8 February 2009

Bushfires and floods

Hello everyone! I've had a few emails asking if Hanno and I are okay and if we are close to the bushfires. At least 25 people have been killed by fires in Victoria, which is at the bottom of Australia. I'm happy to report we are a couple of thousand kilometres away from the fires. There are other fires in New South Wales, where Tricia lives, but they're not near her home at the moment. The temperatures down south are still very hot - well over 40C (104F) in many areas, and no doubt the temperatures are aiding the fires.

We live in Queensland, and while we certainly have the odd bushfire, summer is our wet season, so there isn't such a threat here. In fact, we have floods here in our state,with record rainfall in many little towns and areas along the coast. In a long strip along the coast, the rain has poured down without a break for almost a month. Again, Hanno and I are not close to the flooded areas.

I hope everyone who reads here is safe. I really feel for all those suffering in the heat, not just the people, but also the pets, stock and wildlife. I can't imagine how devastating it must be to lose your home to a fire or a flood. As well as the loss of human life, there have been heavy stock losses, both in the fires and the floods, and I'm guessing a lot of wild animals and reptiles have died too. It's so sad.

So far, this year has witnessed a cruel climate. I've seen on the news there have been record snowfalls and low temperatures in the UK and the US. I send my best wishes to everyone who is suffering either fire, flood or the extremes of high or low temperatures. Thank you for thinking of us, we are fine, I hope you are too. Stay safe everyone.



  1. I am glad you are safe. I like the new picture!

  2. I'm glad to hear you are all safe x. There's not been a great deal on our news about your situation, although it was mentioned before 'Whiteout Britain' became headline news every day since Monday. It goes without saying that any loss of life is tragic. Property perhaps a little less so, but still devastating for those it affects.
    We're suffering with the snow, although here in Bristol we've only had about 5 inches of snow compared to some other parts of the UK which have had more like 3 or 4 feet. We have friends who are about 20 miles north of us who have been almost snowed-in.
    Of course, no-one can be sure if the extreme weather is a result of human activity or natural climate change, but I think it's got to be a strong case for minimising our impact on our planet. Plus, should the unthinkable happen, simple living puts you in a better position to start again - both through the spirit and the practicalities.

  3. It has be soooooooo cold here in the Midwest, we havent had a break since Thanksgiving, today it was 65 -quite overwhelming ! The weather is always doing something to someone here in North Americal
    I so envy your gardens and "chooks" and I love your blog ! Im looking forward to reading about the wedding plans.

  4. Glad to hear you guys are safe and sound. I hope the fires do not endanger Tricia's home either. I thought of you guys when I heard on the news about the fires. As you said, devastating on so many levels! My thoughts and prayers are with all those who are in the path of the fires & the flooding.

    Central Illinois

  5. I just heard about this on our news and wondered how you both were. I'm thankful you are both ok and away from the fires. The weather here in Ontario Canada has been odd from years past. It started snowing early November and literally hasn't stopped. This weekend alot is melting as we are getting warmer than normal temperatures yet it's to turn cold again. Such extremes! Blessings, Heather

  6. Dear Rhonda, Glad to hear you and your loved ones are safe. Here in Canada we see the awful fires on the news. We'll keep those effected in our thoughts and prayers.

  7. The fires are horrendous with whole communities gone up in flames. It is terrible to think that some of these fires were deliberately lit. People will still be found dead and the toll will rise. It is a totally heartbreaking situation for those of us who know the area yet it really drives home how great a loss of life is being sustained earthwide through one means or another. It is comforting to know that the Bible fortells a time where God will step in and stop all the rot. Cherrie

  8. I second that, everyone stay safe and make good choices involving travel.

  9. I am so glad that you posted this. Everytime I hear something about the fires there, I think of you and wish you and Hanno well. Thank all that is good that you are safe and sound!
    I too feel so bad for those who are suffering through all this extreme weather. So far, we have only had colder than the cold that we are used to and that is not so bad!

  10. My thoughts and prayers for everyone that they may be safe and sound!


  11. Hi Rhonda,
    Thank you for letting us know you're okay. Along with all the fires down in VIC there was a big one break out in Lane Cove in Sydney this weekend. I did hear about the flooding up your way and did think of you! Send some of your rain down this way..? There are about 35 people confirmed dead now with the fires in VIC - so sad :(

    I like your new profile picture!

  12. We are in Victoria, but not in a danger area. Nonetheless, it was terrible news to wake up to this morning. Very sobering. And prior to turning on the TV, I was stressing out about the ant infestation in my kitchen and the state of my garden. Now none of that seems quite so bad.

