork-oven-mitts/ , http://supamb.com/supafine/2007/10/24/how-to-sew-a-patchwork-kitchen-towel/ , http://writemamawrite.typepad.com/blog/2008/09/patchwork-kitchen-towel-tutorial.html , and http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=550. I also found a felted hot pad at : http://www.purlbee.com/stars-stripes-felted-hot-pads/ . For those who want to practice their crochet I found this link which will take you to many many links!http://home.inreach.com/marthac/holder.html
To sign up for the swap please leave me (as a comment) :
1. your name
2. your e-mail (written out to stop those nasty spammers),
3. your country
4. whether you want to swap within your country, or internationally. Remember that if you swap internationally it many cost you a wee bit more in postage, but it is also so much fun!
The deadline for sign up is Thursday, Feb. 19
Rose will be helping me with the organization and the tracking of the swappers, and I have had many ladies who have signed up as my angels-those who will help me make sure that everyone gets a parcel. A great big thank-you and hug to everyone who is helping!
I also wanted to link you to a set of videos on You Tube. They are of Clara, a woman who lived through the Great Depression. She is seen in these videos talking about cooking and giving recipes that her family lived on during those hard years. I found these to be incredibly interesting. Clara is in her 90's now and all I can say is wow! I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did.
Episode 1: http://home.inreach.com/marthac/holder.htm
Episode 2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yREFkmrrYiw&feature=related
Episode 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yREFkmrrYiw&feature=related
Episode 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4IjNV3lZkQ&feature=related
Episode 4 (part 2): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1IEWJmm4Tms&feature=related
Episode 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qptfhu9R0WI&feature=related
Episode 6:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zXqkHvs0po&feature=related
Episode 7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5tXODF4of0&feature=related
Episode 8 (part 2) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhBZrPk2xaY&feature=related
Please keep all those who have lost so much in the bushfires in your prayers. Donations can be made online to the Australian Red Cross at :http://www.redcross.org.au/vic/services_emergencyservices_victorian-bushfires-appeal-2009.htm#Information_about_your_donation


  1. Hello Sharon!

    It's great to hear of a new swap! I loved the last one and am anxious to get started another! What fun! :)

    Shelley Wilson
    sewilson at cull dot twcbc dot com
    Again, I will be happy to swap in or out of my country.

    Thanks for all the hard work you put into making this fun and educational for all of us. You and Rhonda Jean rock!

  2. Hi Sharon
    Enjoyed the last swap very much so jumping at the begining for this one.

    Pippa Ibbotson.
    ibbotson6 at btinternet dot com
    I am happy to swap anywhere.

    You all work so hard with these swap, it must take so much of your time and energy but it is appreciated.

    Pippa xxxx

  3. Hi Sharon
    It is wonderful that you are starting a new swap and I would be interested in doing one. It is like a link in a big chain and when it is finished some way or another we are linked and we wait in antipitation for our gifts.

    Kate Morrison

    morrison 6012 at kinect dot co dot nz

  4. Hi Sharon,

    I would love to join the swap and am more than happy to post overseas. My e-mail addy is goldwen at bigpond dot com



  5. I'd love to join in!

    Bettina Lauth
    bettina dot lauth (at)
    bachstrasse57 dot de

    I'll be happy to swap in Germany, Europe or international.

    gr, Bettina

  6. Hi Sharon,
    Thanks for doing this. Would be happy to swap anywhere.
    Hope I have better luck with my partner this time

    Hereford UK


  7. Hi Sharon

    Sign me up please. I have been looking forward to this.

    Stephanie Bond
    steph dot martyn at btopenworld dot com
    Will swap internationally.

    Thanks loads for doing this, and if you need help in any capacity just let me know.
    Lv Steph xxx

  8. Hi. This is will be my first swap - how excitment!
    Kathryn Marks
    kathrynmarks at bigpond dot com
    would prefer to swap within Australia for my first attempt.

  9. Can I clarify if this swap is for both the kitchen towel and the hot pad, not for one or the other? I think you mean both, but it could be read as one or the other.

  10. Hi Sharon,
    The last swap was great and I would love to join in again.

    Tracie Yan
    styan at optusnet dot com dot au
    I'm happy to swap here or overseas.


  11. me too.!!!!!!!

