25 January 2009

Sunday reading

Here is some delightful Sunday reading for you. Ang lives off the grid in an old Amish farm with her husband and seven, soon to be eight, children. She writes here about cutting ice with her Amish neighbours and how she and her family had lunch in one of the Amish homes. The next post up, Ice Cutting Day two, tells of the following day when the Amish came to her home. They are wonderful posts, showing a peek at another way of life where sharing and helping are just the way things are.


  1. I have been reading her blog for a while and I do enjoy it.

  2. Many hands make light work... indeed!
    It's Saturday evening read for me, but really interesting nonetheless.

  3. Have you read this blog http://simplicityfirst.wordpress.com/

    It's about a woman and her family who just purchase Amish land and have started to live off the grid.

  4. The Amish are some of the nicest people I know. I have been fortunate enough to have AMish freinds and break bread with them and intermingle. I live within AMish communities and interact with them daily. There is no better freind than an Amish freind. I have learned so much from them and they from me as well. We have many kitchen table conversations about raising teenagers (Amish teenagers versus "English" teenagers.)
    Good People.

  5. badhuman, yes I do read that blog when I have time.

  6. Thanks Rhonda Jean for mentioning this blog. As I also homeschool, its nice to read of others too. Also I love to visit your blog and have gained so much more by what you have shared and enjoy doing things from scratch and also teaching my children new skills etc. Have a nice day. Angela

  7. Rhonda, I just found your blog by accident, while I was looking for a recipe for rebatching soap. I love your simple tutorial. I live in NJ in the US. I have searched all th food stores for LUX flakes and can not find them. Any suggesstions? Can they be substituted for something else or purchased on the internet? I just want to thank you for yoor great blog, it is so uplifing. W are going thru a hard tome right now and I see hope and I am am grateful for that. Thanks so much!!!♥♥♥

  8. Hello Angela, welcome.

    Debbie, Lux Flakes are sold in Australia. They're pure soap flakes so if you can find another brand of pure flake, that would be fine. If you can't find flakes, grate some laundry soap or homemade soap on a cheese grater. Good luck.

  9. Quite fascinating, thanks for the link Rhonda.

    I have been inordinately proud of winding a bobbin, threading a machine and needle and doing a few stitches on a powered computerised machine. I am suitably humbled -- with an admiring nod and smile to the Amish ladies.

  10. Rhonda. thanks for getting back to me. So I shold use the same recipe but with different soap? My friend who makes soap gave me tons of leftover soap to rebatch. I'm just not sure how to go about it. Can regular milk be used? Or should I just melt the soap and add scent and color? I really want to make some. My daughters want to as well. We hae never made soap before, hence all the questions. Any help would be appreciated. procek@verizon.net

  11. Rhonda,

    I also have 1 more question what size knitting needles and yarn did you use for the fingertless gloves? I would love to make some for my 2 daughters.

  12. Debbie, if you have the soap for rebatching there, just grate some of it and use that instead of the flakes. You should use the method and the recipe your friend gave you. I'm no expert on rebatching soap.

    I used pure wool - 8 ply - and, I think, size 5 or 6 needles.

  13. Hi Rhonda Jean! I wondered where I was getting all these new followers :) Thanks for linking to me. We have had a wonderful week.

    I should say we have 5 children, soon to be 6 (more later i am sure) our family of 7 people, soon to be 8 :)

    God bless!

  14. Oops Ang. I don't want to increase your family before you actually do it. Thanks for setting me straight.

  15. Thanks for this Rhonda. I've really enjoyed reading about this family.

    Blessings Gail

  16. if it were really that easy, I would take you up on it! Especially since i have almost 11# babies! Stay tuned! one was 23.5"

  17. It seems like Homemaker Ang has quit posting on her Blog. Used to follower her all the time.


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