  13. So glad you are safe. Hoping others stay safe as well.

  14. We're all in absolute shock down here. I'm in inner city Melbourne, so am personally unaffected, but we do know people who have been evacuated, and the death and destruction is hugely catastrophic. An utter tragedy of massive proportions. We've just been crying all day.

  15. Glad to read that you are safe in your area, so sad to see the fires in other parts of Australia. We have it very cold here, and so have to order more wood for the fire.

  16. It's horrendous down here. Truly horrendous. My Dad and step mum have just managed to get back to their house which fortunately still stands. My cousin and her family were not so lucky. They have lost their home. Worse still, family friends have lost their father, their homes, their orchards (which were their business). It's more horrendous than Ash Wednesday which I still remember well.
    I feel so fortunate that my loved ones are safe but so overwhelmed for those who have lost so much and suffered so much trauma.
    Anyone who can give blood, particularly in Victoria, please do so tomorrow.

  17. Glad you're safe Rhonda. These climate extremes have been devastating for so many all over the world. We've even has snow here near Land's End in Cornwall, which is very rare!
    Diana x

  18. I am glad you are alright.

    I've just been watching the news - 640 houses and 80 confirmed deaths in Victoria. It's a huge tragedy, especially as some were deliberately lit.

  19. It is good to hear that you and Hanno are safe from the fires. You came to my mind when I heard of the fires. Our prayers are with all those who are going thru such devastating circumstances.

  20. The 'record snowfall' in the UK has been the worst in 20 years, has closed schools and roads, has apparently resulted in 1/5 of the population not going to work on a couple of days ... there was about 6-12 inches of it. Sure, it's unpleasant and treacherous to drive or walk on due to the ice, but when you compare it to the USA you realise just how much Brits like to moan about the weather :D (and yes, I'm British!)

    I hear of the fires in Aus as a tiny sidenote on the news and wish we'd just stop whinging about 6" of snow!

  21. Very glad to hear that you are safe and well. Awful this extreme of temperature... poor docwitch.. I cant bear it... keep safe.X

  22. It's good to hear that you and yours are safe, Rhonda. I've been reading the news about all the destruction in S. Australia and have been thinking and praying for you all. Thank you for the update.

    We're hoping for snow this week on the Front Range of the Rockies - we've had some but not what we need yet to prevent the summer from burning us up.

  23. Its prayers and tears from Mickle in NZ. We too have so many spots tinder dry, desparate for rain, yet getting temps in the high 30s and no rain........

    While all so dangerously dry, yet is still not as harsh and heart breaking as in the land of our cousin across the ditch (the Tasman Sea), Aussie

    Rural fire fighters at work and on watch, and on stand by in both countries.

    And in situations like these the 2 countries work together, and to help each other (ecpect for the current 0ne day cricket series!lol).

    Word verification = "under" Let us hope the fires don't start to run under the top soil. And hope for safety or all involved, Mickle xxxxx

  24. Glad to hear you and Hanno are OK, you were the first person I thought of when I saw the news this morning.

  25. I'm so glad you are both safe. Here in California where we have our own trouble with wildfires, we have only had a handful of rainy days, and very little snow. Last year was so bad for fires, and it only looks like this year will be worse. Fires can be so terrible and I just hope that everyone over there stays safe and most importantly, helps their neighbors to stay safe as well.

  26. Glad to hear you are safe from the elements.
    My husband has lost contact in the last year with an army buddy that has a horse ranch in New South Wales. I think it is called Y Not Ranch. His name is Jim Ellis. So if anyone knows him, please contact me.


  28. Great to hear you are safe.

  29. The death toll is now at 108. It's so sad. I've been watching the news and listening to the stories of loss, it's really heartbreaking.

    Hugs to Docwitch and Dani.

  30. Dear Rhonda,
    I could not wait to get to work to see if you and you husband were ok. I am glad you are safe. My heart goes out to the people there. You are all in my prayers.

  31. We began to hear small bits of news about this, last Friday evening over the radio (we do not have TV). It IS very sad to hear. I can only imagine how dry the area is. We will continue to keep this area in our prayers.

  32. So glad to hear you are out of harms way. I was concerned and thinking about you when I heard the news. Words escape me when I think of the number of people who have suffered such loss. I hope the situation is brought under control very soon ... and also that the people who started these fires are caught and punishes for their heinous and callous actions.

  33. I am so glad you are safe. I have been thinking of you and wondering if you were close to where the fires are. Prayers for all of those folks. Rhonda from USA


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