    1. Leigh
    2. rikleigh at hotmail dot com
    3. Australia
    4. swap in australia

  12. Love to swap. This is my first time so hope i get it right.!!
    Shirley Hewitt.
    Happy to swap anywhere.

  13. My very first swap! How exciting. :)

    mia at runbox dot com
    USA (but will swap internationally)


  14. Hello Sharon,

    Thank you for your time and energy that goes into these swaps.

    Christine K.
    asimplequilter at gmail dot com
    happy to swap near or far

    have a wonderfilled day,

  15. I'd love to be part of this swap!

    Sandra Tolley
    skc240 at gmail dot com
    will swap anywhere

    Thank you for all the work you put into these swaps.

  16. I've enjoyed the swaps so far so I would love to get into this one.

    Vickie LeBlanc (Canada)

    I will be happy to swap in North America (USA or Canada)

  17. Hi Sharon,
    I have never participated in a swap before but I would love to start with yours. I just sent three sets of hand towels/hot pads to school with my daughter for her teachers. They were really easy and really fun to make.

    Thanks for putting this together.

    Barbie Clements
    bcc063 at yahoo dot com
    I'll ship in or out of the US.

  18. Hola! I follow this blog religiously and would like to participate. This is my first swap. When does the swap occur? I am game for international or domestic

    Annette Lanniee, tribalgrl at gmail dot com, USA


  19. Hi Sharon
    I would love to join in I have only ever done cross stitch exchanges before so this will be new and fun. I am in the Uk but will be happy to swap anywhere.

    lindajsmith at btinternet dot com

  20. Hi Sharon! I loved the last swap, and am anxious to swap again! Count me in.

    Kris Bair
    tkjtbair at gmail dot com
    I will be happy to swap in or out of my country.

    Thanks for all your work on these swaps!

  21. Hi Sharon,

    Dish towels & hot pads are a weakness of mine, I just love them. I would love to join the swap. Are we swapping one of each?
    I am in the US and would like to swap over seas if poss.
    My address is:
    karenbennett (at) metrocast (dot) net
    (yes this is correct the spelling of karyn is with an e in the address even though I use a y.)

    I'm looking forward to more deitals and thanks for all the hard work you put into these swaps.
    Have a great day


  22. I'm so excited to be apart of this swap I've never done one but have have wanted to for a long time now!
    Cyndi Fouquette
    foket5 at hutchtel dot net


  23. Hi Sharon,
    Many thanks for doing this.
    Willing to post anywhere.

    Hereford uk

  24. Good Day to you! This is my first swap; will there be more information forthcoming? I'd like to try swapping internationally, please.


  25. ready for a 2009 swap!

    ann dot lynaghbland at tiscali dot co dot uk

    Live in the UK but will post internationally.

  26. Ahhh! something happened to my comment. Let's try again.

    Sharon, I haven't participated in a swap since the apron swap and would love to be involved in this one.

    Tamara Bell
    tlb81003 @ normalonline.com
    I would be quite happy to swap in or out of the US

    Thank you for all of the links

  27. I am in...
    penofjen at yahoo dot com

    I prefer to be in the US this time.

  28. I definitely want in this one!

    k dot murray at sympatico dot ca
    Within Canada only pls

    Thx for organizing this again.

  29. I am so excited to join this swap. It is my first one, Yeah.
    Evangeline Snyder
    ecsnyder75 at comcast dot net
    I would be happy to swap in my country only this time!

    Sounds fun! Everyone can use hot pads & dish towels!

  30. Hi

    I would love to take part in your swap. I live in the UK and don't mind swapping anywhere.

    Lisa Kartanou

    lisakartanou at hotmail dot com

    Can't wait to start.

  31. Oh, goody. Here's a swap I'd love to join. Are we making kitchen towels OR potholders or both?

    Rebekka Hartmann
    rebekkahartmann at gmail dot com

    I'm happy to swap in Europe or internationally.

  32. Hi Sharon,

    I love your blog!! I would love to join your swap. It's my first so I am new at this.
    Angelique Arroyo

    Now if I understand correctly we are making kitchen towels and pot holders?

    Thanks Angelique I am looking forward to this experience.

  33. Greetings~ This is my very first swap ever and I am very excited!
    Shannon Harris
    doulashannon at yahoo dot com
    USA- but I would be happy to swap anywhere! Thanks for this opportunity.

  34. Hi Sharon. I would love to join in again with the swap.
    Outer Hebrides (Scotland)
    I will swap anywhere

  35. I would like to join in...have never done a swap before and it sounds like a lot of fun.

    Jackie Thomas
    jackie68 at mchsi dot com
    I will be happy to swap out of my country!!

  36. I need a new crochet project and I'd like to join my first swap!
    leighdoris at gmail dot com
    Willing to swap anywhere.

  37. Thank you thank you thank you for the links of Clara! I truly enjoyed them and it is inspiring to watch someone who made it through the Depression and has such a delightful presence.

  38. Hi,

    I would love to join the swap - it will be my very first one!

    Charlene Long
    longs_ccej at verizon dot com

    I would be happy to swap in or out of the US

    Thanks so much for doing this!

  39. Hi again forgot to say that I would post anywhere

  40. Hi! I've never done a swap before, and I think it would be fun. I'd be fine with either international or national, but international might be extra fun! email is info AT thewoollenearth DOT com

  41. P.S. I'm in Canada. Jen (thewoollenearth)

  42. Hello - I would like to join.

    Chris Clark
    cmjacobs76 at gmail dot com
    I am in the USA and would be happy to ship anywhere.

  43. hi im from indonesia wanna give smile, and hope u get all the best in ur life

  44. Hello all-so happy that everyone is excited about the swap. The swap is for both a kitchen towel and a hot pad-but you can make more than one of each since they are a quick and easy project that is so much fun to add personalized touches to. I plan to add a couple of knitted dish cloths to mine. I am especially pleased that we have quite a few new swappers signing on. Leave any other questions you have in the comments or e-mail me at : cdetroyes at yahoo dot com and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

  45. Thanks for taking the time to organ
    ise swapa for us Sharon, I'm in.

    Nanette Gilbert
    belleg9 at gmail dot com

    I'm in Australia, and happy to post anywhere.

  46. Hi Sharon,
    Elizabeth Quigley
    djquigley at sbcglobal dot net
    USA only

    Thank you,

  47. Okay, should be fun then.

    Victoria Donnelly
    vdonnelly at internode dot on dot net
    Would rather swap only in Australia

  48. Yes I would love to join this swap.

    Naomi Douglas
    I would be happy to swap anywhere.

  49. Hi
    Count me in on another swap they are so much fun.
    dlever at dodo dot com dot au
    I am willing to swap anywhere.

    Thanks Rhonda and Sharon for doing this for us all, much appreciated.

  50. I would love to participate. I am in the U.S., but am happy to ship anywhere.

    Kimberly Lawson
    kalawson1 at sbcglobal dot net

  51. I can't wait to get started on this swap.

    Emma Berry
    emma dot berrypatch at gmail dot com

    Australia or New Zealand please.


  52. I would like to participate! My first swap! :-D

    Judy Mankowski
    rcathmom23 at yahoo dot com
    either in or out of US is fine!

  53. I'm in how mnay of each??? Do we get to know what the kitchen colours are for our swapee(?).

    daisymum7 at gmail dot com
    international locally anything if fine by me.

  54. Hi Sharon, I am so glad to join in the swap. Thanks for all your hard work.

    USA but will swap in or out of US
    Thanks Again

  55. Hi Sharon,
    Would love to join in on the swap. I will be glad to post anywhere.
    My info:
    Jeanna Morgan

  56. Please include me in this swap.

    ecotrace at yahoo dot co dot uk
    I'm in the UK - would prefer to swap within UK/Europe

    Thanks for organising this - looking forward to joining in again.

  57. Rowena Gledhill
    rowenac at tiscali dot co dot uk
    Happy to swap anywhere. Thanks for the opportunity to join in.

  58. 1. Cindy Rutledge
    2. cynthiamrutledge at aol dot com
    3. US
    4. Either one

  59. Thankyou for organizing another swap Sharon. Last time I gained a wonderful new friend. Happy to swap anywhere. emhemh at tiscali dot co dot uk.
    Cheers, Eileen.

  60. jacqui jones
    djon7593 at bigpond dot net dot au
    happy to swap wherever

  61. Hi Sharon,
    I'd love to be included in the swap. I am in Maryland in the USA, but I will swap international (I actually prefer that).

    Donna Hamby

    dkhamby at msn dot com

  62. Hi Sharon. I've never swapped before and am geeked to try it!

    Suzan Steele
    srsteele at hughes dot net
    Here in the good ole US of A or where ever.

    Thanks for all your work on this.

  63. hello Sharon - this maybe a duplicate as I thought I posted earlier today but don't see me - wouldn't be the first time I hit the wrong button! :-)

    So thanks for doing this and I am
    Janet Anderson
    janet.anderson2 at gmail.com
    I am in Banff, Alberta Canada
    I would prefer an intercontinental swap!

    thanks again this is my first ever swap and it is very exciting.


  64. Hi i am so exctied to be a part of this swap. My first one!!
    Im hoping it will work this time everytime I try to send it I end up having to redo it and it wont work.hmmmm
    ok email is : jesuschickfl@Hotmail.com
    I live in the USA
    I do not mind where i send too
    I think thats it..
    have a great day!

  65. Can't wait!
    JoAnna Jensen
    I live in Colorado, USA
    I would love to swap internationally
    Thanks for coordinating

  66. Yay! Thanks so much Sharon and Rhondda for doing another swap! :)

    I am Anita and my email is recycle_1971 at yahoo dot co dot uk

    I am from the UK and happy to swap anywhere in the world

  67. Another swap newbie here. Thanks!

    Lisa Egan



    Will swap anywhere

  68. I would love to join in on the swap!

    I'm willing to swap in or out of my country.

    Stephanie Hall
    stephanie underscore k underscore hall at msn dot com



  69. How fun!
    Now that we've moved and settled, COUNT ME IN!! It is so exciting to wait for a small package "just for me" to come in the mail :o) Even my kids jump for joy when it comes.
    I live in the USA, but I don't mind ~ American or international is fine.
    Thanks, Rhonda...

    indigo52 at cox dot net

  70. Sign me up Sharon! Even a backward beginner like me has been told she can do this -- by someone who knows!

    Rose Marshall
    rosmar at 1earth dot net

    Australia -- happy to swap internationally

  71. OOps I think I might have mistyped me email addy. yesterday!

    Here it is again (and correct)

    wheelersrabbithillfarm at yahoo dot com

    Thanks! Melissa

  72. Wonderful. these swaps are such a joy! kjalics at rocketmail dot com
    in the USA and I would be happy to swap in or out of my country.

    The swap idea was such a happy one and I really appreciate all the work of Rhonda and Sharon and everyone else who is part of this down-to-earth effort.

  73. Thanks for the link to the video with Clara cooking...loved it!!

  74. I would like to participate as well but don't see a deadline for the items to be mailed to the recipients. Is there one?

    My name is Kelley McDonald and my email is kelleymcdonald at gmail dot com

    I would like to make upcycled (from recycled materials) patchwork hotpads. I am not sure how many until I know the deadline for having them done....

    I will swap anywhere.

  75. Hi, I would love to join in the swap.

    My name is Sarah Lock
    email: alifeofriley@optusnet.com.au
    I am in Australia and I am more than happy to swap with anyone anywhere, dont mind either local or international.

    Thankyou for organising this, and I cant wait to see how this goes.

    Rhonda, can I just say that you are an inspiration to me, and I am such a fan, and cant wait to buy your book!!



  76. Hi Sharon

    I'd love to join in on the swap

    Tracy Henwood

    pthenwood at bigpond dot com


    Happy to swap in or out of Aus

    Thank you.

  77. Hello Sharon,

    I also have not been in a swap before, but would love to be included.
    Gail Firenze
    gail dot firenze at bigpond dot com

    Thankyou for the effort you are putting into this. I'm happy to ship anywhere.

    Blessings Gail.

  78. Hello Sharon,
    I would love to join the swap.

    Lynda Robinson
    lynda at domino-oaks dot com dot au

    will swap in or out of Australia

    Thanks for you work which makes these swaps possible.


  79. Hello Sharon.

    I would like to join the swap too. Its a first for me as well. Thanks for organising it.
    mjmoorhead at yahoo dot com dot au
    Happy to swap anywhere

  80. Hi Sharon,
    I am glad to join up in another Down---to---Earth swap.

    Tracy G

    sunnycorner2340 at yahoo dot com dot au

    I am in Australia

    I am happy to post anywhere.

    Best wishes,

  81. I would love to join the swap too. It will be my first one.


    I live in the US, but would be happy to ship anywhere!

    Elizabeth Bjorge

  82. Hello Sharon

    Please include me in the swap. The last one was so much fun to do.

    robhan at hisabode dot freeserve dot co dot uk

    I'm happy to ship anywhere in the world.

    Thanks, Wendy x

  83. Hello Dear Sharon,

    I'd like to participate in this swap.

    Athomestill at gmail dot com.
    I'll post anywhere.


  84. OOOO me too!! i wanna swap!

    Carmell Politte
    mrspolitte at gmail dot com
    wiling to swap with anyone!!

    as i said before i love your blog and enjoy learning and being a better Domestic Diva!!!

  85. Hi,
    Would love to join the swap.

    Roxanne Scelp
    United States

    Happy to swap anywhere

  86. Oh, I have so looked forward to this. Thank you for all the hard work you do on these! Please count me in.

    Heather Kibiger
    gtdunbar at insightbb dot com

  87. I am in Cindi Chenault
    chenaultcb at cox dot net
    Happy to do either in our out of the country

  88. Hi Sharon!

    Thank you for the invitation!
    I'd love to join the swap. :-)
    My very first one! And I'd be happy to swap overseas, either USA, Canada oder NZ.
    Last question: I'd prefer to swap tea-towels, would that be alright?
    frauknopf at gmx dot de
    Again, I'm very happy!

  89. Hello, Sharon. I would like to join this swap. It sounds so interesting!

    Michelle Waxler
    I would like to swap within the U.S. for my first attempt.

    Thank you!

  90. Hello, Sharon. I would like to join this interesting swap.

    I didn't write out my e-mail address properly the last time.

    Michelle Waxler
    mwaxler at care2 dot com
    I would like to swap within the U.S. for my first attempt

  91. Hello! This will be the first time I've participated in a swap, and it sounds really fun.

    Jo Shields
    shields dot jo82 at googlemail dot com
    I would prefer to swap within the UK or Europe

    What's the time-frame on the swap - how long do we get to complete the work and post them off?

    Many thanks,

  92. Hello Ladies,

    Please count me in for some swap-fun!

    Gina Card
    neko_loco at comcast dot net
    I love to swap internationally, but am willing to stay in country in case you need a US swapper.

    Thanks so much, I am so excited to do this swap!

  93. First swap for me, too! :)
    amulekbird at gmail dot com
    anywhere is fine
    Thank you!

  94. Dear Sharon;

    Thank you for organizing this swap. It is my first and I would love to join in.

    Sunny Baldwin

    I am happy to swap anywhere.

  95. This is exactly what I need just now. I have been looking at my hotpads and deciding I need to make some. However I haven't made any since I was a child enjoying patchwork so it will be great to challenge myself again with something.

    This will be my first Down to Earth Swap and I am very enthused.

    Cee Lew
    cjrlewis (at) gmail (dot) com
    In Australia but happy to post anywhere.

  96. Hotpads! Potholders! I am presuming both are the same thing. I had forgotten what I call them typing my last comment and just found this new idea of how to make them possibly.


    Yes it's potholders I am in need of!

  97. What a neat idea! I've only been reading this blog a little while(going through older topics). I'd like to participate...

    Cheryl Sosebee
    tootbloom at hotmail dot com
    happy to swap anywhere

    Thank you!

  98. Bec
    jamie at ipstarmail dot com dot au
    happy to swap anywhere

    Thanks for all your hard work and effort in organising this. Bec xxx

  99. Hello ladies-wow so many of you and so many newbies, as well as old dear friends (hi Ann and Mandy). This is just wonderful. Hot pads and pot holders are the same thing:) Tea towels would be quite welcome Lichtlein, and Cee your link was great! Rose is helping me get the list done (how wonderful is that!) I am thinking about asking everyone to include one of their favorite recipes in their parcels-we would get a feast for the eyes and the tummies too.

  100. Hi
    I put my name down for the swap but I don't think I am going to have time as I am now going to be very busy so can you please take my name off
    dlever at dodo dot com dot au

  101. I'm pleased to join. This will be my first swap.

    Carolyn Rial
    cjrial at gmail dot com
    USA and will swap domestic or international.

    This sounds like fun!

    Carolyn from Pennsylvania

  102. Hello Sharon!

    What a lovely swap. I would be happy to join in.

    1. Wendy Snow
    2. wyndesnow at yahoo dot com
    3. USA
    4. I would be happy to swap in or out of my country.

    Thanks for all of the work that you do to make the swaps happen.

    Here are a couple of links for some more hot pads:


  103. Hello,

    I've never taken part in a swap before and I'm a little nervous, but I'm going to bite the bullet! Count me in!

    Jennie Powell
    jennie dot powell at ntlworld dot com
    I'll swap anywhere, don't mind posting abroad (in fact I think I'd prefer it!

    I look forward to hearing more about this soon. Thanks for organising it!

  104. Hi! I would love to participate if it's not too late to sign up. I've never done a swap before and I'm very excited. I live in the USA but will swap anywhere.

    justmedevon at gmail dot com

  105. I would love to join, too. Do you have an idea of when the deadline will be? I'm very busy the next month, and if it's too soon, I may have to back out!

    Melanie Bourque
    melanie_sykes at hotmail dot com
    Will swap internationally.

  106. Hello,

    I've been following this blog for almost 2 years and have yet to sign up for a swap. This one looks like a great one to get my feet wet.

    Lisa Higgs
    lhiggs at shaw dot ca
    I am happy to swap anywhere.


  107. I am wondering how many dishtowels and potholders we are to make?

  108. I would love to join this swap.

    Catherine Moffat
    katykanuk at yahoo dot ca

    I will be happy to swap with any country

    thank you

  109. I'm in, haven't done one for a while. Hannah
    email han underscore ysic at hotmail dot com
    I'm in Australia and would prefer to swap in australia

  110. Hi,

    I would love to be part of the swap but I want to be fair to my swap "buddy". I am a total novice crafter and i really need a partner who will appreciate the that the effort and spirit will most likely be greater than the beauty of the products. If you have someone like that, then fantastic, please count me in :)

    niccis (underscore) mailbox (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au
    I am happy to swap to anywhere

  111. Oops...forgot to put my country - Australia

  112. Hi Sharon,

    I've never participated in a swap, so I'm excited. I will be happy to swap in or out of my country.

    Jenny Hughley

    Thank you so much for doing this.


  113. Hello!

    How much fun, to have a swap that is decorative and useful! I'd love to join in, if I may.

    Lisa Anaya

    blueknitter at yahoo dot com


    I will be happy to swap in or out of the US.

    Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy the work that goes into this blog, by both Sharon and Rhonda Jean. I found it at a time I desperately needed some sanity and peace, and you ladies never fail to provide just that.

  114. This will be my very first swap so I am excited. I hope that I can do it. Will we have plenty of time?
    Valerie Shoates
    shoates at windstream dot net
    I will be happy to swap in or out of the U.S. I think this will be fun. Thanks for doing this. Will we receive further instructions?

  115. Hello, Sharon -- This is my first swap and it sounds like fun!

    Susan Womersley
    swomersley at gmail dot com
    I will be happy to swap with anyone, anywhere.

    This is going to be a massive swap!!! Thanks in advance for all of your efforts.

  116. Woud love to join too:

    Jodi Mann
    sjmann at aapt dot net dot au
    Australia - happy to post overseas!


  117. Hi Ronda,
    I've been reading for a long time, but haven't commented yet. As this is my first time, I wanted to tell you how much you are appreciated. Hurray internet! I cannot believe all the tings i've learned and the awsome people that it has lead me to. Thanks for inviting me (well all of us, really) to participate. I am very excited about it. And i hope to learn some new stuff in the process. Thanks for all the inspiration and the love. I can feal it in every post.
    All my best, Amy jean
    hallhighland at gmail dot com

  118. Hello Sharon
    I hope i'm not too late!!
    I havent been involved in a swap but am thinking it might be a bit of fun. Can you please explain what is involved?
    I'm a bit of a newby at this.

  119. OOOps Details as follows
    Serena Bates
    Am happy to swap o'seas.

  120. I'd like to join in (I nearly forgot about this doh)


    dancestothebeetofherowndrum at gmail dot com

    Happy to post anywhere.

  121. Hi Sharon,
    I'd love to join the swap. This will be my first one. It sounds like a lot of fun!

    Kathy Grothe
    sawnsew at verizon dot net
    I'd be happy to swap anywhere.

    Thanks so much!

  122. The swap sounds fun! I've never done on before. My info
    Chris Webb
    I'll swap anywhere. Thanks for all your work. I love your site.

  123. As I cannot find my post published, I try it again. I had some problems with my internet recently.
    Hilde Siebke
    h dot siebke at gmx dot net
    I will swap anywhere.
    Thank you!

  124. Excited to try my firt swap..looking forward to the instructions for first-timer.

    Sue Stamper
    suezoos1 at aol dot com

    Willing to swap anywhere..I'm in NC in USA

  125. I'd like to join. I'm in the U.S. and am a bit short on money right now so I'd like to ship only within the U.S. if possible. :)

    My email is dragonpetals at gmail dot com .

  126. This is my first swap...How exciting!!

    Maryanne Staker
    maryannestaker at yahoo dot com
    I would like to ship only in my country


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